  • 把神龛嵌于墙内
    Immure a shrine.
  • 这一举动严重威胁了南亚地区乃至世界的和平与稳定,破坏了国际社会为防止核扩散和全面禁止核武器所作的努力,引起国际社会的强烈谴责,也受到印度国公正舆论的挞伐。
    The move, which has seriously threatened the peace and stability in South Asia and the world at large, and inflicted a hard blow on the international community's effort to prevent nuclear proliferation and completely ban nuclear weapons, has been strongly condemned by the international community and the impartial media in India as well.
  • 他现在强调国防,宣传党派观念已陈旧,乃是企图以“民族领袖”的资格,站在国各种矛盾之上,表面上表示并不偏于一个阶级一个党,以便维持大地主大资产阶级和国民党的统治。
    In stressing national defence and preaching that party politics are out of date, he is posing as a "national leader" who is above domestic contradictions and feigning impartiality to class and party, his aim being to preserve the rule of the big landlord class and big bourgeoisie and the Kuomintang.
  • 如果说,苏联共产党领导的革命战争是在三个年头里完结了的话,那末中国共产党领导的革命战争,过去已经花去了很长的时间,而要最后地彻底地解决外反革命势力,我们还得准备再花一个应有的时间,像过去那样地过分的性急是不行的。
    Seeing that the revolutionary war led by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union took three years to conclude, we must be prepared to devote to the already protracted revolutionary war led by the Chinese Communist Party the longer time necessary to dispose of the domestic and foreign counter-revolutionary forces hnally and thoroughly. The kind of impatience that was formerly displayed will never do.
  • 3.对一切罪行的审判,除了弹劫案以外,均应由陪审团裁定,并且该审判应在罪案发生的州举行;
    Clause 3:The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed;
  • 我完全同意陈云同志的意见,今后一段时间,重点是要抓调整,改革要服从于调整,有利于调整,不能妨碍调整。
    I fully agree with Comrades Chen Yun that for a time we should make readjustment our main job, with reform subordinate to readjustment so as to serve it and not impede it.
  • 第四十二条 对河道、湖泊范围阻碍行洪的障碍物,按照谁设障、谁清除的原则,由防汛指挥机构责令限期清除;
    Article 42 Obstacles in river courses or lakes which impede flood passage shall, according to the principle of whoever places the obstacles will remove them, be removed within a time limit by order of the flood control headquarters.
  •  第七条当事人因不可抗拒的事由而延误专利法或者本细则规定的期限或者国务院专利行政部门指定的期限,导致其权利丧失的,自障碍消除之日起2个月,最迟自期限届满之日起2年,可以向国务院专利行政部门说明理由并附具有关证明文件,请求恢复权利。
    Rule 7 Where a time limit prescribed in the Patent Law or these Implementing Regulations or specified by the Patent Administration Department under the State Council is not observed by a party concerned because of force majeure, resulting in loss of his or its rights, he or it may, within two months from the date on which the impediment is removed, at the latest within two years immediately following the expiration of that time limit, state the reasons, together with relevant supporting documents, and request the Patent Administration Department under the State Council to restore his or its rights.
  •  (一)在江河、湖泊、水库、渠道弃置、堆放阻碍行洪、航运的物体的,种植阻碍行洪的林木和高杆作物的,在航道弃置沉船,设置碍航渔具、种植水生植物的;
    In any river, lake, reservoir and canal: discarding or piling objects impedimental to flood passage and navigation, or planting trees and growing crops of long stalk variety impedimental to flood passage; and in any navigation channel: abandoning sunken vessels, laying fishing implements impedimental to navigation, and cultivating aquatic plants;
  •  在航道不得弃置沉船,不得设置碍航渔具,不得种植水生植物。
    In any navigation channel, the following activities are prohibited: abandoning sunken vessels, laying fishing implements impedimental to navigation, and cultivating aquatic plants.
  • 第二十四条 在江河、湖泊、水库、渠道,不得弃置、堆放阻碍行洪、航运的物体,不得种植阻碍行洪的林木和高杆作物。
    Article 24: In any river, lake, reservoir and canal, the following activities are prohibited: discarding or piling objects impedimental to flood passage and navigation; planting trees and growing crops of long stalk variety impedimental to flood passage.
