  • 这是一个应该避免使用的非正式术语。该术语有时用于一种逻辑元件,这种逻辑元件可以实现特定的功能或在变量之提供链接。
    An improper term to be avoided. This term is sometimes used to designate a logic element which performs a specific function or provides a linkage between variables.
  • 在民性质的国际组织中,中华人民共和国的相应组织同有关方面达成协议或谅解,在中国的全国性组织以中国的名义参加的情况下,台湾的相应组织可以以“中国台北”(taipei,china)或“中国台湾”(taiwan,china)的名称参加。
    As regards participation in non-governmental international organizations, the relevant bodies of the People's Republic of China may reach an agreement or understanding with the parties concerned so that China's national organizations would use the designation of China, while Taiwan's organizations may participate under the designation of Taipei, China or Taiwan, China.
  • 工作室,画室,雕塑室工作或摄影室,尤指艺术家或设计者的
    A workshop or studio, especially for an artist or a designer.
  • 经过一段时保持不变而获得所期望的一些性质。
    acquiring desirable qualities by being left undisturbed for some time.
  • 异性之亲昵的一种愿望。
    a desire for heterosexual intimacy.
  • 两性之亲昵的一种愿望。
    a desire for sexual intimacy.
  • 忠诚和欲望之的斗争
    A tug between loyalty and desire.
  • 合同双方本着发展相互贸易的愿望同意签订本合同。
    The two parties, are desirous of developing trade between them, have agree to sign this contract.
  • 合同双方本着发展相互贸易的愿望同意签订本合同。
    The two parties, being desirous of developing trade between them, have agreed to sign this contract.
  • 我渴望在七八月获得些会计方面的实际经验,特致函询问贵公司是否需要聘用受过三年专业训练且有打工作验的年轻人?
    I am very desirous of receiving actual experience in accounting during July and August, so I am writing to inquire whether you will need the service of a young man with three years of special training and some part-time experience.
  • 本着维护亚太地区持久和平与稳定的积极意愿,中国国防部和其他有关部门的官员及学者日益广泛和深入地参与关于亚太安全的各类研讨和相关活动,增进了中国与有关国家的相互了解与信任。
    Desirous of maintaining lasting peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region, officials and scholars from China's Ministry of National Defense and other departments concerned have involved themselves more extensively and deeply in symposiums and other activities on Asia-Pacific security. This has promoted mutual understanding and trust between China and the countries concerned.
  • 小男孩的房里有张写字台。
    There is a desk in the boy's room.
  • 计算机系统或外设在地板或台上所需要占用的空面积。具有较小占地面积的系统和外设,其优点是可留出更多的空留做其它用途。
    The amount of space, desktop or floor, needed by a computer system or peripheral. Systems and peripherals with smaller footprints have the advantage of leaving more room available for other things.
  • ”他在德索莱申海峡的一个已花了3年时的课题去年由于伐木而被迫中断了。
    One of his projects, a three-year effort at Desolation Sound, was interrupted last year by the logging.
  • 他老是在高兴和绝望之摇摆不定。
    He is always wavering between despair and elation.
  • 他渴望当演员,你就得容他时让他施展自己的抱负。
    He desperately wants to be an actor, so you'll have to give him time to get it out of his system.
  • “我在这儿三十一年,基本上并无改变,”兰登出版公司资深编辑福克斯说:“我觉得年轻的编辑对我作也同样认真。唯一不同之处就是大家都在拼命。坊的书太多了。要想使你真正喜欢的书脱颖而出恐怕非拼命不可。”
    "I have not changed my stripes in 31 years here," said Joseph M.Fox, a senior editor at Random House, "and I feel young editors have the same work ethic. The only change is the desperation. There are so many other books out there [that] now you can get desperate trying to make one you really care about stand out."
  • 数千个生命瞬就被邪恶的恐怖主义袭击吞噬了。
    Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror.
  • 我们什么时到达目的地?
    At what time will we arrive at our destination?
  • 然而,据说有一次从巴涅尔旅行回来以后,有几乎三年时她就只跟一个外国老公爵一起过日子了。这位老公爵是个百万富翁,他想尽方法要玛格丽特跟过去的生活一刀两断。
    However, for some three years previously, ever since a visit she had made to Bagneres, she was said to be living with just one man, an elderly foreign duke who was fabulously wealthy and had attempted to detach her as far as possible form her old life.
  • 提带可拆卸的手包也能为你的晚活动添彩。
    Handbags with detachable straps can double as clutches for the evening.
  •  1990年4月26日18时,6.9级强烈地震将青海省第十三劳改支队的建筑物瞬震为废墟。
    On April 26, 1990, at 18:00 hours a severe earthquake of magnitude 6.9 quickly devastated most of the offices and dormitory buildings of the No.13 Reform-through-Labour Detachment in Qinhai.
  • 我不会耽误你太久时
    I won't detain you.
  • 这个问题不需要很久的时就能解决。
    This question need not detain us long.
  • 请允许我耽搁你一小会儿时
    Allow me to detain you for a moment.
  • 这个问题不必耽搁我们很长时.
    This question need not detain us long, ie can is settled quickly.
  • 谍活动对发现和阻碍敌人谍活动而进行的谍活动
    Espionage undertaken to detect and counteract enemy espionage.
  • 试用的香水太多,你的鼻子很难闻出它们之的区别。
    Beyond that your nose is less able to detect the difference.
  • 研究人员发现了吸烟和心脏病之的关系
    Researchers have detected a link between smoking and heart disease.
  • 通过分子检测,病症的诊断时将大大提前,甚至早于症状的出现。治疗将更有效也更易获得。
    Illnesses would be detected much earlier by molecular surveillance, even before symptoms appeared, and therapies would be more effective -- and more available.
  • 序列,即探测随时相关连的事件;
    sequences, or detecting events linked over time;
  • 探测地震强度方向和持续时的仪器。
    an instrument for detecting and measuring the intensity and direction and duration of of movements of the ground (as an earthquake).