  • (运动员姓)行为不端。
    (name of player) warning for misconduct'
  • 现在社会、学校给那些所谓的男性化女生贴上“不适当性别行为”的标志,以“行为不端”的罪判她们有罪,并且还要改造她们。
    Our society and schools are stigmatizing the so-called tomboys with "improper gender behavior", condemning them or their "misdemeanor", and trying to reform them accordingly.
  • 现在社会、学校给那些所谓的男性化女生贴上“不适当性别行为”的标志,以“行为不端”的罪判她们有罪,并且还要改造她们。
    Our society and schools are stigmatising the so-called tomboys with "improper gender behaviour", condemning them for their "misdemeanour", and trying to reform them accordingly.
  • 他博得了一个守财奴的声。
    He has gained the character of a miser.
  • 这是宋代将岳飞悲剧发生的主要原因。
    Chinese general Yue Fei's undivided loyalty to the country and the Song emperor (who was misled by corrupt court officials) was what led to his tragic death years ago.
  • 除了会被排字工的错误弄得诗扫地而上,诗人是可以超越一切而幸存的。
    A poet can survive everything but a misprint.
  • 单上把他字遗漏了。
    His name was missing on the list.
  • 原计划还包括在该火山地区进行地址勘测,以及测试一种叫"marvin"的两轮运输车,这种车是为日后在火星进行勘测时使用而设计的。
    The mission also included geological experiments in the area around the volcano and testing a two-wheeled vehicle called "MARVIN," which may be used in future Mars missions.
  • 我19岁那年,嫁给了一去中国的传教士。
    At the age of nineteen I married a man who was going to China to be a missionary.
  • 密西西比河西部的州。
    Name the states west of the Mississippi!
  • 如果普鲁登斯继续要等碰到一个十全十美的,非常合适的对象才谈,那么她新词也交不了一个男朋友。
    Prudence will never have a boyfriend if she keeps waiting for Mister Right to come along.
  • 别叫我琼斯,我的姓前有头衔,因此以后请喊我琼斯先生。
    Do not call me Jones; my name has a handle to it, and so please call me Mister Jones in future.
  • 少爷用于年龄上还不足被称为“先生”的少年的字前的敬称
    Used as a courtesy title before the given or full name of a boy not considered old enough to be addressed as Mister.
  • 一九九七年九月,该署在某些经甄选的目标楼宇展开全面的执法管制行动,为路路通行动,同时大举宣传,以对其他楼宇收阻吓作用,防止有人拆除或误用楼宇内为残疾人士提供的设施。
    A comprehensive enforcement operation - Operation Check Walk - was launched in September 1997 on selected target buildings. High profile publicity on the enforcement action has been given as a deterrent to other buildings against removal or misuse of the facilities for persons with a disability.
  • (ellamitchell饰真的“超级妈妈”):我是真正的“超级妈妈”,是那幢房子的主人,其他人都是冒顶替的,那些戴着伪装的家伙,但这真得很有趣。
    (Ella Mitchell--_ as the real"big momma."): I'm the original big momma that owns big momma's house. And the others are all impostors. And people working under cover, if you know what I mean. But it's a lot of fun.
  • (ellamitchell饰真的“超级妈妈”):我是真正的“超级妈妈”,是那幢房子的主人,其他人都是冒顶替的,那些戴着伪装的家伙,但这真得很有趣。
    (Ella Mitchell--_ as the real "big momma."): I'm the original big momma that owns big momma's house. And the others are all impostors. And people working under cover, if you know what I mean. But it's a lot of fun.
  • 他看了一会儿金牌,然后取下递给我,说:"你是一冠军,你搏得了这枚金牌。
    He looked at it for a mo-ment,then took it off and handed it back to me.He said,"You are a champion.You earned that medal.
  • 由十二医生组成的流动医疗队
    A mobile medical team made up of twelve doctors
  • 美国著计算机安全公司sophos20日宣布,一种新的邮件病毒开始以附件形式在网络上出现。该病毒伪装成屏保程序,内容一般是有关美国间谍卫星拍摄的伊拉克图片或是歌颂、讽刺布什总统的动画。
    A new e-mail worm has surfaced that purports to show screensavers of U.S. spy satellite pictures of Iraq or animations that are either patriotic or that mock President Bush, a computer security company warned on Thursday.
  • 在格利佛学校读书的17岁的三年级学生萨拉·贝克说,她在家里找到了自己的行为楷模:当律师的母亲和做大学教授的父亲。她自己也试着要成为一行为楷模。
    Sarah Baker, 17, a junior at Gulliver Academy here, said she found her role models at home: a mother who is a lawyer and a father who is a university professor, and has tried to become a role model herself.
  • 简总是模仿有的电影明星。
    Jane has always modeled herself after the famous movie star.
  • 他们以演出的话剧而闻
    They are noted for the modem plays they have staged.
  • 安妮:现代体育场里最有的是布拉格的斯特拉霍夫体育场。
    Annie: The most famous stadium among modem stadiums is the Straholf Stadium in Prague.
  • 最近已有6患者指控科佩尔曼对她们进行过性骚扰。
    Six patients had recently come forward to complain that Copperman had molested them.
  • 最大的软体动物,著但从来没有人见过(可达60英尺长)。
    largest mollusk known about but never seen (to 60 feet long).
  • 我妈妈刚刚为我的小妹妹报参加了市篮球联合会。
    My mom just signed up my little sister for the city basketball league.
  • 墨西哥的公国中的一个城镇和旅游胜地;是世界闻的赌城。
    a town and popular resort in the principality of Monaco; world-famous for its gambling casino.
  • 尽管荷兰义上是君主制度,但它实际上是共和政体。
    Although nominally, a monarchy, the Netherlands is in effect a republic.
  • 修道院誉院长修道院或一组修道院的院长
    The head of a monastery or a group of monasteries.
  • 翻翻我的笔记本,我只看到几个汉族字,其他都是蒙族。
    Looking over my notes.I can find only a few Han names, the rest are all Mongolian.
  • 除了平姬和海文莉修女外,没有人知道他正确的字。
    No one but Pinky and Sister Heavenly knew his straight moniker, monicker.
  • 约翰把所有的财产送人成为一修道士。
    John gave all his possessions away and became a monk.