  • 元代青花瓷器
    Blue-and-white Porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty
  • 这些瓷盘的纹很别致。
    These porcelain plates have rather original designs on them.
  • 瓷蓝白相间图案的中国瓷器
    A Chinese porcelain with a blue-and-white pattern.
  • 这时,它终于一下子飞了出来,吃了点蜜,然后瞧了瞧挂在门廊上的吊钟,突然向上一纵,飞越屋顶远去。
    Finally he came all the way out. He took a drink, then inspected the fuchsia plant hanging on the porch. Suddenly he lifted up, flew over the roof of the house -- and gone.
  • 我们了很长时间钻研素描。
    We pored over the sketches for a long time.
  • 我们刚才了二十分钟的时间仔细看了红军强渡赤水的示意图。
    We have just spent twenty minutes poring over a sketch map showing the Red Army's forced crossing of the Chishui River.
  • 把货物从港口运到我们工厂了一大笔钱。
    It cost us a lot of money to get the goods from the port to our factory.
  • 半枝莲任一种马齿苋属的肉质植物,尤指南美的大马齿苋,因其绚丽多彩的朵而种植,朵只在阳光下开放
    Any of various fleshy plants of the genus Portulaca, especially P. grandiflora of South America, cultivated for its showy, colorful flowers that open only in sunlight.
  • 越来越多新加坡人,宁愿一笔钱在高级的餐馆吃团圆饭。
    Increasingly, more Chinese Singaporeans would hold their reunion dinner in posh restaurants, despite the exorbitant costs.
  • 政客为争地位而耍弄招。
    Politicians maneuvered for position.
  • 你可不能花90英镑.
    You can't afford (ie are not in a position to spend) 90.
  • 现在投送信件似乎要费很长时间。噢,这就是当今社会的状况——连邮递员的工作效率也不像以前那样高了。
    Letters seem to take ages to be delivered these days. Ah, it's a sign of the times — not even the postmen work as efficiently as they used to.
  • 这些生长在盆里。
    The flowers were growing in pots.
  • 他过去常用盆栽花。
    He used to pot flowers.
  • 委陵菜一种蔷薇科委陵菜属植物,多原产于温带和寒带地区,开黄,有时开白或红,有些种类长五小叶的复叶
    Any of several plants of the genus Potentilla in the rose family, native chiefly to temperate and cold regions and having yellow or sometimes white or red flowers and compound leaves that in some species bear five leaflets.
  • 不具备持久的木本茎干;其中的大部分是开的园艺植物或野菜;一些具有药用价值;而另一些是有毒的。
    a plant lacking a permanent woody stem; many are flowering garden plants or potherbs; some having medicinal properties; some are pests.
  • 1.把一个瓶子或罐子做一下装饰,然后装满红色m&ms巧克力豆、心形糖果、巧克力、浴盐、百香--或是任何你能想到的东西。
    1.Decorate a bottle or a jar,and then fill it up with red M&Ms,candy hearts,chocolates,bath salts,potpourri --or anything else that you can think of.
  • 他把玫瑰的插枝种在盆内。
    He potted up the rose cuttings.
  • 他喜欢在园里随便走走.
    He loves to potter in the garden.
  • 我在园里闲逛消磨下午。
    I spent the afternoon pottering about in the garden.
  • 那老太太在园了磨洋工。
    The old lady is pottering around in the garden.
  • 你在园里东游西荡,恐怕的时间大多了吧。
    I'm afraid you've spent too much time pottering about in the garden.
  • 偶尔我去钓鱼,但夏季的大部分周末,我都泡在园里。
    Once in a while I go fishing, but I spend most summer weekends pottering about the garden.
  • 自从父亲退休后,他在园养弄草,或整理他收集的邮票,生活过得非常快活。
    Dad's as happy as a sandboy since he retired, pottering in the garden or sorting out his collection of stamps.
  • 短茎丛,每茎有两片阔叶和两到四朵下垂、褐色或绿色,囊上有紫色斑点。
    clusters of several short stems each having 2 broad leaves and 2-4 drooping brownish to greenish flowers with pouches mottled with purple; British Columbia to central California and northern Colorado.
  • 以印粉印用印粉末转印(镂空模板样)
    To transfer(a stenciled design) with pounce.
  • 500英镑买了一辆小汽车。
    I bought a car for five hundred pounds.
  • 花我7英镑。
    It cost me £7 (seven pound).
  • 欧亚的一种药草,具有由纽扣形状的白构成的松散序和长的灰绿色的叶子,其叶被弄成粉后会使人打喷嚏。
    Eurasian herb having loose heads of button-shaped white flowers and long gray-green leaves that cause sneezing when powdered.
  • 他的脸上有天疤痕。
    His face was scarred by small - pox.
  •  理由是公关领域里有很多费,是没有直接或马上看得到回报的。
    This is because in the PR area, a lot of spending has no immediate nor direct returns.
  • 你每天多少时间练习英文?
    How much time do you spend practicing English everyday?