  • 只有付讫全费才可票发出.
    Tickets are issued only against payment of the full fee.
  • 由于不能毅然面对可怕的来,这个意志薄弱的女人自杀了。
    Unable to face the threatening future, the feeble-minded woman took her own life.
  • 临时市政局已完成透过5年计划检讨图书馆服务,并市民的回应纳入5年计划内。
    Review of the library service through the Five-Year Plan was completed and feedback from the public was incorporated.
  • 想要国人留下来,做一名勇敢的“守”,那么请政府给我们一个我们可以捍卫的空间。
    If offering feedback does not seem to serve a purpose, how many Singaporeans will persist in providing feedback and opinions in the long run?If the government wants Singaporeans to be “stayers”, then please give us the space to stay on.
  • 九号货柜码头设有4个深水泊位和两个接驳船泊位,以供大型远洋轮船和本区货轮互相交收货柜之用。
    The terminal will consist of four deep-sea berths and two feeder berths to accommodate the interchange of containers between large ocean-going vessels and regional carriers.
  • 教育不仅仅意味着事实传授给学生。
    Education does not mean merely feeding facts to students.
  • 我认为我们将获胜。
    I feel that we shall win.
  • 我校按照所附合同条款支付酬金。
    The Institute will pay fees according to the contract of engagement enclosed herewith.
  • 他举手树枝从他眼前档开。
    He raised his arm up to fend branches from his eyes.
  • 尽力为我们查出他们到底去了哪里。
    She will try her best to ferret out for us where they have gone.
  • 渡口如河或海湾等用渡船乘客或货物运送过水体的场所
    A place where passengers or goods are transported across a body of water, such as a river or bay, by a ferryboat.
  • 他们排去沼泽地的水,它变成了肥沃的土地。
    They drain the swamp and turn it into fertile land.
  • 18.真菌在腐化过程中十分重要,而腐化过程化学物质回馈于土壤,提高其肥力,并分解动物粪便。
    18. Fungi are important in the process of decay, which returns ingredients to the soil, enhances soil fertility, and decomposes animal debris.
  • 今后几年,重点推广优良新品种、水稻旱育稀植及抛秧、地膜覆盖、精量半精量机械化播种、病虫害综合防治、科学用肥、节水灌溉和旱作农业等重大适用技术。
    In the next few years China will concentrate on spreading the following important agricultural techniques: improved new varieties, paddy rice nurture in dry nursery and thin planting by throwing rice seedlings, plastic mulching, precise and semi-precise mechanical seeding, the integrated pest management, scientific fertilization, water-saving irrigation, and dry land farming.
  • 曾轰动一时的中泰混血小提琴家陈美,在1995年发行的专辑封面上,穿得像是刚赢得“性感睡衣”大赛一样,从此各家唱片公司就到处找寻能够小提琴拉得性感紧绷的女音乐家高手。
    Ever since Thai-Chinese violin sensation Vanessa-Mae was featured on a 1995 album cover as if she had just won a wet-nightgown competition,record companies have been prowling for accomplished female musicians capable of playing fiddle at a high,steamy pitch.
  • (希腊神话)奥德修斯的妻子,忠诚与奉献的象征;在奥德修斯参加特洛伊战争的十年中,他拒绝了大量求婚者,直到奥德修斯回来后他们杀死。
    (Greek mythology) the wife of Odysseus and a symbol of devotion and fidelity; for 10 years while Odysseus fought the Trojan War she resisted numerous suitors until Odysseus returned and killed them.
  • 最近与美国梅隆基金会的合作把数字技术提高到全新水平。观众在虚拟的洞窟中,从任何距离和角度,鉴赏到高清晰、高保真的三维图景。
    The cooperation recently started with the Mellon Foundation of the United States will raise the digital technique to a completely new level to allow the audience to appreciate high-definition and high-fidelity three-dimensional images.
  • 地质班的学生把本学年的全部时间用作野外勘探。
    The students of the geological class will be out on field exploration for the duration of the school year.
  • 球击向外场员的左侧,然后迅速跑过去。
    The flayed to the ball to the fielder's left, and took a quick run.
  • 助杀,助攻能使同队伙伴击败另一击球者垒球掷于地或抛出
    A fielding and throwing of a baseball in such a way that enables a teammate to put out a runner.
  • 飞球运动员为防守练习而击打的腾空球,先球抛起来,在球未落地前,用长而细的轻快球棒击打
    A fly ball hit for fielding practice by a player who tosses the ball up and hits it on its way down with a long, thin, light bat.
  • 在战争的第一阶段,战略上内线作战的正规军是后退的,但是战略上外线作战的游击队则广泛地向着敌人后方大踏步前进,第二阶段更加猛烈地前进,形成了后退和前进的奇异形态。
    In the first stage of the war, the regular army operating strategically on interior lines is withdrawing, but the guerrilla units operating strategically on exterior lines will advance with great strides over wide areas to the rear of the enemy -- they will advance even more fiercely in the second stage -- thereby presenting a remarkable picture of both withdrawal and advance.
  • 下周,他给家里寄15元钱。
    He will sent home fifteen dollars next week.
  • 他在第五个回合中对手击昏。
    He put his opponent out in the fifth round.
  • 五是逐步实行零售价格印在药品外包装上的办法,提高透明度,以利于消费者的自我保护。
    Fifthly, efforts will be made to print the retail prices on the drug package to raise transparency and to facilitate the self-protection of consumers.
  • 放映电影影像投射到一屏幕或其他可视表面上的过程
    The process of projecting a filmed image onto a screen or other viewing surface.
  • 明天,我们整天拍电影。
    We will be filming all day tomorrow.
  • 在用水以前先其中不清洁的东西过滤掉。
    Filter out all the dirt before using the water.
  • 肾单位脊椎动物肾内能废物从血液中清除的无数个能起过滤作用的单位的任何一个
    Any of the numerous filtering units of the vertebrate kidney that remove waste matter from the blood.
  • 过滤产品最明显的优势是提高网络安全的能力,但也有很多组织它们用于内部网络控制。如url过滤器可以用于阻断对某些站点的访问和保持生产率。又如elron软件公司生产的消息检查器是一种电子邮件过滤器,采用上下文敏感过滤去除电子邮件、消息组或ftp网点中的攻击性或敏感性通信。
    The most obvious benefit of filtering products is the ability to boost network security, but many organizations also use them for internal network control.For example, URL filters can be used to block access to certain sites and to maintain productivity.Message Inspector, an e-mail filter produced by Elron Software Inc., uses context-sensitive filtering to weed out offensive or sensitive communications in e-mail, newsgroups or FTP sites.
  • 手指压在嘴唇上示意安静下来。
    She placed her fin-gem to her lips to signal silence.
  • 当你肉罐中剩下的油倒掉之后,加一点面粉肉汤弄稠。
    When you have poured off the fat left in the meat fin, add a little flour to thicken the meat juices.