  • 我认为前个立场比后个立场更恰当。
    I suggest the former proposition bears greater relevance than the latter.
  • 过分强调问题的个方面经常掩盖了其他方面的相关性。
    The overemphasis on one particular aspect of a problem often obscures the relevance of other issues.
  • 商业电视是种广告媒介。
    Commercial television is a medium for advertising.
  • 2月12日来自伊拉克国家监督委员会会的封信也许有些相关性。
    Not least against this background, a letter of 12 February from Iraq's National Monitoring Directorate may be of relevance.
  • cheenahs也回敬受英文教育者个称号kantangs——这是福建话,意思是“马铃薯”,用来形容像洋人样,吃马铃薯长大的新加坡人。
    Cheenahs take their revenge by calling the English educated kantangs - a Hokkien term which means “Potatoes”. With all relevance, it describes people who grew up eating them, just like the Caucasians.
  • 广告的目的和广告的动机是大不样的。
    The purposes of advertising and the motives behind advertising are very different.
  • 有关的培训及评核已于二零零年展开。
    Relevant training and assessment commenced in 2001.
  • 个是合适的政府部门?
    Which is the relevant government department?
  • 做广告来吹嘘种产品
    Build up a product by advertising
  • 赢得了一场广告战
    Bring off a successful advertising campaign.
  • 广告,宣传种广告或宣传节目
    An advertising or a publicity program.
  • 与本研究相关的篇论文是[]发表的。
    A paper relevant to this research was published by []
  • 他在书桌抽屉中寻找些有关文件。
    He ferreted about in a desk drawer for some relevant documents.
  • 于是我们搜集了国内能找到的切有关技术资料。
    Then we collected all relevant technical data available in the country.
  • 广告是美国最大的行业之
    And advertising is one of the biggest businesses in America.
  • 他贴了张宣传马戏团的海报。
    He put up a poster advertising the circus.
  • 他找到份在广告业的工作。
    He found a job in advertising.
  • 坚固可靠是我方产品的种质量指标,也是我们的大长处。
    Quality includes reliability, which is our strong point.
  • 所谓资信,指个组织资金的有效性与信用的可靠度。
    Credit status refers to an organization's capital availability and credit reliability.
  • 广告者不是对某特定社会群体感兴趣,也不是关心某群体任何成员的福利。
    The advertiser is not interested in a particular social group or in the welfare of any member of a group.
  • 制作则收效高的广告,广告商需要:
    To produce an effective advertising campaign, an advertiser needs:
  • 为了检验某些标准的可靠性,进行了次实验。
    An experiment was carried out to check on the reliability of certain criteria.
  • 已经进行了项实验以检查某些标准的可靠性。
    An experiment was made to check up on the reliability of certain criteria.
  • 为了检验某些标准的可靠性,进行了次实验。
    An experiment was carried out to check up on the reliability of certain criteria.
  • 贯值得信赖或者可靠。
    consistently reliable or dependable.
  • 这张纸已经有3000年历史,它可真正是则广告!
    It is three thousand years old -- and it's really an advertisement!
  • 不要为了笔广告,砸了自己的牌子。
    Do not smash his self-image for the sake of one advertisement.
  • 他是个非常可靠的人。
    A very reliable person he is.
  • 他是个可靠的证人或完全可信任的证人。
    He is a reliable witness or the witness is completely reliable.
  • 他看上去是个可靠的好人。
    He looks a nice, reliable man.
  • 广告提供了个免费电话号码以便人们去电话。
    The advertisement gives a free phone for you to call.
  • 我的目光落在报纸上则有趣的广告上。
    My eye fell upon an interesting advertisement in the newspaper.