  • 斯里兰卡的僧侣在研讨会上说,佛教教义规定,僧侣是禁止吸烟的,此外吸毒、酗酒、暴力、食肉和剥削他人都是不允许的。
    Buddhist tenets forbid smoking cigarettes as well as using drugs, drinking alcohol, violence, exploiting other human beings and eating meat, a Sri Lankan monk told the workshop.
  • 中国佛教协会西藏自治区分会于1983年创办了西藏佛学院,并在各教派的一些寺庙中开办了学经班,现有学僧近3000
    The Tibet branch of the Buddhist Association of China established the Tibet College of Buddhism in 1983 and opened sutra studying classes in some monasteries and temples of various religious sects. There are a total of 3,000 monk students.
  • 中国佛教协会西藏自治区分会于1983年创办了西藏佛学院,并在各教派的一些寺庙中开办了学经班,现有学僧近3000
    The Tibet branch of the Buddhist Association of China established the Tibet College of Buddhism in 1983 and opened sutra studying classes in some monasteries and temples of various religious sects. There are a total of almost 3,000 monk students.
  • 那套有你亲手绣着我们字的浴巾美极了。
    The set of bath towels you personally monogrammed for us is beautiful.
  • 用我字的开头字母刻饰银表
    Engraved the silver watch with my monogram.
  • 名字的单调的朗诵
    A monotone recitation of names.
  • “我喜欢这称,”他说,“卞福汝赛过主教大人。”
    "I like that name," said he. "Bienvenu makes up for the Monseigneur."
  • 但是如果主教留他的一位神甫晚餐,马格洛大娘就借此机会为主教做些鲜美的湖鱼或贵的野味。
    If, however, the Bishop had one of his cures to supper, Madame Magloire took advantage of the opportunity to serve Monseigneur with some excellent fish from the lake, or with some fine game from the mountains.
  • 打赌已成为蒙哥马利的习惯,在军中是有的。当然,他倒不是想通过打赌发大财。
    Montgomery was well known in the army for his habit of making bets, though he was not doing it for big money.
  • 山姆大叔最著的形象出自詹姆士·蒙吾马利·费兰格的第一次世界大战的征兵广告,但山姆并非弗兰格的首创。
    The most famous image of Uncle Sam is from James Montgomery Flagg's WWI recruiting poster. But Sam was not the creation of Flagg.
  • 而她在蒙哥马利的美国黑人社区中颇有气。
    Mrs. Parks was not the first African-American to be arrested to this "crime", but she was well known in the Montgomery African-American community.
  • 纳尔逊纪念碑是伦敦着的纪念碑.
    Nelson's Column is a famous monument in London.
  • 此作品是英国文学的不朽作之一。
    The work is one of the great monuments of English literature.
  • 牌坊尽可命,但不管是叫奥兹曼迪亚斯,还是南洋牌坊,如果我们看到的只是一块石头,而且确实把它当作是一块石头,如果没有人记得它或爱护它,那么不管给它取什么字,这个牌坊不会说话,也不会激发人们的情感,甚至也不会激发人们的好奇心。
    Monuments can also be named, but whether Ozymandias, or Nanyang Arch, if all we see is a lump of stone if we see at all, if no one remembers, or cares, then whatever its name, the monument would not speak, would trigger off no emotion, not even curiosity.
  • 它或许多工作美国最有的纪念碑了。
    Maybe it is the most famous single monument in the USA.
  • 人们把革命烈士的字刻在纪念碑上。
    People inscribed a monument with the names of the revolutionary martyrs.
  • 革命烈士的字刻在纪念碑上。
    The names of the revolutionary martyrs were inscribed on a monument.
  • 这一纪念碑是为纪念无将士而建立的
    This monument is sacred to the memory of the unknown soldiers
  • 以摩尔人海盗闻的地中海北非海岸。
    the Mediterranean coast of North Africa that was famous for its Moorish pirates.
  • 10月24日,美国蒙哥马利县警方逮捕了一连环杀人案犯罪嫌疑人,使连日来警方和凶手之间没完没了的猫捉老鼠的游戏暂告一段落。但这一案件的传奇色彩却似乎越来越浓了。
    In the cat-and-mouse game leading up to Thursday's arrests, one of the most mysterious episodes was the tale of a duck told by a Moose.
  • 无名氏应道。
    “love-songs in a Morality?
  • 监察官古罗马负责人口调查、监察人民行为和社会风尚的两官员之一
    One of two officials in ancient Rome responsible for taking the public census and supervising public behavior and morals.
  • 而且还是中国最著的品牌。
    Moreover, it is the most famous brand in China.
  • 在殖民地时代的马萨诸塞州,32无辜人民被法庭下令处死,因为按当时的风俗,他们被认为是魔鬼附身的女巫。一个明显的教训就是:群众的恐惧和偏见往往影响司法的公允。
    In colonial Massachusetts, by judicial order, 32 innocent persons were executed because, by the mores of the day, they were thought to be witches possessed of the devil. An obvious teaching is that common fears and biases make for poor justice.
  • 在大的结构中只能以部分出现的词素;比如复数词之后的‘an’‘s’。
    a morpheme that occurs only as part of a larger construction; eg an -s at the end of plural nouns.
  • 三位,记在莫瑞斯先生下。
    There under Mr. Morris
  • 我想提简莫里森为俱乐部主席。
    I wish to nominate Jane Morrison for president of the club.
  • (经典神话)由于功绩而著的,有无比力量和勇气的人;通常是神和人的子孙。
    (classical mythology) a being of great strength and courage celebrated for bold exploits; often the offspring of a mortal and a god.
  • 后来,赫鲁晓夫才明白了这种水果的可贵之处。于是,他决定让莫斯科的同事们品尝一下这种果。
    He was so impressed by this strange fruit that he decided to let his colleagues in Moscow have a taste of it too.
  • 其他的体育馆像英国的伦敦、澳大利亚的墨尔本、俄国的莫斯科、美国的芝加哥等地先后建成的体育场,大多只能容纳10多万观众。
    Most of the other stadiums in London, Britain; Melbourne,Australia; Moscow, Russia, Chicago, USA, can only accommodate over 100000 people.
  • 此外,汉森还透露了为美国工作的苏联双重间谍的身份,其中两在冷战期间被召回莫斯科后被处决。
    In addition,he identified Soviet double agents working for the United States,two of whom were called back to Moscow and executed during the Cold War.
  • 一份对100025岁至35岁女性的调查发现五分之三的女性选择尽情享乐为人生首要目标,远比为人妻为人母重要。
    A survey of 1,000 women aged between 25 and 35 found that three out of five ticked the box for" having as much fun as possible" as their No.1 goal, more important than marriage and motherhood.