  • "没有,"他会反驳说,"不过我正在考虑送一件价值79元的礼物我的妻子,除非另一个美丽的母亲又想利用我的同情心。"
    "No, " he'd snap back, "but I'm thinking of giving my wife a$79 present, unless another pretty mother starts playing on my sympathies."
  • 辅助的予帮助或支持的;帮助的
    Giving assistance or support; helping.
  • 予性的快感的;引起性欲的。
    giving sexual pleasure; sexually arousing.
  • 大方的慷慨予的或分享的
    Liberal in giving or sharing.
  • 予和花费方面小气。
    petty in giving or spending.
  • 人带来愉悦感的属性。
    the quality of giving pleasure.
  • 临时予援助的行为。
    the act of giving temporary assistance.
  • 有钱时我分些穷朋友用,或者跑到馆子里大吃大喝一顿,或者买许多我爱吃的虾米、牛肉干、鸭肫肝和糖果回来;
    When I have money, I'll share it with friends in need, or go to a restaurant to eat and drink to my heart's content, or buy and bring home many things I like to eat, such as dried shrimps, dried roast beef, salted duck's gizzard and liver, candies.
  • 我看一张冰川图。
    He showed me a drawing of the glacier.
  • 我很乐意借给你钱.
    I'd be glad to lend you the money.
  • 你若能帮忙[我一杯茶]本人十分感激.
    I'd be glad of (ie I'd like) your help/a cup of tea.
  • 他带给我们好消息。
    He brought us glad news.
  • 我很高兴能您帮个大忙。
    Glad to have been of help.
  • 哦。我们很乐意换一个您。
    Well, we will gladly give you another, sir.
  • 他很高兴的取出来我看,我表示羡慕、赞美,同时请他告诉我,开出这张支票的经过情形。
    He gladly showed it to me; I admired it and asked him to tell me all about how it happened to be drawn.
  • 一般的小市民情愿每月去排队花多几元买彩票,就是不愿付一路来提供免费优质服务的银行!
    The average bank-user would gladly spend a few more dollars on lottery every month, plus the time in the queue, rather than pay the fee to the bank that has been providing high-quality services for free for so long.
  • 英航发言人卡米拉-莱在接受美国广播公司新闻在线采访时说:"对时装业而言,性感是魅力的表现。魅力是神奇的:如果空姐每天工作时感觉非常自信的话,她们就一定会乘客提供最好的服务。
    "In the world of fashion sexy is actually glamorous," Spokeswoman Camilla Wrey told ABCNEWS.com. "Glamorous is great and if the staff feel confident every day they come to work then they are able to offer the best level of customer service.
  • 给他一个斜击拳
    Struck him a glancing blow.
  • “谢谢,”他接过信对我说,“是啊,”他看了看信封上的地址又接着说,“是啊,这是我父亲和我妹妹寄我的。
    'Thank you, 'he said, taking the letters. 'Yes, ' he added, after glancing at the addresses, 'yes, they are from my father and my sister.
  • 据我看来,天才仅是腺分泌的供过多的结果。
    Genius itself, it seems to me, is but an over-supply of glandular secretions.
  • 请给我两杯红酒。
    Two glasses of red, please.
  • 他正在给桌子上釉。
    He is glazing the table.
  • 在甜甜圈上浇糖浆;陶器上釉
    Glaze a doughnut; glaze pottery.
  • 他准备这幅画罩上玻璃框。
    He is going to glaze a picture.
  • 冬天快到了,我们应该走廊装玻璃了。
    Since winter is coming , we should glaze in a porch.
  • 上光剂任何一种能物体带来光泽或光亮的物质,如蜡或釉料
    Any of various substances, such as wax or glaze, used to give an object a gloss or polish.
  • 我们这些瓷器上彩。
    The workers glazed these porcelains.
  • 他们敞开着的走廊装上玻璃。
    They glazed in the open porch.
  • 他正给陶器上彩。
    He is glazing pottery.
  • 工人们正在窗户安玻璃。
    The workers are glazing the windows.
  • 一位言词伶俐的推销员卖她一套本来她不要的碟子。
    A glib salesman sell her a set of dish that she do not want.
  • 当你精神集中在你喜欢做的事业上时,在往后的岁月之中,你会发现你所渴望的机会,都你掌握住了。你要时时把自己想象作怀有才干,待人诚恳,有益于社会的一个有用的人。
    Keep your mind on the great and splendid things you would like to do, and then, as the days go gliding away, you will find yourself unconsciously seizing upon the opportunities that are required for the fulfillment of your desire, just as the coral insect takes from the running tide the element it needs.