  • 他在笔记本的空白处信手画了许许多多道道。
    The margins of his notebook were festooned with doodles.
  • 让玛丽林代表我们去谈判,我很高兴,因为她能迫使对方接受苛刻件。
    I am happy to let Marilyn negotiate for us because she can drive a hard bargain.
  • 用细沟或痕作标记。
    mark with striae or striations.
  • 纹做符号的方法。
    the act of marking with stripes.
  • 细长纹一窄标记,如纹或带状物
    A narrow marking, as a stripe or band.
  • 一种用线做标记的动作。
    the act of marking or outlining with lines.
  • 斑点有花纹或有斑点的纹,如马身上的
    Mottled or spotted marking, as on a horse's coat.
  • 标记被水浸没深度的线。
    a line marking the level reached by a body of water.
  • 第六之二〔商标:驰名商标〕
    Article 6bis [Marks: Well-Known Marks]
  • 第六之六〔商标:服务标记〕
    Article 6sexies [Marks: Service Marks]
  • 第六之四〔商标:商标的转让〕
    Article 6quater [Marks: Assignment of Marks]
  • 道路的新规章是开放的,并是用tcp/ip、超文本传输协议、超文本标记语言和现在sun公司的java语言来描述的。
    The new rules of the road are open and are spelled TCP/IP, Hypertext Transport Protocol, Hypertext Markup Language and now Sun's Java.
  • 适合结婚的准备结婚的;具备结婚年龄或件的。用于年轻女子
    Ready for marriage; of a marriageable age or condition. Used of young women.
  • 新的大路破坏了农村的美景。
    The big new road mars the beauty of the countryside.
  • 法国的一主要河流;在马赛附近流入地中海。
    a major French river; flows into the Mediterranean near Marseilles.
  • 因此,我们红军的指导者,在既定的客观物质基础即军事、政治、经济、自然诸件之上,就必须发挥我们的威力,提挈全军,去打倒那些民族的和阶级的敌人,改变这个不好的世界。
    Therefore, given the objective material foundations, i.e., the military, political, economic and natural conditions, our Red Army commanders must display their prowess and marshal all their forces to crush the national and class enemies and to transform this evil world.
  • 第二十四 新建铁路编制站、铁路货运干线、过境公路、机场和重要军事设施等应当避开市区。
    Article 24 The marshalling yards for newly built railways, trunk lines for freight trains, transit highways, airports and important military establishments shall be built away from the urban districts.
  • 香蒲属植物一种多年生香蒲属草本植物,广泛地分布于沼泽地区,有长带状的叶子和浓密细小的圆形花朵和果实
    Any of various perennial herbs of the genus Typha, widespread in marshy places and having long, straplike leaves and a dense, cylindrical cluster of minute flowers and fruits.
  • 数据集市的一个先决件是有一个点与击的图形用户接口(指鼠标器——译注),让用户执行所有的特性集,同时在整个产品中都是一致的。
    One prerequisite of a data mart is a point-and-click GUI that allows the user to execute all features sets and is consistent across the product.
  • 首先,你应该知道,跆拳道源于东方古代武术,讲究礼仪是一非常重要的原则。
    First you should know that taekwondo was derived from the ancient oriental martial arts, and courtesy is a very important tenet.
  • 游客们惊叹这湖的美丽。
    The tourists marvel at the beauty of the lake.
  • 他在这样不利的件之下犹能成功,这使我感到惊异。
    I marvel that he was able to succeed against such odds.
  • 男子汉,刚毅作为男子的品质或
    The quality or condition of being masculine.
  • 他们吃汉堡牛排,油炸土豆,香肠和马铃薯泥,一直吃到肚子鼓鼓的。
    They'd eaten beefburgers and chip and sausage and mash until it came out of their ears.
  • 女招待:你要烤土豆、土豆泥还是炸薯
    You want baked, mashed or French?
  • 超过隐蔽的卡车行驶到另一路上-t.h.怀特;隐蔽是一个背景屏或者幕布用来挡住部分舞台不让观众看到。
    speeding down the other lane beyond the masking truck- T.H.White; a masking piece is a flat or curtain that hides part of the stage from the audience.
  • 两端弯成直角的一金属;用以固结石造物或木料。
    a strip of metal with ends bent at right angles; used to hold masonry together.
  • 杰夫:科曼的这项奇迹是在1997年马萨诸塞州的一高速公路上创造的。
    Jeff: Koman's miracle was created on a speedway in Massachusetts in 1997.
  • 午餐你要价多少?;这人一信息就要价100美元。
    How much do you charge for lunch? This fellow charges $100 for a massage.
  • 日本首相森喜朗的内阁周二上午进行总辞,为森喜朗宣布新内阁名单正式开启了一路。
    Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori's Cabinet resigned en masse Tuesday morning, formally opening the way for Mori to announce a new Cabinet that will oversee a sweeping restructuring of Japan's bureaucracy.
  • 那高个子老是穿着一长不及踝的裤子。
    The tall man always wore his trousers at half mast.
  • 奥运会场馆及其相关设施建设充分考虑残疾运动员和残疾人观众的特殊要求,为实现残疾人"平等、参与、共享"的目标创造件。
    In the construction of the Olympic venues and related facilities, we will give full consideration to the special needs of the athletes and spectators with physical disabilities, to materialize the goal of "equality, participation and sharing".