  • 好,请我们一杯威士忌苏打和一杯金酒汤力克。
    Well, please bring us a whisky soda and a gin with tonic water.
  • 他说他要孩子们打打气。
    He said he would ginger the boys up a bit.
  • 他从海滨回来的时候我们买了一些华而不实的工艺品做礼物。
    He bought us some gingerbread works as present when he returned from the beach.
  • 女孩母亲倒了一玻璃杯牛奶。
    The girt poured a glass of milk for her mother.
  • 我没有时间读这份报告,你能否我讲讲要点?
    I haven't time to read this report; can you give me the gist of it?
  • 上面的话的大意,在去年四月五日前委中央的信中,就已经有了。那封信上说:
    The gist of the above was already contained in the letter from the Front Committee to the Central Committee on April 5, 1929, which reads in part:
  • 你给侍者小费了吗?
    Have you given the waiter a tip?
  • 给某人以重要职务
    give a person an important post
  • 把行李交搬运员搬运
    give a porter one's luggage to carry
  • 太阳我们(提供)光和热。
    The sun gives us light and heat.
  • 你把感冒传染我了。
    You've given me your cold.
  • 如若她机会, 她是很可能会成为一位杰出的艺术家的。
    Given the opportunity, she might well have become an outstanding artist.
  • 我给他一本书。
    I gave him a book.
  • 你能给我工作吗?
    Can you give me a job?
  • 他付他一英镑作为帮忙的酬金。
    She gave him a pound for his help.
  • 我一个机会来试一试这个工作。
    Give me a chance to try the job.
  • 我概述一下你的新计划。
    Give me a broad idea of your new strategy.
  • 把钱分给孩子们。
    Give the money out to the children.
  • 我们把他交了警方。
    We gave him over to the police.
  • 保安部门予某人的机密工作许可
    Give sb security clearance
  • 表明意见;一个借口
    Give an opinion; give an excuse.
  • 各方面一个满意的部分。
    give pleasant proportions to.
  • 给我吧。
    Give them to me.
  • 交给他!
    Give it to him.
  • 把它给我!
    Give it to me.
  • 给我一些水。
    Give me some water.
  • 请给我十块钱。
    Give me ten bucks.
  • 慷慨的予或者正在予。
    given or giving freely.
  • 比赛者发出的开始命令。
    a start given to contestants.
  • 命令以权利出的命令
    An order given with authority.
  • 礼物给予者
    A giver of gifts.
  • "这样,你就把决定权完全交了对方。
    That leaves the decision entirely in the hands of the giver.