  • 机器什么毛病了吗?
    Is there anything amiss with the machine?
  • 准是了什和差错,他没来这里接我们。
    Somethings gone amiss, he's not here to meet us.
  • 如果我指你的错误,那么请你不要生气。
    Do not take it amiss if I point out your errors.
  • 如果我指你的错误,请别见怪。
    Please don't take it amiss if I point out your errors.
  • 自他主管这所学校以来,还从未过问题
    Nothing has ever gone amiss since he took charge of the school
  • 自他主管这所学校以来,还从未过问题。
    Nothing have ever go amiss since he take charge of the school.
  • 有些重要的事情已经偏离了我们的计划;有些事情已经完全超了我们的准备。
    something has gone awry in our plans; something went badly amiss in the preparations.
  • 假如我冒昧地对你的文章提几点批评,希望你不要见怪。
    I hope you will not take it amiss that I venture to make a few criticisms of your article.
  • 我想不什么办法来表达自己的观点,使大家不至于对它误解。
    I couldn't think of a way to present my view so that no one would take it amiss.
  • 什么东西了毛病;完全失灵了;电话坏了;你的吸尘器有什么毛病?;发动机有什么东西了故障。
    something is amiss; has gone completely haywire; the telephone is out of order; what's the matter with your vacuum cleaner?; something is wrong with the engine.
  • 他们打捞沉在水中的弹药。
    They fished up the sunk ammunition.
  • 我并没有离家走,也没有弄断双臂,更没患健忘症。
    No, I haven't run away from home, or broken both arms, or had a bout of amnesia.
  • 胎膜羊膜的一部分,尤指当包着生时的胎儿头部时
    A portion of the amnion, especially when it covers the head of a fetus at birth.
  • 妇女怀孕15周后,从孕妇体内抽羊水来做诊断。
    extraction of amniotic fluid from a pregnant woman (after the 15th week of pregnancy) to aid in the diagnosis of fetal abnormalities.
  • 东京顺天堂大学的桑原教授进行了另一项研究,他的研究是从羊的体内取胚胎,然后放入装有保持体温的羊水液体里。
    A different approach has been taken by Yoshinori Kuwabara at Juntendo University in Tokyo. His team has removed foetuses from goats and placed them in clear plastic tanks filled with amniotic fluid stabilised at body temperature.
  • 老虎逃了动物园,张牙舞爪乱窜了几小时。
    The tiger escaped from the zoo and ran amok for hours.
  • 老虎逃了动物园,张牙舞爪乱窜了几小时
    The tiger escapes from the zoo and runs amok for hours
  • 托马斯法官首先在长达12小时35分的听证会中作证,语调时而反抗,时而悲伤,向委员们坚持说他从来未对希尔教授性骚扰,并将自己和他的家人描述成希尔教授和走火入魔的参院同间程序所侵害并卖的受害人。
    Testifying first in a hearing that lasted 12 hours and 35 minutes, Judge Thomas sounded by turns defiant and sorrowful in insisting to committee members that he never sexually harassed Professor Hill, depicting himself and his family as victims who were betrayed by the professor and a Senate confirmation process that has run amok.
  • 出席的人中有...
    A-those present were ...
  • 他在科学家中是杰的。
    He is eminent among scientists.
  • 把这些豆子里的沙粒挑去。
    Pick over the lentils carefully in case there are any stones amongst them.
  • 某先生将指定贵方为他的信用证人。
    He has given me your esteemed address, amongst others, as reference.
  • 这个文件是在我所理的文件中偶然找到的。
    The document turned up amongst some papers that I was sorting out.
  • 你能从照片上这些人中找你母亲吗?
    Can you pick out your mother from amongst the group on that photograph?
  • 把这些豆子里的沙粒挑去。
    Pick over the lentil carefully in case there is any stone amongst them.
  • 在她众多的演活动中包括她十一岁时为英国女王的演奏。
    Amongst her many international concerts as a featured classical soloist is a command performance for the Queen at the age of eleven.
  • 我们向来重视人才,今晚席酒会的众多嘉宾中,有过往杰青年和杰学生选举的得奖人。
    All along, we have attached great importance to able persons. Amongst our guests here this evening, some are winners of the past Outstanding Persons Elections and the Outstanding Students Awards.
  • 只有这样,人们才会确保那些人力资源中表现来的所有自由能量能有效地在友好国家间更为广泛地进行合作的组织中得到有效利用。
    Only in this way could one make sure that all the free energy potentially present. in the form of human resources is channeled effectively within a wider cooperative organization amongst friendly nations.
  • 吴作栋总理在南大举办的“总理论坛”上指当其他国家对我国发攻击性的言论时,大学生之间应有一股“沉默的忿怒”。
    In a forum held in the Nanyang Technological University , Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong pointed out that when other countries make offensive remarks about Singapore, there should be a sense of silent indignance amongst our university students.
  • 给予或者显示令人作呕的感情或者钟爱
    Given to or displaying mawkish affection or amorousness.
  • 他的黑人侍从爱默士,曾写了一本关于他的书,书名是「西道尔.罗斯福恃从心目中的英雄」,在那本书?,爱默士说一椿感人的故事:
    His valet, James E. Amos, wrote a book about him entitled Theodore Roosevelt, Hero to His Valet. In that book Amos relates this illuminating incident:
  • 发票上的钱数要用字和数码写来。
    In an invoice the amount of money should be written both in words and in figures.