  • 这类网络避免了单一网络中固有的不接受的拆衷,如每台服务器需要专用存储设备,加重局域网存储和档案方面的工作。
    This type of net avoids the unacceptable trade-offs inherent in a single network for all applications, such as the need for dedicated storage devices for each server, and burdening a LAN with storage and archival activity.
  • 墨丘利在岩石上坐下来,谈个不停,大说故事,直到天色渐渐地暗了下来;这时他又吹起了箫,奏着最安神的乐曲,企图催那些警觉的眼睛进入梦乡,但没有奏效;因为阿尔戈斯虽然闭上了其中一些眼睛,但总有别一些还是睁着的。
    Mercury sat down, talked, told stories till it grew late, and played upon his pipes his most soothing strains, hoping to lull the watchful eyes to sleep, but in vain; for Argus still contrived to keep some of his eyes open, though he shut the rest.
  • 任何农作物都不在干涸的土壤中生长。
    No crops will grow in arid soil.
  • 疏忽能引起事故。
    Accidents can arise from carelessness.
  • 将来可会出现种种新问题。
    Various new problems may arise in future.
  • 由这项提议的条款可产生一些重大的责任。
    Serious obligations may arise from the proposed clause.
  • 是否由于这些女人太过干,光芒掩盖过男人?
    Do the problems arise because women outshine their spouses?
  • 当两个以自我为中心的夫妻发生碰撞,产生矛盾,坏量也会随之迸发。
    Bad energy springs from conflicts that arise when two egos collide.
  • 改革中,可会出现这样那样的小毛病,但是不要紧。
    Some minor problems may arise in the process, but it doesn't matter.
  • 是否由于这些女人太过干,光芒掩盖过男人,而令婚姻出现红灯?
    The interesting question is: Do the problems arise because women outshine their spouses?
  • 无论做什么事,都必须估计划处到可因而产生的危险。
    Before you do anything, you must reckon with the danger that may arise therefrom.
  • 以日常生活中可出现的情景为基础的幽默戏剧。
    a humorous drama based on situations that might arise in day-to-day life.
  • 现在出现的这些问题是解决的,我们有信心。
    We are confident that we can solve the problems that have arisen.
  • 此纳米技术的领域是如此广泛以至引起一些人们担心政府否实现有关此技术的远大目标月阿需20年才实现。
    The field has such a broad scope -- and basic research is still so new in some nanosubspecialties -- that worries have arisen about its ability to deliver on ambitious technology goals that may take 20 years to achieve.
  • 这样讲,不但不可帮助人们正确地认识和解决当前社会主义社会中出现的种种问题,也不可帮助人们正确地认识和进行在社会主义社会中为技术进步、社会进步而需要不断进行的改革。
    Thus they cannot help people to correctly understand and solve the problems that have arisen in socialist society today, or to correctly understand and carry out the continual reform that is essential for our technological and social advance.
  • 我们面临三万万人口的新区,干部又比较分散,发生的问题很多,这些问题不解决就不前进,所以必须整风。
    We have to work in the new liberated areas with a combined population of 300 million, where our cadres are sparsely spread out and many problems have arisen. We cannot continue unless these problems are solved; hence the need for a rectification movement.
  • 半年以来,由于日本诱降政策的加紧执行,国际投降主义者的积极活动,主要地还是在中国抗日阵线中一部分人的更加动摇,所谓和战问题竟闹得甚嚣尘上,投降的可就成了当前政治形势中的主要危险;
    In the last six months, with Japan pressing on with her policy of inducing China to capitulate, with the international capitulationists intensifying their activities and, above all, with some people in our anti-Japanese front wavering more than ever, a great clamour has arisen around the question of peace or war, so that capitulation has become the main danger in the present political situation.
  • 事实上,只有在已经积累起大量资本以后,才有可预先向劳动者支付超出最低限度口粮的报酬,因为付给劳动者的这种报酬,实际上不是用于生产,而是用于生产性劳动者的非生产性消费,这就需要有足够充分的生产基金,将其一部分经常用于单纯的享乐。
    In truth, it is only after an abundant capital had already been accumulated, that the practice of paying in advance any remuneration of labour beyond a bare subsistence, could possibly have arisen: since whatever is so paid, is not really applied to production, but to the unproductive consumption of productive labourers, indicating a fund for production sufficiently ample to admit of habitually diverting a part of it to a mere convenience.
