  • 所有的房都装有烟尘警器。
    Smoke detector is fit in all the rooms.
  • 犯人候审大房供犯人临时滞留的大房
    A place for the temporary detention of prisoners.
  • 船或运货车厢或者其他船货超过了预定时的滞留。
    detention of a ship or freight car or other cargo beyond its scheduled time of departure.
  • 二是取消了作为行政强制措施的收容审查制度,进一步规范了传唤、拘传、拘留等强制措施,明确规定“传唤、拘传持续的时最长不得超过十二小时。不得以连续传唤、拘传的形式变相拘禁犯罪嫌疑人。”
    It explicitly stipulates that "the longest time for summons and summons for detention shall not exceed 12 hours”, and that “it is forbidden to take criminal suspects into custody in disguised forms through continuous summons or summons for detention".
  • 票面利率通常是在发售债券时根据市场状况定下的,而且在债券有效期是固定的。
    The coupon rate is deter-mined largely by market conditions at the time of the bond's sale. Once determined, it is set contractually for the life of the bonds.
  • 最近几周那两个国家的关系严重恶化了。
    Relation between the two countries have deteriorate sharply in recent week.
  • 堕落在道德或艺术方面变坏,或衰落的过程、条件、或期;衰败
    A process, condition, or period of deterioration or decline, as in morals or art; decay.
  • 由于正常损耗或机械磨损而产生的失效,其概率随使用时而增加。
    Failure due to normal deterioration or mechanical wear, the probability of which increases with usage.
  • 考虑到现在中美之的关系有所恶化,中美之达成协议的可能性是增加了还是减少了?
    Are these chances increased or reduced by the current deterioration in relations between China and the United States?
  • 何况,语文环境并不会在降到一定高度后就停止持平,一旦失去在社会生存的空,对母族语文几乎是无可弥补的破坏。
    Furthermore, the deterioration will not cease at a particular level. Once the space for survival in the society is lost, the damage to our mother tongue may be irreparable.
  • 场,磁场有物理性质,如引力或电磁力或液压的空区域,在此区域中每一点有一定值
    A region of space characterized by a physical property, such as gravitational or electromagnetic force or fluid pressure, having a determinable value at every point in the region.
  • 在这前所未有的时与空发展平台上,充分、准确、及时、全面地掌握运用知识和资讯,乃成了争先取胜的至要前提。
    On this unprecedented huge platform of time and space,sufficient, accurate, on-time and comprehensive knowledge and information become the determinant of success.
  • 在这前所未有的时与空发展平台上,充分、准确、及时、全面地掌握运用知识和资讯,乃成了争先取胜的至要前提。
    On this unprecedented huge platform of time and space, sufficient, accurate, on-time and comprehensive knowledge and information become the determinant of success.
  • 在这前所未有的时与空发展平台上,充分、准确、及时、全面地掌握运用知识和资讯,乃成了争先取胜的至要前提。
    On this unprecedented huge platform of time and space, sufficient, accurate, timely and comprehensive knowledge and information become the determinant of success.
  • 标志或确定空上的尺寸或位置的。
    indicating or determining size and position in space.
  • 决定时的过程和行为。
    the act or process of determining the time.
  • 第五,目前中国对台政策仍“不承诺放弃以武力解决台湾问题”,这对台湾追求法理独立产生巨大吓阻作用,也是为什么新中路线需要标榜以“维护国家安全”为核心目标的意义。
    Lastly, China's policy of not renouncing the use of force to resolve the Taiwan issue serves as a great deterrence. This is why Chen has come up with a “new middle-road” policy that stresses “national security”.
  • 他们的研究工作,最终以印度进行首次原子弹试验为巅峰——1974年5月11日进行了核爆炸,爆炸当量在0.5万到1.2万吨之
    Their work culminated in India's first atomic test--the detonation on May 11, 1974, of a plutonium weapon with an explosive yield of five to 12 kilotons.
  • 在这样短的时里,它就已成为“美国历史上在农业、经济和社会各方面最具毁灭性、记录最详实的大灾难。”
    In this short time, it managed to become "one of the most devastating and welldocumented agricultural, economic and social disasters in the history of the United States," according to deMenocal.
  • 该政府白皮书的关键性缺陷在于:文中建议紧紧围绕集合城市建筑物多的地区划界线,在地区之不留休息场所、活动余地和可以开发的空
    The crucial defect of this government's white paper was that it proposed to draw boundary lines tightly around the built-up areas of the conurbations, leaving them no breathing, no catswinging, no developable space.
  • 坏的习惯随着时慢慢滋生。
    Bad habits are developed over time.
  • 学生和教职员工之关系逐渐紧张起来
    Tension developed between students and faculty.
  • (指照片)因为在显影剂中的时比要求的时短而对比度不足。
    (of a photograph) lacking in contrast because it was left in the developer for less than the required time.
  • 这种中件的关键卖点是,它使应用程序开发人员从物理分布的方方面面中解脱出来。
    The key selling point for such middleware is that it frees an application developer from all aspects of physical distribution.
  • sun公司jmapi的主开发者mikegionfriddo说,“http在把协议信息映射进对象模块中曾经历一段困难时”。
    "HTTP had a hard time mapping protocol information into an object model," according to Mike Gionfirddo, a chief developer for Sun's JMAPI.
  • 开发人员必须知道一个应用程序在逻辑上分成若干处理模块以及模块之信息的流动,但他不必关心模块的位置。
    The developer must be aware of the logical partitioning of an application into processing modules, and of the information flows between those modules, but need not be concerned with the locations of the modules.
  • 这项工业的发展要经过几年的时
    The development of this industry will take several years.
  • 地下空的开发和利用
    subsurface development and utilization
  • 在空维度上是直接的;没有背离或者中断的继续进行;直而短。
    direct in spatial dimensions; proceeding without deviation or interruption; straight and short.
  • 用曲折的手段达到成功;接的回答直接的问题;迂回曲折的政治花招。
    used devious means to achieve success; gave oblique answers to direct questions; oblique political maneuvers.
  • 他在出国期他的工作被移交给他的同事。
    His duties devolved upon his collegues while he were abroad.
  • "怀特先生生病期,他的大部分工作移交给了他的侄子。"
    "While Mr White was ill, most of his work devolved on his nephew."