  • 我对你批评我的话十反感.
    I bitterly resent your criticism.
  • 那是一场激烈的争夺战,胜负难
    It was bitterly contested battle and victory hung in the balance.
  • 经历了离婚后的一切苦难,玛丽不得不振作起来,并确保其子女在裂的家庭中继续在不利的条件下生存。
    After all the bitterness of the divorce, Mary had to pull herself together and ensure that her children survived the handicap of a broken home.
  • 茄属植物一种茄属的植物,如美洲南蛇藤,大部这种植物都能泌毒汁
    Any of several plants of the genus Solanum, such as the bittersweet nightshade, most of which have a poisonous juice.
  • 碳化作用烟煤的解蒸馏,在没有空气的条件下进行,为得到比最初的原料所含碳的百比大得多的焦煤以及其它馏
    The destructive distillation of bituminous coal, done in the absence of air in order to obtain coke and other fractions having a greater percentage of carbon than the original material.
  • 烛煤一种能充燃烧同时产生大量烟的烟煤
    A bituminous coal that burns brightly with much smoke.
  • 甲叉,亚甲一种双价碳氢基,ch2-,不饱合碳氢化合物的一个组成部
    A bivalent hydrocarbon radical, CH2-, a component of unsaturated hydrocarbons.
  • 类似铰链的装置类似的结构或部,如使双壳类软体动物的壳张开闭合的关节
    A similar structure or part, such as one that enables the valves of a bivalve mollusk to open and close.
  • 海洋腹足动物海洋腹足纲软体动物,主要指在双壳类软体动物的贝壳上钻孔的骨螺属。该属的尾角螺对牡蛎十有害
    Any of various marine gastropod mollusks, chiefly of the genus Urosalpinx, that bore holes into the shells of bivalve mollusks. U. cinera is destructive to oysters.
  • 一种严重的精神裂症。
    a form of schizophrenia characterized by severe disintegration of personality including erratic speech and childish mannerisms and bizarre behavior; usually becomes evident during puberty; the most common diagnostic category in mental institutions.
  • 白纸黑字,黑白明;是非
    In black and white
  • 红茶中的酚类成分
    Phenolic Constituents in Black Tea
  • 比赛的得记在黑板上。
    The games were scored up on the blackboard.
  • 马克对约翰有几嫉妒,因而极力贬低他。
    Mark felt a tinge of jealousy toward John and he tried to blacken the picture.
  • 输了,爆引因数超过21而在二十一点游戏中失败
    To lose at blackjack by exceeding a score of21.
  • 警方拟就一份通缉恐怖子的黑名单.
    The police drew up a blacklist of wanted terrorists.
  • 原因是人们倾向于选择父母二人中一种/民族身份-通常选择具有少数种/民族身份的父亲或母亲,例如黑人或拉美裔人。
    That's partly because people tend to assume the racial or ethnic identity of one parent -- often the minority parent, in the case of blacks and Hispanics.
  • 美国尼格罗人(我使用此一名词,系因1969年《新闻周刊》民意调查显示它远较其他名词更被普遍接受)在十七、八世纪时,称自己为非洲人或自由非洲人,表示他们对故土的感情。十九世纪前半叶,情况改变,他们开始称呼自己有色美国人,小部人自称尼格罗人和黑人。
    American Negroes (I shall use that term because a 1969 Newsweek poll showed it to be far and away the most popular) referred to themselves as Africans or Free Africans in the 17th and 18th centuries, indicating the attachment to the land they had so recently left. By the first half of the 19th century, a change took place, and they started calling themselves Colored Americans and, to a lesser extent, Negroes and Blacks.
  • 膀胱切除术全部或者部膀胱的手术切除
    Surgical removal of all or part of the urinary bladder.
  • 主要的小的多年生岩蕨;气囊蕨;在一些类中归入水龙骨科。
    chiefly small perennial rock ferns: bladder ferns; in some classifications placed in Polypodiaceae.
  • 把导管插入像膀胱之类的身体部
    insert a catheter into, as into a body part such as the bladder.
  • 布广泛的食肉性鲈形目鱼,长有能发出响声的气泡。
    widely distributed family of carnivorous percoid fishes having a large air bladder used to produce sound.
  • 开脱,辩证明无罪或无责任
    To clear of guilt or blame.
  • 地妄想(别人的所有物)
    To feel blameworthy desire for(that which is another's).
  • 大部人都要求对方是白人,有时候,她们还会非常明确的写出自己的其他要求。
    Most say they want "un blanc" (a white). Some can be quite specific about other requirements too.
  • 小的常青的欧洲灌木一般的树,有许多种子的猩红色的浆果,可食用但很乏味;布在爱尔兰、欧洲南部和小亚细亚。
    small evergreen European shrubby tree bearing many-seeded scarlet berries that are edible but bland; of Ireland, southern Europe, Asia Minor.
  • (四)在买办性的大资产阶级参加统一战线并和无产阶级一道向共同敌人进行斗争的时候,它仍然是很反动的,它坚决地反对无产阶级及其政党在思想上、政治上、组织上的发展,而要加以限制,而要采取欺骗、诱惑、“溶解”和打击等等破坏政策,并以这些政策作为它投降敌人和裂统一战线的准备。
    The comprador big bourgeoisie continues to be most reactionary even when it joins the united front alongside the proletariat in struggling against the common enemy.It stubbornly opposes any ideological, political and organizational development of the proletariat and the proletarian party, tries to impose restrictions on them and employs disruptive tactics such as deception, blandishments, "corrosion" and savage attacks against them; moreover, it does all this to prepare for capitulating to the enemy and splitting the united front.
  • 她所写的诗大部都是无韵诗。
    She wrote most of her poetry in blank verse.
  • 计算机制图技术和可视图文技术中的一种显示方式,在此方式中,在接收机的定时装置控制下,字符以有规律的间隔消失。在可视图文技术中,用来重点突出一页的某一部
    In computer graphics and videotex, a display mode in which the characters are blanked out at regular intervals under the control of a timing device in the receiver. In videotex it is used to highlight a part of the page.
  • 他们不久就分了手。
    They split the blanket soon.
  • 你呆呆地注视着窗外几钟了,你在想什么?
    You've been staring blankly out of the window for several minutes; a penny for your thoughts.
  • 洛,戴维·亚历山大·西尔1891-1963英国政治漫画家,他创造了傲慢的布林普上校这个极端保守子形象
    British political cartoonist who created the pompous Colonel Blimp.