  • 编译器通常会指数作为双精度数(double)处理,所以假如没有这个尾随的f,就会收到一条出错提示,告诉我们须用一个“造型”double转换成float。
    the compiler normally takes exponential numbers as doubles, so without the trailing f it will give you an error telling you that you must use a cast to convert double to float.
  • 揭发他全部的不法行为。
    I will expose his all lawless actions.
  • 他们可能检举他们的人收买了。
    They bought off those who might expose them.
  • 我们揭露了他们而且还继续揭露。
    We have exposed, and will continue to expose them.
  • 工业博览会于九月召开。
    The industrial exposition will be held on September.
  • 他非法他人的珠宝从银行保险箱中取走.
    He expropriated the jewels from the bank's safe.
  • 新政府他的地产徵作军用.
    The new government expropriated his estate for military purposes.
  • 选择Mix,当使用麦克风输入并VCR或其它音源连接到Ext。
    Select Mix if you are using the microphone input and have a VCR or other audio source plug into the Ext.
  • 我们需要大笔经费。
    Extensive funds will be needed.
  • 我们需要大笔经费。
    Extensive fund will is needed.
  • 依据外部事件或条件信息从控制存储器中取出的一种线路。
    A circuit that pulls information from the control store memory based upon external events or conditions.
  • 把感情投射于…显露并(比如感情)归因于某人或其他事
    To externalize and attribute(an emotion, for example) to someone or something else.
  • 请将香烟熄灭.
    Please extinguish your cigarettes.
  • 为了能与这庄严的气氛相一致,如果你能熄灭香烟的话,我很高兴。
    I would appreciate it if you would extinguish your cigarettes in keeping with the solemnity of the occasion.
  • 舞台上的突然熄灯为表示时日的变化或指明一幕或一场的终结而所有舞台灯光突然熄灭
    The sudden extinguishment of all stage lights in a theater to indicate the passage of time or to mark the end of an act or a scene.
  • 这位军被誉为领导全国赢得胜利的人。
    The general was extolled as the man who had led the country to victory.
  • "然后,他微笑着告诉我,我每年得到一百镑额外收益。"
    Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra $100 a year!
  • 哈萨克斯坦和中国联合起来与民族分裂分子,国际恐怖分子,和地区极端分子进行斗争。
    Kazakhstan and China are united in the fight against national separatism, international terrorism and religious extremism
  • 新加坡回教徒向来温和并具有包容性,恐怖主义或极端主义难以在此找到支持者。
    Singaporean Muslims have long been tolerant and moderate. So, terrorism or extremism will find few or no supporters.
  • 各方声明绝不容忍民族分裂主义、宗教极端主义和恐怖主义,坚决反对这些势力在本国领土上从事针对别国的任何活动,并共同采取有效措施对其进行打击,以维护本地区的和平与稳定。
    They declared that they would never tolerate national separatism, religious extremism or terrorism, and that they would resolutely oppose any activity by such forces on their respective territory against other countries. They pledged to jointly take effective measures to crack down on such activities so as to safeguard regional peace and stability.
  • 中、俄、哈、吉、塔五国边防部门领导人商定:五国边防部门在上海合作组织有关文件规定的框架内,根据成员国共同国界地区的形势,加强边防信息交流,进一步深化相应的双边和多边合作,采取有效措施共同打击恐怖主义、分裂主义、极端主义和预防各种形式的跨界犯罪活动,维护成员国共同边界地区的良好秩序,为发展成员国之间的睦邻友好、经贸和文化关系提供有力的保障。
    At the meeting, the leaders of the frontier defense authorities of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan agreed that the frontier defense authorities of the five states will, within the framework of the relevant documents of the SCO and in accordance with the circumstances of the areas of common borders of the member states, strengthen exchanges of information in respect of frontier defense; further deepen corresponding bilateral and multilateral cooperation; take effective measures for the joint fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism, and for preventing cross-border criminal activities of all forms; safeguard order along the common borders of member states; and provide powerful guarantee for the development of good neighborliness and friendship and economic, trade and cultural relations between the member states.
  • 视力差使你不适合于在图书馆工作。
    Poor eyesight will incapacitate you for a job in the library.
  • 为造就具有现代军事科学知识的干部,伯承呕心沥血,在仅剩的一只左眼视力也已严重减退的情况下,还拿着放大镜,上百万字的外国军事译著和大量的自编教材加以校订和审定。
    He worked indefatigably to train cadres in modern military science. Although his eyesight was deteriorating, with the help of a magnifying glass he examined translations of foreign works on the subject, altogether amounting to about one million Chinese characters, and compiled a vast number of teaching materials.
  • 以恶劣的情绪;一次严重的事故;一个严重的打击;难闻的气味;一场恶劣的骗局;他要在我的葬礼上说一些恶语中伤的话吧?-埃兹拉·庞德。
    in a nasty mood; a nasty accident; a nasty shock; a nasty smell; a nasty trick to pull; Will he say nasty things at my funeral?- Ezra Pound.
  • 我们刚才所讲的奖赏还用并必须用这些孩子们的父母们的幸福和福利来衡量。他们必须能够在地球上生活,而不用惧怕因政治或物质上的利益遭抢劫、遭杀害,也不因为他们是乞丐而遭唾弃。
    The reward of which we have spoken will and must also be measured by the happiness and welfare of the mothers and fa thers of these children, who must walk the earth without fear of being robbed, killed for political or material profit, or spat upon because they are beggars.
  • 两位候选人面对面进行辩论。
    The two candidates will debate face to face.
  • 所有的愉快和美感方面的天福,世界通过自然提供的几种接触方式它展露给你。
    Glory in all the facets of pleasure and beauty which the world reveals to you through the several means of contact which Nature provides.
  • 独身于法官和知事则无甚关系,因为假如他们是易欺而贪污的,则一个仆人之恶五倍于一位夫人之恶也。
    It is indifferent for judges and magistrates: for if they be facile, and corrupt, you shall have a servant five times worse than a wife.
  • 新的地下铁路为去城市各处提供方便。
    The new underground railway will facilitate the journey to all parts of the city.
  • 在奥林匹克公园内,还建设一些相关设施。
    Other related facilities to be built in the Olympic Green Olympic with complete supporting facilities.
  • 个人意见硬塞在真实的报道中
    Intruded opinion into a factual report.
  • 他们淡入至户外的一个场景。
    They’ll fade in to an outdoor scene.