  • 鼓励外商投资物流业,建立一批外商投资出采购中心。
    Foreign investors are also encouraged to invest in logistics industry and to set up a number of foreign-funded export procurement centers.
  • 随着安然能源公司的丑闻曝光,曾经风光无限地在公司休斯顿总部门装点门面的标志图案"e"也身价大跌。近日,在安然公司的破产拍卖会上,其中一个"e"的售价仅为1万多美金,而两个月前,另一个完全相同的图案"e"价钱是它的四倍。
    One of the famed tilted "E" Enron logo signs that once adorned the front of the fallen energy giant's Houston headquarters sold for a paltry $10,500, less than a fourth of what a virtually identical sign sold for two months ago.
  • 1985年新疆被国际自然医学会列为世界上四个长寿地区之一,每百万人百岁老人数居全国之冠。
    Xinjiang was cited as one of the four longevity areas in the world by the International Society of Natural Medication in 1985. The number of centenarians per million of Xinjiang’s population ranks first in the country.
  • 他费劲地从胸把艾瑞克拉开——既不情愿又充满渴望,似乎处在痛苦之中。
    He pried Erik from his chest--unwillingly, longingly-- as though he were in pain.
  • 这个节目后面的一部分时间里,他一直盯着我右肩上方被灯光照亮的‘出’两个字。
    he spent the rest of the act gazing longingly over my right shoulder at the illuminated word `Exit'.
  • 码头工人;港口工人
    A dockworker; a longshoreman.
  • 出口贸易在好转。
    Exports are looking up.
  • 该路由器检查包的ip地址,查找路由表,看看目的端点是否位于本地(物理位置)网络,它通常叫做ip子网,ip子网一般被分配到路由器的每个网络接上。
    The router inspects the packet's IP address and performs a route table lookup to see if the destination endstation resides on the local (physically connected) network, typically called an IP subnet.An IP subnet usually is assigned to each of the router's network interfaces.
  • 小号一种高音铜管乐器,由一根从前为环状的金属管和呈喇叭得末端构成,现代小号上装有三个活瓣以制造不同的音高
    A soprano brass wind instrument consisting of a long metal tube looped once and ending in a flared bell, the modern type being equipped with three valves for producing variations in pitch.
  • 像空袋似地松垂着。
    hang loosely, like an empty bag.
  • 做手术时敷在刀处的松软的棉敷布。
    a loosely woven cotton dressing for incisions made during surgery.
  • 他本来真的不会告诉我,但我给他喝了一些威士忌酒,从他头套出些东西。
    He shouldn't have told me really but I gave him a few whiskies to loosen his tongue.
  • 即使在这种落后的经济状况下,95%以上的社会财富还集中在仅占人不足5%的官家、贵族、上层僧侣的三大领主手中,而占人95%的人民群众处于极端贫穷的境地。
    Even so, more than 95 percent of the social wealth was concentrated in the hands of the three major categories of feudal lords -- government officials, nobles and senior monks, who accounted for less than five percent of the population of Tibet, and the common people, who accounted for 95 percent of the population were extremely poor.
  • 部落的知识和风俗耳相传保存下来.
    Tribal lore and custom have been passed down orally.
  • 入侵者抢走了许多牲
    The invaders carried away lots of cattle.
  • 欧弗兰密苏里东部一城市,圣路易斯的一郊区。人17,987
    A city of eastern Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Population,17, 987.
  • 康科德镇美国密苏里州中东部一个社区,是圣路易斯的郊区。人19,859
    A community of east-central Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Population,19, 859.
  • 伯克利美国密苏里州东部一城市,圣·路易丝的工业郊区。人15,922
    A city of eastern Missouri, an industrial suburb of St. Louis. Population,15, 922.
  • 路易丝安那州一港和最大城市;位于路易丝安那州东南部密西西比河河;世纪后期摇滚乐发源于此地的黑人音乐;每年庆祝一次狂欢节。
    a port and largest city in Louisiana; located in southeastern Louisiana near the mouth of the Mississippi river; jazz originated among black musicians in the late 19th century; Mardi Gras is celebrated here each year.
  • 杰斐逊美国路易斯安那州东南部的一个非自治社区,位于密西西比河河畔,新奥尔良以西。人15,550
    An unincorporated community of southeastern Louisiana on the Mississippi River west of New Orleans. Population,15, 550.
  • 朗维尤美国德克萨斯州东北部一城市,位于路易斯安那州什里夫波特市西部。该市有多种制造业。人70,311
    A city of northeast Texas west of Shreveport, Louisiana. The city produces varied manufactures. Population,70, 311.
  • 门罗美国路易斯安那州中部偏东北的一个城市,位于什里夫波特以东。建于1785年,是一个工业中心。人54,909
    A city of northeast-central Louisiana east of Shreveport. Founded in1785, it is an industrial center. Population,54, 909.
  • 一片湿地或是一个湖泊的缓缓出水(主要用于密西西比和路易斯安娜一带的术语)。
    a swampy arm or slow-moving outlet of a lake (term used mainly in Mississippi and Louisiana).
  • 马歇尔市美国得克萨斯州东北部一城市,位于路易斯安那州的什里夫波特市的西面。它是旅游地区内的制造业中心。人23,682
    A city of northeast Texas west of Shreveport, Louisiana. It is a manufacturing center in a resort region. Population,23, 682.
  • 明登路易斯安那州西北一城市,位于什里夫波特东北偏东。为此林区及天然气产区的造船中心。人15,074
    A city of northwest Louisiana east-northeast of Shreveport. It is a shipping center in a lumber and natural gas area. Population,15, 074.
  • 霍玛美国路易斯安那州东南部城市,临海湾沿岸航道,位于新奥尔良西南。为海鲜及糖业加工中心。人30,495
    A city of southeast Louisiana on the Intracoastal Waterway southwest of New Orleans. It is a processing center for seafood and sugar. Population,30, 495.
  • 什里夫波特美国路易斯安娜州西北部的一个城市,位于得克萨斯边境附近的红河河畔。建立于19世纪30年代,1906年这里发现石油后该城迅速发展起来。人198,525
    A city of northwest Louisiana on the Red River near the Texas border. Founded in the1830's, it grew rapidly after the discovery of oil in the region(1906). Population,198, 525.
  • 因此,人们对下面这种情况就不会感到奇怪了。在收入最不平均的7个州--纽约、亚利桑那、新墨西哥、路易斯安那、加利福尼亚、罗德岛和得克萨斯--移民约占总人的13%(在加利福尼亚占25%)。
    Thus it is no surprise that in the seven most unequal states -- New York, Arizona, New Mexico, Louisiana, California, Rhode Island and Texas -- about 13 percent of the population is foreign-born(in California, it's 25 percent).
  • [美]谁也无法估量一个没有希望的青年将来会有多大的成就。
    No one knows the luck of a lousy calf.
  • 我猜我靠这些可怜的薪水能勉强糊
    I guess I can squeeze by on this lousy salary.
  • 墙上有个豁,框架和玻璃留在卢浮宫里,《蒙娜·丽莎》不见了。
    There was a gap on the wall and the frame and glass were found hidden in the Louvre but the Mona Lisa was gone.
  • 她不喜欢低领[露胸]衣, 但她喜欢低鞋。
    She doesn't like low dresses, but she likes low shoes.