  • 细小的粉末状材料,如干燥的土壤或粉,在空气中能被吹起。
    fine powdery material such as dry earth or pollen that can be blown about in the air.
  • 粉由种子植物的药所产生的含有粉粒的粉粒状的细致物质
    The fine, powderlike material consisting of pollen grains that is produced by the anthers of seed plants.
  • 异粉性杂交植物的一种直接反应,通过将一种植物的粉引入另一种植物的内乳中所产生
    The direct effect on a hybrid plant produced by the transfer of pollen from one strain to the endosperm of a different strain.
  • 传粉用异传粉的方式传粉给(朵)
    To pollinate(a flower) by means of cross-pollination.
  • 受精的一种不开而在蕾内自己授粉的,或与之相关的
    Of or relating to a flower that does not open and is self-pollinated in the bud.
  • 主要是木本植物的一个集合,被视为最原始的木本植物之一;没有被,或被发育的较差;其通常是雌雄同体,为荑序,通常通过风来受精。
    a group of chiefly woody plants considered among the most primitive of angiosperms; perianth poorly developed or lacking; flowers often unisexual and often in catkins and often wind pollinated; contains 23 families including the Betulaceae and Fagaceae (includes the Amentiferae); sometimes classified as a superorder.
  • 一种野生的无果,用于帮助某些无果传粉。
    wild variety of the common fig used to facilitate pollination of certain figs.
  • 小型孤独的蜜蜂的总合;许多是对农业有价值的粉传播者。
    a family of small solitary bees; many are valuable pollinators for agriculture.
  • 蜜由不同植物的分泌出来的甘美的液体,被采摘粉的生物饮用,如蜂雀或昆虫并由密蜂采集制成蜂密
    A sweet liquid secreted by flowers of various plants, consumed by pollinators, such as hummingbirds and insects, and gathered by bees for making honey.
  • 海生珊瑚虫,象但触须上有口环;与珊瑚的区别是它没有硬的骨骼。
    marine polyps that resemble flowers but have oral rings of tentacles; differ from corals in forming no hard skeleton.
  • 一组树、灌木和草本植物,大部分都有离瓣;有108个科,包含蔷薇科;景天科;桃金娘科;野牡丹科;大戟科;伞形科。
    a group of trees and shrubs and herbs mostly with polypetalous flowers; contains 108 families including Rosaceae; Crassulaceae; Myrtaceae; Melastomaceae; Euphorbiaceae; Umbelliferae.
  • 在科斯岛上,人们流行用石榴、葡萄、、蒜头、悬铃树的树叶等编织新年环。所有这些都是传统上丰裕的象征。
    On the island of Kos,people fashion first? of? the? year wreaths of pomegranates,grapes,quinces,garlic bulbs,and plane tree leaves all of which are traditional symbols of abundance.
  • 给他时间,去安静地思索自然界中永恒的神秘:空中的小鸟,阳光下的蜜蜂,青山上的朵。
    Give him quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and flowers on the green hill.
  • 她赢得足球普尔的那些彩金已够她一生用不尽.
    Winning all that money on the pools set her up for life.
  • 她赢得足球普尔的那些彩金已够她一生用不尽
    Winning all that money on the pools sets her up for life.
  • 我想要一份中号的爆玉米
    I'd like a medium popcorn, please.
  • 他吃了一满口袋爆米
    he ate a large bag of popcorn.
  • 我特别喜欢边看电影边吃爆玉米
    I love to eat popcorn at the movies.
  • 是的,我想要一些热狗,爆玉米和桔子汁。
    Yes, I would like some hot dogs, popcorn and orange juice.
  • 当时我正捧着爆米,准备看泰森的比赛。
    "I had the popcorn and was getting ready to watch Mike Tyson.
  • 是的,我想要一些热狗,爆玉米和桔子汁,你有足够的钱吗?
    Yes, I would like some hot dogs, popcorn and orange juice. Have you got enough money?
  • 每天孩子们都会做点儿新玩意--爆米串成的细链子、手工做的小装饰品和墙纸样做的德国式风铃,我们把这些风铃挂在了天板上。
    Each day the children produced some new wonder -- strings of popcorn, hand-made trinkets, and German bells made from wallpaper samples, which we hung from the ceiling.
  • 在背面,有座园成倾斜状,其斜坡一直延伸到一排白杨树。
    At the back, a flower garden slopes down to a line of poplar trees.
  • 我喜欢这种印府绸,多少钱一码?
    I like this printed poplin, how much is it a yard?
  • 罂粟几种相似于罂粟或与其有关的植物一种,如加利福尼亚菱草
    Any of several similar or related plants, such as the California poppy.
  • 加利弗尼亚一种开亮丽的红色的野生罂粟。
    California wild poppy with bright red flowers.
  • 小的、灰色的、罂粟的种子;整个使用或烘焙磨碎。
    small gray seed of a poppy flower; used whole or ground in baked items.
  • 近极圈地区的多年生罂粟,开白或黄到橙色或桃红色且带香味的
    subarctic perennial poppy of both hemispheres having fragrant white or yellow to orange or peach flowers.
  • 长有坚硬且多毛叶片的亚洲多年生罂粟,开亮丽猩红色或粉红色到橙色的
    commonly cultivated Asiatic perennial poppy having stiff heavily haired leaves and bright scarlet or pink to orange flowers.
  • 无论是通过增进一朵鲜的价值、一首完美的诗歌,还是通过挽救一个灵魂,他均留给世界比他所得到的更美好的东西。
    who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul;
  • 明代青花瓷器
    Blue-and-white Porcelain of the Ming Dynasty
  • 清代青花瓷器
    Blue-and-white Porcelain of the Qing Dynasty