  • 我们正在建立数以十计、也可能是数以百计的部网。”
    We are implementing tens of intranets, probably in the hundreds."
  • 第一,实施更加积极的财政政策,进一步扩大国需求。
    First, implementing a more active financial policy to further expand domestic demand.
  • 实现这些技术需要对通信部详情很深的理解以及编写低层次程序代码之能力。
    Implementing them requires a high-level understanding of communication internals and the ability to write low-level code.
  • 工人(雇农在)一般全无土地和工具,有些工人有极小部分的土地和工具。
    The worker (including the farm labourer) as a rule owns no land or farm implements, though some do own a very small amount of land and very few farm implements.
  • 该村是法定古迹,村陈列传统客家人的家具和农具。
    The village, a declared monument, was furnished with traditional Hakka furniture and farming implements.
  • 涵一个名辞里固有的含义和暗含意思的总和
    The sum of meanings and corresponding implications inherent in a term.
  • 言外之意包括单词字面意思之外普通意义的全部涵的意义
    The set of associative implications constituting the general sense of a word in addition to its literal sense.
  • 含意;暗流;在性质隐含的或含蓄的倾向或意义;潜在势力
    An underlying or implied tendency or meaning; an undercurrent.
  • 尽管没有直接表达但是有所暗示;在于某事物的本性之中。
    implied though not directly expressed; inherent in the nature of something.
  • ”不看对方有多种含意,包括害怕、蔑视、不安、疚或无所谓等。
    " Not looking at the person could imply a number of things, including fear, contempt, uneasiness, guilt or indifference.
  • 我们说运动的方向是向着和平、民主和抗战,但不是说不经努力能够把战、独裁和不抵抗的旧毒扫除干净。
    We maintain that the trend is towards peace, democracy and resistance, but this does not imply that the old evils -- civil war, dictatorship and non-resistance -- will be swept away without any effort.
  • oracle9iaswireless当然可以成为一个wap服务器,但更重要的是它使用xml将容转换为适用于任意设备的任意格式。
    Oracle9iAS Wireless can certainly be a WAP server but more importantly it uses XML to translate the content to any format for any device.
  •  生产者、销售者、进口者或者使用者必须在国务院经济综合主管部门会同国务院有关部门规定的期限分别停止生产、销售、进口或者使用列入前款规定的名录中的设备。
    Producers, sellers, importers or users shall stop the production, sale, importation or use of the equipment listed in the catalog as mentioned in the preceding paragraph. This must be done within the time limit prescribed by the competent department for comprehensive economic and trade affairs under the State Council in conjunction with the relevant departments under the State Council.
  • 出口商有义务在规定的期限将规定产品只卖给进口商一家。
    The exporter is obliged to sell the specified products during the specified period to nobody but the importer.
  • 进口商也有他自己的义务,就是在规定的期限,他应只向出口商一家购买,如果他所在国家的法律允许的话。
    The importer has his own obligations, too. That is, during the specified period, he should buy from the exporter only, if his country's law permits.
  • 该寺的外墙均以白云石建造,庄严肃穆,是尖沙咀区一座别具特色的宏伟建筑物。
    This imposing building, with white marble finishing, is adistinctive landmark in Tsim Sha Tsui.
  • 为了抵制外来竞争保护国竞争强迫接受关税或限制出口额。
    the imposition of duties or quotas on imports in order to protect domestic industry against foreign competition.
  • ,该处视察工厂和检查货物共76894次,调查了3579宗个案,结果成功检控1413名违法者,判处的罚款共达2,529万元。
    In 1999, the branch carried out 76 894 factory and consignment inspections and 3 579 investigations. It successfully prosecuted 1 413 offenders, resulting in the imposition of fines amounting to $25.29 million.
  • 他暗示要在两个月结束这项工作是不可能的。
    He hinted at the impossibility of winding up the work in two months.
  • 我们在一天之完成这份工作是不可能的。
    It's impossible for us to finish the work in one day.
  • 我要把我所有的亲爱的朋友们都叫到我这里来,长久地注视着他们的面容,把他们的在美的外部证据深深地印在我的脑海中。
    I should call to me all my dear friends and look long into their faces, imprinting upon my mind the outward evidences of the beauty that is within them.
  • 妨害风化罪常被处以3年以的徒刑。
    An offence against morality is often punished by imprisonment not exceeding three years.
  • 运动服不适于在教堂穿。
    Sports clothes are improper for wearing in church.
  • 呼,叫在需求;强烈的驱动力
    An inner urge; a strong impulse.
  • 冲动发自心的愿望或欲望;冲动
    A wish or an urge from within; an impulse.
  • 在全国解放前后的两年,党的组织的发展过分迅速,而在有些地区,这种发展几乎是没有领导、没有计划的,甚至有些地区,在群众还没有发动的条件下,就忙于大量征收党员,建立支部,因而使党的组织一度产生了严重不纯的现象。
    In the two years just before and after nationwide liberation, Party membership grew with undue speed; in certain areas it grew practically without guidance or plan, while Party organizations in some areas even went about recruiting new members in large numbers and setting up Party branches before the masses were aroused. The result was that certain Party organizations were at one time highly impure.
  • 36.everglades是美国境最为荒凉和人迹罕至的地区之一,此处有大量的野生动植物而且大多受(法律)保护。
    36. One of the wildest and most inaccessible parts of the United States is the Everglades where wildlife is abundant and largely protected.
  • 报告的主要容是退休金不敷应用。
    The report's main finding is that pensions are inadequate.
  • 非西方世界的观点、忧虑和利益通常都被忽略,就算有把它们考虑在,也考虑得不够透彻。
    The views, concerns and interests of the non-Western world are often ignored or inadequately considered.
  • 联合国通过的《关于各国政不容干涉及其独立与主权之保护宣言》、《关于各国依联合国宪章建立友好关系及合作之国际法之原则之宣言》和《不容干涉和干预别国政宣言》都明确规定:“任何国家或国家集团均无权以任何理由直接或间接干涉任何其他国家之政和外交事务”,“各国有义务避免利用和歪曲人权问题,以此作为对其他国家或国家集团部或彼此之间制造猜疑和混乱的手段”。
    The Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention in the Domestic Affairs of States and the Protection of Their Independence and Sovereignty, the Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation Among States in Accordance With the Charter of the United Nations, and the Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention and Interference in the Internal Affairs of States, which were all adopted by the United Nations, contain the following explicit provisions: "No State or group of States has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, for any reason whatsoever, in the internal or external affairs of any other State," and every state has the duty "to refrain from the exploitation and the distortion of human rights issues as a means of interference in the internal affairs of States, of exerting pressure on other States or creating distrust and disorder within and among States or groups of States."
  • 在字符识别中,字符笔划无意产生的缺乏墨水的空白点。
    In character recognition, the inadvertent absence of ink within a character outline.
  • 如前所述,台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分,一九四九年中华人民共和国政府取代中华民国政府成为全中国的唯一合法政府,已经享有和行使包括台湾在的全中国的主权。
    As we have already said, Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory and, after replacing the government of the Republic of China in 1949, the government of the PRC has become the sole legal government of China, enjoying and exercising sovereignty over the whole of China, including Taiwan.