  • 塑料不能自行分解。
    Plastic is not biodegradable.
  • 美国政府的纳米技术倡议广泛超出了研制化妆品防晒油的范围,它设想纳米结构材料有助于减少航天飞机的体积,重量和动力需求,创造一种绿色的制作程序,使这一代人最大限度兔受生产中对人不利的副产品的影响,并能为在子工程层面上生产起生物递降解作用的农药打下基础。
    The government's nanotech initiative goes beyond sunscreen. It envisages that nanostructured materials may help reduce the size, weight and power requirements of spacecraft, create green manufacturing processes that minimize the generation of unwanted by-processes that minimize the generation of unwanted by-products, and form the basis of motecularty engineered biodegradable pesticides.
  • 戴在手腕上的血糖测试仪通过向皮肤中发送细小的电流来每20钟核查一次血糖。
    The wrist-mounted GlucoWatch Biographer checks sugar every 20 minutes by sending tiny electric currents through the skin.
  • 一本关于蛇的书;客观--是传记所力求的一部
    A book about snakes; objectivity梐 part of what biography is about.
  • 传记的难点在于它部是记录而部是艺术。
    The difficulty with biography is that it is partly record and partly art.
  • 莉莎想制作一部30钟的传记录像,记载她未婚夫生命中重要的时刻,给他一个惊喜。
    Liza wanted to surprise James with a 30? minute video biography that captured the highlights of his life.
  • 让我高兴的是,我发现哈丁--西蒙斯大学阿比林院的格雷格·坎特雷尔教授新近完成了一本这位得克萨斯之父的绝妙传记。
    To my delight, I discovered that Professor Gregg Cantrell at Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene has just finished a superb biography of the Father of Texas.
  • 悉尼奥运会是一个水岭,从它开始,反兴奋剂已从传统战升级为生物工程战。
    The Sydney Olympics is a watershed. Since its beginning, anti-doping has risen from its traditional battle to the battle of biologic engineering.
  • 王平:悉尼奥运会是一个水岭,从它开始,反兴奋剂已从传统战升级为生物工程战。你们看,epo、基因等都是高科技的“战果”。
    Wang Ping: The Sydney Olympics is a watershed. Since its beginning, anti-doping has risen from its traditional battle to the battle of biologic engineering.
  • 顺序析仪确定生物学的聚合体中成份顺序的仪器
    An apparatus for determining the order of constituents in a biological polymer.
  • 有些生物子呈螺旋状.
    Some biological molecules have the form of a helix.
  • 裂殖的由生物裂而生殖的
    Reproducing by biological fission.
  • 生物大分子衍射技术
    diffraction techniques of biological macromolecules
  • (生物学)不从生物学上区的或不适合特定功能、环境的。
    (biology) not biologically differentiated or adapted to a specific function or environment.
  • 肯德鲁,约翰·考德里生于1917英国生物学家。他因确定血液成子结构而获1962年诺贝尔化学奖
    British biologist. He shared the1962 Nobel Prize for chemistry for determining the molecular structure of blood components.
  • 沃森,詹姆斯·杜威生于1928美国生物学家,与法朗西斯·克里克共同提出了脱氧核糖核酸子结构的双螺旋模型。由于其在基因研究上的进展于1962年与人享诺贝尔奖
    American biologist who with Francis Crick proposed a spiral model, the double helix, for the molecular structure of DNA. He shared a1962 Nobel Prize for advances in the study of genetics.
  • 克里克,弗朗西斯·亨利·康普顿生于1916英国生物学家,他与詹姆士·d。沃森一起为脱氧核糖核酸的子结构提出了双螺旋这种螺旋模型。他因在遗传学研究方面的进展而获得1962年诺贝尔奖
    British biologist who with James D. Watson proposed a spiral model, the double helix, for the molecular structure of DNA. He shared a1962 Nobel Prize for advances in the study of genetics.
  • 欧洲子生物学实验室
    European Molecular Biology Laboratory,EMBL
  • 生物学中科以下的类单位。
    (biology) a taxonomic category below a family.
  • (生物学)成熟的动物身上没有充发育的。
    (biology) not fully developed in mature animals.
  • (生物学)成员之间可以进行异种交配的类学类目。
    (biology) taxonomic group whose members can interbreed.
  • 生物学中研究动物的支。
    the branch of biology that studies animals.
  • 生物学中研究植物的支。
    the branch of biology that studies plants.
  • 双鞭毛海虫一种记载,主要是腰鞭毛虫海洋原生动物,特点是有两种鞭毛及纤维素的外壳,形成浮游生物中一种主要成。他们包括生物发光类型,可引起赤潮
    Any of numerous minute, chiefly marine protozoans of the order Dinoflagellata, characteristically having two flagella and a cellulose covering and forming one of the chief constituents of plankton. They include bioluminescent forms and forms that produce red tide.
  • 肝糖水解,糖原解作用糖原转化成葡萄糖的生物医理
    The biomedical breakdown of glycogen to glucose.
  • 免疫学研究免疫系统的结构和功能、先天或后天的免疫能力、身体对同类和异类的辨别以及带特殊抗体的抗原相互作用的实验技术等的生物医学
    The branch of biomedicine that is concerned with the structure and function of the immune system, innate and acquired immunity, the bodily distinction of self from nonself, and laboratory techniques involving the interaction of antigens with specific antibodies.
  • 生物圈二号位于图森市以北30英里处,沿着驶往奥雷克尔的77号高速公路可以开车直达。整个行程需要90钟。
    Biosphere 2 is located about 30 miles north of Tucson, a straightforward drive along Highway 77 toward Oracle, the trip takes about 90 minutes.
  • 生物工程学中利用生物程序来克服环境问题的支。
    the branch of biotechnology that uses biological process to overcome environmental problems.
  • 从聚会上传来的喧闹声越发过了。
    The noise from that party is getting a bit much.
  • 他已有三分醉意了。
    He is a bit tipsy.
  • 刻薄的恶意讽刺的且十锐利的;讽刺的
    Corrosive and bitingly trenchant; cutting.
  • 他十痛苦地讲述了他在监狱中的经历.
    He spoke most bitterly of his experiences in prison.