  •  (三)在行洪河道种植阻碍行洪的林木和高秆作物的。
    Planting trees or long--stalk crops impeding flood discharge in river courses used for flood discharge.
  •  (一)在河道、湖泊管理范围建设妨碍行洪的建筑物、构筑物的;
    Constructing buildings or structures impeding flood discharge within the scope of control for river courses and lakes;
  •  禁止在行洪河道种植阻碍行洪的林木和高秆作物。
    It is prohibited to plant trees or long-stalk crops impeding flood discharge in river courses used for flood discharge.
  •  禁止在河道、湖泊管理范围建设妨碍行洪的建筑物、构筑物,倾倒垃圾、渣土,从事影响河势稳定、危害河岸堤防安全和其他妨碍河道行洪的活动。
    Within the scope of control for any river course or lake it is prohibited to construct buildings or structures impeding flood discharge, dump garbage and waste residues or engage in activities affecting the stability of river f lows, harming the safety of banks and embankments or other activities impeding flood discharge in river courses.
  • 受内部动因驱使的
    Impelled from within.
  • 作为说书人的有力技巧;有驱力的个性。
    impelling skill as a teller of tales; an impelling personality.
  • 半知菌的一个目,缺少分生子柄或有分生子柄,生在表面,但不包含在分生孢子器
    order of imperfect fungi lacking conidiophores of having conidiophores that are superficial and not enclosed in a pycnidium.
  • 我们党组织上和思想作风上不纯的情况是严重的,它会使党丧失战斗力,不能完成革命的任务。
    Imperfection in organization and way of thinking exists to a serious degree in the Party, as a result of which the Party will lose its fighting capacity and become unable to accomplish revolutionary tasks.
  • 帝国主义势力乘清朝中央政府的虚弱,开始阴谋瓜分包括西藏在的中国领土。
    Imperialist forces took advantage of a weak Qing Dynasty and began plotting to carve up China, Tibet included.
  • 政府中的政府, 帝国中的帝国, 主权的主权
    imperium in imperio (=a state within a state)
  • 绝不允许宣传什么包括反革命分子在的言论出版自由、集会结社自由;绝不允许任何人背着党同这些人发生联系。
    It is absolutely impermissible to propagate freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly and of association in ways implying that counter-revolutionaries may also enjoy them, and it is absolutely impermissible to make contacts with counter-revolutionaries and other criminals unbeknownst to the Party organization.
  • 这些都是党生活的伟大进步,对于党和人民的事业将起巨大的促进作用。
    All this represents marked progress in our inner-Party life and will give a big impetus to the cause of our Party and people.
  • 我深信这项安排将进一步推动购买按揭的进度,我们将会在短期公布有关详情。
    I am sure the facility will add further impetus to the mortgage purchase programme, and we will announce the details of the facility very shortly.
  • "然后,用这一新组织使置入物粘附于眼
    Later on, this new tissue is also used to attach the implant to the eye.
  • 之所以要用一颗牙齿是因为凡塞利教授发现牙齿是眼睛惟一不排斥的人造置入物。
    A tooth is used because Professor Falcinelli discovered it was the only type of artificial implant the eye did not reject.
  • 上周五,对克隆人类持强烈反对态度的美国药物食品管理局称,他们正在对"克隆援助"机构进行调查,并称不经过药物食品管理局允许就将克隆婴儿植入妇女体是违法的。
    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which strongly opposes human cloning, said on Friday it was "taking steps to investigate" Clonaid's claim. It said the implantation of a cloned baby into a woman is illegal in the United States without FDA approval.
  • 随着扩大需各项政策的贯彻落实,政策效应进一步显现。
    Policy effects have been emerging with the implementation of various policies for expanding domestic demand.
  • 上述的建议措施,已在年实施。
    These recommendations were implemented during the year.
  • ,香港海关实施了3个主要的电脑系统。
    Three major computer systems were implemented during the year.
  • 军事法规、军事规章在武装力量部实施;
    The military statutes and regulations are implemented within the armed forces.
  • 追查特快专递邮件的机组于八月开始运作,具备其他功能(包括追查挂号信件及包裹)的机组则会分阶段于未来两年投入服务。
    The module for tracking Speed post items was implemented in August. Modules for other functions, including registered letters and parcels, will be implemented in phases within the next two years.