  • 盲者难分五色。
    Blind men can judge no colour.
  • 盲目崇拜对某件事情的盲目或过投入
    Blind or excessive devotion to something.
  • 《禁止或限制使用某些可被认为具有过伤害力或滥杀滥伤作用的特定常规武器公约》(《特定常规武器公约》)“激光致盲武器议定书”以及新的“地雷议定书”别于1995年10月和1996年5月达成;
    The Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons and the Amended Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby-Traps and Other Devices attached to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects (Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons) were adopted in October 1995 and May 1996, respectively.
  • 乐观者,盲目乐观者被视为愚蠢地或盲目地乐观的人
    A person regarded as being foolishly or blindly optimistic.
  • 盲目的或过的深爱或崇拜的。
    blindly or excessively devoted or adoring.
  • 盲目崇拜者盲目地或过地羡慕或喜欢别人的
    One who blindly or excessively admires or adores another.
  • 放弃土地是为了保存军力,也正是为了保存土地;因为如不在不利条件下放弃部的土地,盲目地举行绝无把握的决战,结果丧失军力之后,必随之以丧失全部的土地,更说不到什么恢复失地了。
    Territory has been given up in order to preserve our military forces and indeed to preserve territory, because if we do not abandon part of our territory when conditions are unfavourable but blindly fight decisive engagements without the least assurance of winning, we shall lose our military forces and then be unable to avoid the loss of all our territory, to say nothing of recovering territory already lost.
  • 韩国的教训告诉我们:一、一定要注意企业资产负债结构,过度负债经营十危险;二、不要盲目搞多角经营,因为这里面有很多陷阶;三、在企业兼并和扩张过程中一定要充考虑自己的实力,以经济效益为目标;四、严格集团内部管理,防止管理失控。
    ROK's lesson teaches us that first, attention should be attached to each enterprise's asset liability structure, because operation based on excessive borrowing is very dangerous, second, don't blindly get involved in multi-angle management, because there are many pitfalls, third, taking full consideration of one's own strength when seeking enterprise merging or expansion, with economic results as the goal, and fourth, intensifying each enterprise group's internal management, and preventing the loss of control over management.
  • 广泛布于非洲的好斗的眼镜蛇;很少咬但吐出引起失明的毒液。
    aggressive cobra widely distributed in Africa; rarely bites but spits venom that may cause blindness.
  • 追随天赐之福,不是“如果你觉得对就做”(那是20世纪70年代的口号),而是追寻生命的河流中最激励你又富有挑战性的事,并沿着一个能让你充显示个性又得到完美满足的方向前进。
    " Follow your bliss. No, not "if it feels good, do it." That was the'70s. Follow your bliss means to follow a course in life that is most exciting and challenging for you and to follow a direction that brings you the greatest personal and professional satisfaction.
  • 在整整三周的大喜日子里,客人来往不绝,每天喜庆添丁赠宾客的食品堆得满满的。
    Throughout the three jovial weeks the visitors came and went, and every day the blithe bread was piled in the peck.
  • 经费已备妥,下一步就看格林先生了。他可以先从削减总局过庞大的组织开始,然后经过暑期小心计划,以保证九月开学时新课程业已就绪。
    With the money in place, the next move is up to Mr.Green. He could begin by reducing the bloated bureaucracy at board headquarters, then plan carefully through the summer to ensure that the new programs are in place when schools open in September.
  • 区截制管理系统下运行。
    run on a block system.
  • 据敌酋宣布:“华北封锁沟的长径等于长城的六倍,环绕地球一周的四之一”。
    An enemy commander announced, "The length of blockade trenches in north China is six times that of the Great Wall, or one-fourth of the circumference of the earth."
  • 日本用其战斗力颇强的几十个师团的陆军(目前已到了三十个师团)和一部海军,从陆海两面包围和封锁中国,又用空军轰炸中国。
    Japan is using dozens of army divisions of fairly high combat effectiveness (now numbering thirty) and part of her navy to encircle and blockade China from both land and sea, and is using her air force to bomb China.
