  • 在他生病期,他的大部分工作将移交给我。
    While he's ill, most of his work will devolve on me.
  • 大使休假期,职务由一等秘书代理。
    When the Ambassador is on leave, his duties devolve upon the First Secretary.
  • 我们打算在德文郡租农舍住一个月。
    We're taking a cottage in Devon for a month.
  • 请把更多的时用于工作。
    Please devote more time to your work.
  • 他把他的全部时都用在工作上了。
    He devoted all his time to his job.
  • 不要浪费太多的时玩游戏。
    Do not devote too much time to games.
  • 为了一项任务投入时,努力等。
    devote (time, effort, etc.) to a task.
  • 我每天都花部分业余时练习小提琴。
    I devote part of my spare time to playing violin everyday.
  • 你可以调整得更勤一些,这取决于你花在投资上的时
    You can readjust more frequently, depending on the time you have to devote to investing.
  • 因此,他们不可能有足够的时用于学习或工作。
    As a result, it is impossible to devote enough time and energy in their study and job.
  • 把时间用于科研
    the devotion of one's time to scientific research
  • 把过多的时用于体育运动就使用于学习的时太少了。
    The devotion of too much time to sports leaves too little time for studying.
  • 把时都花在没有用的事情上。
    the devotion of time to a useless activity.
  • 他对科学的时和健康投入。
    the devotion of his time and wealth to science.
  • 起露的时候晚上开始形成露水的时
    The time of evening when dew begins to form.
  • 婆罗门牛一种美国南部产家养牛,原产于印度,在肩与颈下垂肉之有一隆肉,适于热带气侯,主要用于杂交
    One of a breed of domestic cattle developed in the southern United States from stock originating in India and having a hump between the shoulders and a pendulous dewlap. Well adapted to hot climates, it is used chiefly for crossbreeding.
  • 我预定了本星期日的房。我的名字叫德克斯特。
    I have reservation for this Sunday. My name is Dexter.
  • 会诊医生之讨论某一病例的诊断或治疗的会议
    A meeting between physicians to discuss the diagnosis or treatment of a case.
  • 展现系统(尤其是电子系统)各要素之相互关系的一种图表。
    a diagram showing the interconnections between the components of system (especially an electronic system).
  • 在电子学中,使用约定符号表示一个电子设备各部件连接情况的原理图。
    In electronics, a schematic diagram using conventional symbols to show the connections between components in an electronic device.
  • 展现特定的时地点的行星和黄道十二宫位置的图表。
    a diagram of the positions of the planets and signs of the zodiac at a particular time and place.
  • 拨上新时间即可。
    Just dial your new wake-up time.
  • 这房里有直拨电话吗?
    Is there a direct-dial phone in the room?
  • 这房里有直拨电话吗?
    Be there a direct- dial phone in the room?
  • 这房里有直拨电话吗?
    Is there a direct - dial phone in the room?
  • 一种用户与交互式数据处理系统的对话(过程)。
    A dialog between a user and an interactive data processing system.
  • 在管理层和工会之大概会有某种形式的对话。
    Presumably one would want to get some kind of dialog going between management and the unions.
  • 用来修饰或说明在用户和系统之提供类似于人与人之会话的交互工作的交互系统。
    Pertaining to an interactive system that provides for interaction between a user and a system similar to a human dialog.
  • 世界各国领导人之需要多交换意见.
    More dialogue between world leaders is needed.
  • 我们两国政府终于可以进行合理的对话了。
    At last there can be reasonable dialogue between our governments.
  • 田园诗田园诗,常以牧羊人之对话的形式出现
    A pastoral poem, usually in the form of a dialogue between shepherds.
  • 一只中镶有钻石的戒指
    a ring with a diamond in the center