  • 我们的各级领导机关,都管了很多不该管、管不好、管不了的事,这些事只要有一定的规章,放在下面,放在企业、事业、社会单位,让他们真正按民主集中制自行处理,本来可以很好办,但是统统拿到党政领导机关、拿到中央部门来,就很难办。谁也没有这样的神通,够办这么繁重而生疏的事情。
    Our leading organs at various levels have taken charge of many matters which they should not and cannot handle, or cannot handle efficiently. These matters could have been easily handled by the enterprises, institutions and communities at the grass-roots level, provided we had proper rules and regulations and they acted according to the principles of democratic centralism. Difficulties have arisen from the custom of referring all these things to the leading organs and central departments of the Party and government: no one is so versatile that he can take on any number of complex and unfamiliar jobs.
  • 我们不容忍动乱。以后遇到动乱的事,我们还要戒严。
    We cannot tolerate turmoil, and whenever it arises in future we shall impose martial law.
  • 当处境困难时大多数人都希望找个轻而易举的解决办法,但这往往是不可的。
    When a difficult situation arises, most people prefer to take the soft option, but this is not always possible.
  • 进一步的研究使具有长期生命的于血替代品成为可,这种干血替代品在必要时可以被迅速再水化。
    Further research studies have led to the possibility of a long-lived dry blood substitute that can be dehydrated rapidly when the need arises.
  • 负荷平衡器帮助解决“服务器忙碌”问题,当瞬间有大量用户试图访问服务器而导致服务器崩溃时,就会产生此问题。
    LOAD BALANCERS can help solve the "server-busy" problem that arises when servers drown from a flash flood of users trying to access them.
  • 就是由于运动而产生的量。
    Kinetic energy is the energy arising from motion.
  • 如果把自己看作群众的主人,看作高踞于“下等人”头上的贵族,那末,不管他们有多大的才,也是群众所不需要的,他们的工作是没有前途的。
    If he regards himself as their master, as an aristocrat who lords it over the "lower orders", then, no matter how talented he may be, he will not be needed by the masses and his work will have no future.
  • 古希腊大哲学家亚里士多德告诉我们应该通过领导学会领导,即在实践中培养自己具有让不同的人朝同一目标合作的才
    The Greek philosopher Aristotle told us that we learn to lead by leading, by practicing the skills that are required to move men and women in concert toward a common goal.
  • 那小男孩已经做简单的算术题。
    The little boy can already do simple problems in arithmetic.
  • 宇宙中任何其他地方的有智力的人都理解一个简单的数学序列。
    Intelligent creatures in any part of the universe would be able to understand a simple arithmetical sequence.
  • 相信在强有力的“公共体系”、“私人体系”及“人民体系”三管齐下,定如杨荣文准将所说的:“……新加坡已经作好‘诺亚方舟’,它的人民将同舟共济并作出调整,以安然地渡过这场风暴”。
    I believe that, by making use of the "People Sector", "Public Sector" and the "Private Sector", we will be able to achieve what BG George Yeo had said—that Singapore has prepared its "Noah's Ark" and that its people will sail together, make the necessary adjustments, and safely emerge from the great tempest".
  • 相信在强有力的“公共体系”、“私人体系”及“人民体系”三管齐下,定如杨荣文准将所说的:
    I believe that, by making use of the "Public Sector" , the "Private Sector" and "People Sector", we will be able to achieve what BG George Yeo had said—that Singapore has prepared its "Noah's Ark" and that its people will sail together, make the necessary adjustments, and safely emerge from the great tempest".
  • 阿肯色州警方的调查表明,卫生管理协会还在想方设法出售监狱犯人的血液,特别是售给一家加拿大公司,康诺特,该公司很可已把血浆销往全世界(此事正在调查之中)。
    Arkansas police investigations have shown that HMA continued to try to find ways to sell inmates' blood, especially to Connaught, a Canadian company that may have sold the plasma worldwide (the matter is under investigation).
  • 他的胳膊不能动
    Lost motion in his arm.