  • 其中对中国的所谓“窃取核机密”的指控完全是不顾事实凭空捏造的,报告中的容足以证明报告作者“对科学的无知”;
    Its accusation of the so-called Chinese "theft of nuclear secrets" was sheer fabrication. The fraud of the Cox Report is "a reflection of the kind of scientific illiteracy'' of its writers.
  • 旧中国少数民族文盲率在95%以上,宁夏学龄儿童入学率只有10%,西藏97%的人口是文盲,蒙古只有16所中学。
    In old China, the illiteracy rate among ethnic minorities was often over 95 percent.Only 10 percent of school-age children attended school in Ningxia, 97 percent of the people in Tibet were illiterate, and there were only 16 secondary schools in Inner Mongolia.
  • 旧中国少数民族文盲率在95%以上,宁夏学龄儿童入学率只有10%,西藏97%的人口是文盲,蒙古只有16所中学。
    In old China, the illiteracy rate among ethnic minorities was often over 95 percent. Only 10 percent of school-age children attended school in Ningxia, 97 percent of the people in Tibet were illiterate, and there were only 16 secondary schools in Inner Mongolia.
  • 幻想,空想一种产生幻觉的心的假想
    An illusory mental image.
  • 部压力越高,气体膨胀的趋势就越大,热气球是这种现象的最好说明。
    The higher the internal pressure, the greater the tendency for the gas to expand. This phenomenon may well be illustrated with a heated balloon.
  • 小地图或小图表套印在大地图或大图表的小地图或小图表
    A small map or illustration set within a larger one.
  • 刚才我说我们制度不健全,其中也包括这个在
    It is an illustration of the imperfections in our institutions which I referred to a moment ago.
  • 主要心理意象是以部感情活动形式表现的人。
    one whose prevailing mental imagery takes the form of inner feelings of action.
  • 而且,他阐述自己见解的方法极富想象力。例如,他常常借助于绘画、录音、雕刻和邀请客座教授的方法帮助学生理解所学容。
    Furthermore, he could be counted on to explain his ideas in an imaginative way, introducing such aids to understanding as paintings, recordings, pieces of sculpture and guest lecturers.
  • “文件影像处理系统”把所有送交注册的土地文件扫描,并把扫描所得的电子影像储存在光碟
    The Document Imaging System enables land documents presented for registration to be scanned and stored as electronic images on optical discs.
  • 间谍卫星国家侦察局和五角大楼计划投入600多亿美元,在未来10年左右的时间更换几乎所有的成像卫星。
    Spy SatellitesThe National Reconnaissance Office and the Pentagon are planning to replace virtually their entire inventory of imaging satellites during the next decade or so at a cost of more than $60 billion.
  • b-12侦探明尼苏达州罗切斯特·马尤诊所的研究人员正在使用一种全新的方法。该方法依靠构成生命的基本组织维他命b-12来发现人体的癌症。
    Detective B-12. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., are using a new imaging method that relies on vitamin B-12, and essential building block of life, to find cancer in the body.
  • 看来,我们的经济,我们的农业、工业、基建、交通、外贸易、财政金融,在总的前进的过程中都还需要有一段调整的时间,才能由不同程度的不平衡走向比较平衡。
    It appears that in the general process of advance, our economy -- that is, our agriculture, industry, capital construction, transport services, domestic and foreign trade, and banking and finance -- needs a period of readjustment in order to change from varying degrees of imbalance to relative balance.
  • 当年dsiay的母亲年青守寡,一手把五名子女带大,刻苦栽培,让他/她们受高深教育,同时也把“男主外,女主”的中国传统家庭价值观传授给子女。
    Daisy's mother was widowed when she was very young. She tapped on her resources and talents and single-handedly raised five children, toiling very hard to ensure that they not only had a high education, but also imbibe traditional Chinese values that "men should handle external matters, while women look after the home."
  • 当年她的母亲年青守寡,一手把五名子女带大,刻苦栽培,让他/她们受高深教育,同时也把“男主外,女主”的传统家庭价值观传授给子女。
    Let me elaborate. Daisy's mother was widowed when she was very young. She tapped on her resources and talents and single-handedly raised five children, toiling very hard to ensure that they not only had a high education, but also imbibe traditional Chinese values that "men should handle external matters, while women look after the home."
  • 当然,我不是喜欢对别人品头论足。穿着一身洁净白衣白裤的阁部长到来时,总会提醒我新加坡人多年来享有的稳定。
    But more than just an ogle-fest, if I can put it that way, the entrance of the Cabinet ministers in their immaculate shirts and trousers never fails to remind me of one thing that Singaporeans have enjoyed for a while - stability.
  • 他认为美丽不是外在的而是在的.
    He believed that beauty was not something imposed, but something immanent.
  • 相信人类有一个在的上帝
    Believed in a God immanent in human beings.
  • 他认为美丽不是外在的而是在的。
    He believes that beauty is not something imposing, but something immanent.
  • 人们相信感觉是五官的在活动。
    People believe that sensation is an immanent act of the senses.
  • 一种急性白血病特征是骨髓的淋巴细胞增多。
    acute leukemia characterized by proliferation of immature lymphoblast-like cells in bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, and blood; most common in children.
  • 美国在独立战争中丧失了无数资财,但是它赢得了独立以后,生产力有了无限提高,只是由于这个原因,使它在和平以后短短几年之,就在财富上获得了空前大规模的增长。
    The War of Independence of the United States of America cost that nation hundreds of millions, but her powers of production were immeasurably strengthened by gaining independence, and it was for this reason that in the course of a few years after the peace she obtained immeasurably greater riches than she.had ever possessed before.
  • 这对我们统一党的思想,有很重要的作用。
    It will be immensely important in unifying thinking inside the Party.
  • 美国中部和南部的一种中大型落叶木;具有深埋在壳斗的橡子,第一年成熟。
    medium-large deciduous timber tree of central and southern United States; acorns deeply immersed in the cup and mature in first year.
  • 此外,又印备载廉署信息的袋装电话簿,在罗湖出入境管制站向新移民派发。
    A pocket-size telephone book with ICAC messages was distributed to every immigrant at the Lo Wu immigration control point.
  • ,该处共招聘了46名入境事务主任和201名入境事务助理员。
    A total of 46 Immigration Officers and 201 Immigration Assistants were recruited in 1997.
  • ,该处在各出入境管制站及其他办事处,共截获121501人。
    In 1997, 121501 wanted persons were intercepted at immigration control points and other offices.
  • 扫黄对被认为不道德或淫秽的文学作品或其它表现或传播此容的形式进行查禁
    Censorship of literature and other forms of expression and communication because of perceived immorality or obscenity.
  • 首先,免疫系统是你体与疾病抗争的生物系统。
    "First,the immune system is that biological system in your body which fights off diseases.
  • 为了产生或增强对某种疾病的免疫能力,用预防针把抗原性物质注射进人或动物的身体
    produce immunity in by inoculation.
  • 七十年代每年利用冬春季节开展免疫活动,并于1978年开始在全国范围普及儿童计划免疫工作。
    In the 1970s, activities for immunity from diseases were carried out during winters and springs; and in 1978 work on planned immunity for children was started on a nationwide scale.
  • 产生病源抗体的一种后天免疫形式。
    a form of acquired immunity in which the body produces its own antibodies against disease-causing antigens.