  • 个很受欢迎的消遣的地方。
    a most welcome relief.
  • 快乐地差点大叫起来
    All but crying with relief.
  • 我打电话来是想查询下你在报上刊登的住屋广告。
    I'm calling about the apartment to you,advertised in the paper.
  • 他安心地松了囗气。
    He breathed a sigh of relief.
  • 我看到本书的广告,想来问问看。
    I'm calling about a book I saw advertised.
  • 他的幽默可使人松了口气。
    His humour provided some welcome light relief.
  • 他们做广告说有辆旧汽车要卖。
    They advertised a used car for sale.
  • 接替哨兵、同事、司机
    Relieve a sentry, workmate, driver
  • 那是张新电影的海报。
    a poster advertised the coming attractions.
  • 这是一次公开招标。
    This is an advertised bidding.
  • 任何种可治腹痛疝痛等的植物
    Any of various other plants thought to relieve colic.
  • 下士小时后接替卫兵。
    The corporal will relieve the sentry in an hour.
  • 她从不看见做广告的东西就买;她总是花点时间多走几家商店买最便宜的。
    She never buys the first thing that she sees advertised; she always spends a little time shopping round for the best price.
  • 我给你一点药止疼。
    I'll give you something to relieve the pain.
  • 要想喊叫你就喊叫吧——这样会使你的把感情发泄出来而感到好受些。
    Shout if you want to –it'll relieve your feeling.
  • 一个贼偷了我5美元。
    A thief relieved me of $5.
  • 几年来,自从引进了驾驶考试,就使得驾驶领域的情形如同块容易发财的宝地,任何拥有辆车并有执照会驾驶的人都能当起驾驶指导教师并做广告招学生。
    For several years after the introduction of a Driving Test the situation was that of a Tom Tiddler's Ground, where anyone who owned a car and held a licence to drive himself could set himself up as a driving instructor and advertise for pupils.
  • 那件事使他免於手责任。
    That relieved him of all responsibility.
  • 听你这么说,我真是松了口气。
    I'm relieved to hear that.
  • 你将被免除切工作。
    You will be relieved of all work.
  • 这样就发生了连锁反应:因为做广告有利可图,切优质商品就成了广告商品,于是广告商高兴,读者高兴,编辑也会高兴。
    And so the chain went on, and because it pays to advertise, and all good goods are advertised goods; the advertisers were happy, the readers were happy, and the editors may be.
  • 她大哭场,发泄她的感情。
    Her feelings were relieved by a good cry.
  • 这给我们减去部分行李的负担。
    This relieved us of part of our luggage.
  • 在军队中短暂地呆了段时间后,特纳把精力投入到父亲的广告牌业务中。他购买了家广播电台,然后利用空闲的广告牌为电台做宣传。
    After a brief spell in the armed forces,he ploughed his energies into his father's billboard business,purchasing a radio station and using empty billboards to advertise it.
  • 祛痰药,舒胸药种用于缓解胸部或呼吸道不适的药物
    A medicine for relieving disorders of the chest or respiratory tract.
  • 例如,农产品批发商无需对餐馆作土豆或西红柿的厂告,因为大多批发商出售的产品质量都差不多,都属于同档次。
    Produce wholesalers, for example, do not need to advertise their potatoes or tomatoes to restaurants because most wholesalers sell similar grades and quality of products.
  • 对于个军官来说,海军所能采取的最严厉的处罚,除了军法审判以外,就是解除个舰长对该艘军舰的指挥权。不过此事很少发生。
    Relieving a captain of command of a warship is considered one of the most severe punishments that the Navy can take against an officer short of courtmartial, and it happens rarely.
  • 他接过我的马时,别别扭扭地不高兴地低声自言自语着,同时又那么愤怒地盯着我的脸,使我善意地揣度他定需要神来帮助才能消化他的饭食,而他那虔诚的突然喊叫跟我这突然来访是毫无关系的。
    he soliloquized in an undertone of peevish displeasure, while relieving me of my horse: looking, meantime, in my face so sourly that I charitably conjectured he must have need of divine aid to digest his dinner, and his pious ejaculation had no reference to my unexpected advent.
  • 正因为这种趋势和现象的冲击、演变,下世纪也许会出现个“世界教”,统合目前世界上的大宗教派系。
    Because of the impact and evolution of these trends and phenomena, a "World Religion" may appear in the next century, amalgamating the major religions of today's world.
  • 正因为这种趋势和现象的冲击、演变,下世纪也许会出现个“世界教”,统合目前世界上的大宗教派系。
    Because of the impact and evolution of this trend and phenomenon, a "World Religion" may appear in the next century, amalgamating the major religions of today's world.
  • 在那个年代,单是征求“秘书”已经不行了,所以他征求个“女助理”。
    It was no use just advertising for a “secretary” in those days, so he'd advertise for a “girl-Friday”.
  • 历史上,新疆的宗教虽然直在不断演变,但自从外来宗教传入以来所形成的多种宗教并存的格局却直保持下来。
    Historically, the dominance of a particular religion has kept changing from time to time in Xinjiang, but the coexistence of multiple religions following the introduction of outside religious faiths has never changed.