  • 我们在课外练习上了很多时间。
    We spend a lot of time practising out of class.
  • 士兵可能要很多年培训,他们会成为自己领域的专家,突然他们捐躯了就会导致能力没那么强,技术没那么高超的人来替代他,因为替代他的人不见得受过多年的培训。所以不仅从道义上,从实际角度出发也要避免士兵的伤亡。
    Soldiers may spend years being trained. They may b experts in their field and suddenly when they are dead they are going to be replaced by someone who is less capable, less than an expert because they won't have the years of training, so it's not only moral but it's pragmatic to avoid the losses of one's soldiers.
  • 另一方面,海外基金经理没有点时间评估亚太区的基本因素,便突然改变他们在亚太区的投资比重,这使区内所有市场都蒙受损失。
    And all our markets have suffered as overseas fund managers precipitately change their weightings in this region without taking time to weigh up the fundamentals.
  • 例如某些木兰属品种的、在叶子之前出现的早成
    precocious flowers appear before the leaves as in some species of magnolias.
  • 了前张专辑一半的时间,它的销量就突破百万大关。
    It took just half the time of its predecessor to surpass the million mark in sales.
  • 鸡,苍头燕雀欧洲一种小型鸣鸟(苍头燕雀燕雀属),雄鸟的羽毛主要为红棕色
    A small European songbird(Fringilla coelebs), the male of which has predominantly reddish-brown plumage.
  • 任何一种属于k种的植物,主要在沿海地区生长;由于其象芙蓉的而被种植。
    any of various plants of the genus Kosteletzya predominantly of coastal habitats; grown for their hibuscuslike flowers.
  • 在华人为主的台湾社会,传统节庆如清明节、端午节及中秋节,都有假期及红可拿,过节时便也有钱有闲忙些应景活动(或扫墓、或赛龙舟、或赏月)。
    In Taiwan, which is predominantly a Chinese society, traditional events like Qingming, Dragon Boat and Mooncake Festivals all come with rest days and bonuses, allowing people to engage in activities to celebrate them.
  • 这些中大部分是红色和白色的。
    Red and white predominate in these flowers.
  • 在我们的园中水仙最多。
    Daffodils predominate in our garden.
  • 比起爱情专一,他更喜欢到处拈惹草。
    He preferred play the field t go steady.
  • 比起爱情专一,他更喜欢到处枮惹草。
    He preferred playing the field to going steady.
  • 在准备食物上钱毫不吝啬。
    No expense was spared in preparing the food.
  • 为准备这顿饭他确实了不少劲。
    He really went to town on preparing the meal.
  • 他献给她一束花。
    He presented her with a bunch of flowers.
  • 他们献花给老师。
    They presented flowers to their teacher.
  • 市政委员会了不少钱来维修那座古城堡和其它古迹。
    The Town Council spent a lot of money to preserve the old castle and other places of historic interest.
  • 她认为在教堂中插是她的专门工作。
    She considers the arranging of flowers in the church to be her own preserve.
  • 我们用将这个地方装饰得漂亮点了。
    We prettied the place up a bit with a few flowers.
  • 她在接受鲜时,笑得真迷人.
    She smiled prettily as she accepted the flowers.
  • 多么漂亮的小花园!
    What a pretty little garden!
  • 一整天询问衣服的价格
    Spent the day pricing dresses.
  • 菊科欧亚草本植物的一个属,叶多刺,大,略带紫色。
    a genus of Eurasian herbs of the family Compositae with prickly foliage and large purplish flowers.
  • 一种欧亚蔷薇,茎多刺,叶芳香,淡粉红色,果实深红色。
    Eurasian rose with prickly stems and fragrant leaves and bright pink flowers followed by scarlet hips.
  • 一年生药草,具带刺的枝干和大黄;分布于美国南部至西印度群岛和墨西哥地区。
    annual herb with prickly stems and large yellow flowers; southern United States to West Indies and Mexico.
  • 有很大的头状序和多刺的叶子的欧洲蓟;在美国作为野草广泛引入。
    European thistle with rather large heads and prickly leaves; extensively naturalized as a weed in the United States.
  • 倒提壶属植物一种倒提壶属植物,产于欧亚大陆,叶子上长有绒毛,开红紫色小,结有带刺、果肉紧贴于核的果实
    Any of several Eurasian plants of the genus Cynoglossum, having hairy leaves, small reddish-purple flowers, and prickly, clinging fruit.
  • 在棉织品上印卉图案
    Print a flower design on cotton fabric
  • 很高兴接到你方六月六日印棉布的订单。
    We are pleased to receive your order of16th June for cotton prints.
  • 谢谢你方7月12日来信并寄给我们印样。
    Thank you for your letter of July 12 sending us patterns of cotton prints.
  • 那时候他最喜欢的一件是白兰印布做的,但是她试穿后,痛苦地发现裙子腰身太宽大了。多年的贫困使她的身体早变得很瘦小了。
    The one he liked best in the old days was a blue-and-white print. But when she tried it on she saw with distress that the waist hung loose, so thin had her body become from the years of privation.
  • 在花展中获奖的展品
    A prize exhibit in the flower show