  • 他威胁租户送上法庭或逐出。
    He threaten to take the tenant to court or to have the tenant evict.
  • 美德定将战胜邪恶.
    Virtue will prevail against evil.
  • 邪恶来的一种感觉。
    a feeling of evil to come.
  • 如果该政府继续如此征税的话,它不会持续多久。
    If the government goes on exacting so much from the taxpayer, it will not last long.
  • ——夸大爱人的优点,如果能发现他或她任何缺点的话,会其最小化。
    Exaggerate your lover's good points and minimize bad points -- if you can see any.
  • 他下周将参加考试。
    He'll be taking exam next week.
  • 在十月份参加考试。
    I'm taking an exam in October.
  • 明天我参加一场考试。
    I will take an examination tomorrow.
  • 去检查她的牙齿。
    She'll have her teeth examine.
  • 接近物体去检查;自己的注意力集中于某事物。
    examine closely; focus one's attention on.
  • 此事引起我们的全部关注。
    The matter will be given our exclusive attention.
  • 这个周末我们去杭州旅行。
    We shall make an excursion to Hangzhou this weekend.
  • 视力不佳使你免服兵役。
    Poor eyesight will exempt you from military service.
  • 他虽竭尽全力,但仍然未能那石头搬起来。
    He failed to lift the rock in spite of all his exertions.
  • 军鼓励他的士兵好好作战。
    The general exhorted his men to fight well.
  • 教士鬼从房屋中驱走.
    A priest exorcized the ghost from the house.
  • 工厂的扩展意味著增雇六十名工人.
    The expansion of the factory will mean the employment of sixty extra workers.
  • 预期战争至,许多人囤积食品。
    In expectation of war, many people like to store up food.
  • 那将加速工程的进展
    That will expedite the project.
  • 笔者认为,除非尽早采取有力措施,这些情形与日俱增,正如那些长年没有解决的经常在婚礼或宴会上迟到而使他人很不舒服的人的问题一样。
    I believe that, unless something effective is being done expeditiously, it will become more deeply-entrenched as time goes on, just like the perennial problem of people turning up late for wedding or other dinners and penalizing those who are socially disciplined.
  • (倾向)开除的被开除或易被开除的
    Expelling or tending to expel.
  • 空气吸入肺,并排出肺的一个动程。
    draw air into, and expel out of, the lungs.
  • 敌欲达此目的,至少出五十个师团,约一百五十万兵员,时间一年半至两年,用费在一百万万日元以上。
    To accomplish this aim the enemy will have to use at least fifty divisions, or about one and a half million men, spend from one and a half to two years, and expend more than ten thousand million yen.
  • 我们不断进行实验,直至所需颜色调配成功。
    He's experienced in looking after children.
  • 同样,在美国波士顿的一位科学家,也能够向上海的一位科学家要求提供专门知识。而这种联系只需要几秒钟的时间就可以接通。
    And the scientist in Boston will be able to call on the expertise of the scientist in Shanghai, and all of it in a matter of seconds.
  • 他的总统任期明年届满。
    His term of office as president will expire next year.
  • 此规则解释给我听听。
    Please explain this rule to me.
  • 一半因为我们的宣传解释工作还不够,一半也因为客观事变的发展还没有完全暴露其固有的性质,还没有其面貌鲜明地摆在人们之前,使人们无从看出其整个的趋势和前途,因而无从决定自己的整套的方针和做法。
    This is partly because we did not do enough propaganda and explanatory work, and partly because the development of objective events had not yet fully and clearly revealed their inherent nature and their features to the people, who were thus not in a position to foresee the over-all trend and the outcome and hence to decide on a complete set of policies and tactics.
  • 他们的英雄业绩被载入史册。
    Their heroic exploits will go down in history.
  • 探矿权人在完成规定的最低勘查投入后,经依法批准,可以探矿权转让他人。
    The exploration licensees, after fulfilling the specified minimum input to exploration and obtaining approval in accordance with law, may transfer the exploration right to another.
  • 他们队负责石油勘探工作。
    Their team will undertake exploration for oil.
  •  禁止探矿权、采矿权倒卖牟利。
    Profiteering in exploration right or mining right shall be prohibited.