  • 我们的目的不但要发展生产,并且要使生产品出口卖得适当的价钱,又从白区用低价买得盐布进来,配给人民群众,这样去打破敌人的封锁,抵制商人的剥削。
    Our objective is not only to expand production but also to sell our products at fair prices to the White areas and then purchase salt and cloth cheaply for distribution among our people, so as to break the enemy's blockade and check the merchants' exploitation.
  • 形成块状的(“块记录”)。
    Formed into blocks("blocked records").
  • “堡垒主义的五次‘围剿’时期我们不能集中作战,只能兵防御从事短促突击”,这种说法也是不对的。
    Also, it was wrong to say, "In the fifth 'encirclement and suppression' campaign which is being carried on by means of blockhouse warfare, it is impossible for us to operate with concentrated forces, and all we can do is to divide them up for defence and for short swift thrusts."
  • 她在第二局单是拦网就得了5
    She scored 5 points in the second game simply by blocking.
  • 瑞典人大部是金发的.
    The generality of Swedes are blond.
  • 她正好看见丈夫对那白肤金发碧眼的女人表现得过的兴奋——那会引起一场激烈的争吵!
    She's just spotted her husband drooling over that blonde-that will make the feathers fly!
  • 然而他口中叙述的历时20钟的校园血案确是血淋淋的事实,这起惨案使得德国举国上下一片哀鸣。
    Yet his account of the 20-minute bloodbath that has plunged the country into mourning was chillingly matter-of-fact.
  • 在联合王国正发生一场财富配方面的平稳变革。
    A bloodless revolution in the distribution of wealth is taking place in the U. K.
  • 所谓斗争,在同资产阶级联合时,就是在思想上、政治上、组织上的“和平”的“不流血”的斗争;而在被迫着同资产阶级裂时,就转变为武装斗争。
    Struggle here means the "peaceful" and "bloodless" struggle, ideological, political and organizational, which goes on when we are united with the bourgeoisie and which turns into armed struggle when we are forced to break with it.
  • 用全民族的血肉和日本帝国主义打了两个周年的战争,决不容许一部人的动摇和叛卖。
    No group of people must ever be allowed to undermine or betray the war against Japanese imperialism, a war which has cost the whole nation two full years of bloodshed.
  • 把血液中的有毒物质或者新陈代谢的残留物离出来。
    dialysis of the blood to remove toxic substances or metabolic wastes from the bloodstream; used in the case of kidney failure.
  • 乳糜含淋巴浆和乳化脂肪的乳状流体,在消化过程中由乳糜管食糜中泌出来,通过胸导管进入血流
    A milky fluid consisting of lymph and emulsified fat extracted from chyme by the lacteals during digestion and passed to the bloodstream through the thoracic duct.
  • 偶数能被2除尽;美国人民浴血奋战来证明他们的国家是不可割的。
    even numbers are divisible by two; the Americans fought a bloody war to prove that their nation is not divisible.
  • 小孩穿的上下一体的衣服;下边的一部像灯笼裤。
    (usually plural) a one-piece garment for children; the lower part is shaped like bloomers.
  • 北美多年生草本植物,秋季开紫色、粉红色或白色小花;欧洲有广泛布。
    North American perennial herb having small autumn-blooming purple or pink or white flowers; widely naturalized in Europe.
  • 插花、开花植物、草本植物、花环和具有乡村气息的垂挂装饰物自然而然成为这种朴素的装饰格调的组成部
    Cut flowers, blooming plants, herbs, wreaths and swags with that farm-fresh look are a natural extension of this homespun decor.
  • 有三角枝的美洲热带攀援仙人掌;常由于其美丽的夜间开的花及带红色条纹的黄色果实而种植。
    tropical American climbing cactus having triangular branches; often cultivated for its large showy night-blooming flowers followed by yellow red-streaked fruits.