| - 那些工厂释放出一些被污染过的气体。
Some polluting gases are released from those workshop. - 中华人民共和国想寻求一些咨询意见,那是无可非议的,但至于引人注目地公开雇佣美国说客和公关事务所,我目前还不知是否可行,我觉得或许有点儿为时过早。
It is not awful for the People's Republic of China to seek consulting advices but as far as hiring high profile American lobbyists and public relations firms,I don't know the answer right now,but I think that maybe a little premature. - 说气话在一阵愤怒的突然爆发中不经考虑地脱口说出
To speak thoughtlessly in a burst of released anger. - 使处于社会边缘被降低或限制在一个下限或外限或边缘,如社会地位
To relegate or confine to a lower or outer limit or edge, as of social standing. - 他已经被驱逐到西伯利亚的一个地。
he has been relegated to a post in Siberia. - 在另一方面,一种文化如果忽略了家庭,或视家庭为无关重要的制度,结果定将造出一些更劣等的产品。
On the other hand, a civilization which ignores the home or relegates it to a minor position is apt to turn out poorer products. - 他们给了他一大堆忠告。
They flooded him with advice. - 每个人都为足球队降级而大吃一惊。
Everyone was surprised when the football team was relegated to a lower division. - 在把世界上敌对仇视的国家聚在一起并把野蛮的战争抛进历史的垃圾箱的至高无上的任务中,奥林匹克精神起着非常重要的作用。
Olympism plays a vital part in the supreme task of binding together rival nations, and relegating the barbarism of wars to the past. - 他们挂起红带子,装得很热心,用骗术钻入了政府委员会,把持一切,使贫农委员只作配角。
Wearing red ribbons and feigning enthusiasm, they wormed their way into the government committees by trickery and seized control of everything, relegating the poor-peasant members to a minor role. - 但宋明理学兴起,佛教被划为与道教同属的活动,一起被打入山林退隐了。
But after the rise of neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming Dynasties, Buddhism, together with Taoism, was relegated to the wilderness. - 我的信箱终于有了一个乡下的地址;原来亲手赠送糖果和贺卡的工作都归了美国邮政局管。
My mailbox eventually had a rural address,and the job of hand-delivering candy and cards was relegated to the U.S.Postal Service. - 而如今,华文名却常面对尴尬的境地,难取、乱取、取而不用,不一而足。
Unfortunately, Chinese names are now often relegated to oblivion. Some find it hard to pick a meaningful one while others will settle for any name at all. Either way, they are not used most of the time. - 针对目前中直企业按属地化原则落实城市居民最低生活保障资金有一定难度的情况,一方面要求有关地区高度重视城市最低生活保障工作,克服消极等待和依赖思想,加大财政投入力度,特别是省级财政尚未列支最低生活保障金预算的,要求尽快列出最低生活保障预算,按国务院要求把本地的中直企业职工家庭纳入最低生活保障实施范围;
Given the difficulty of relegating, on a geographic basis, the subsistence security for those working for enterprises directly under the central government, it is required that relevant regions attach great importance to ensuring the subsistence security and overcome the "wait-and-rely" mentality by enhancing fiscal input, especially by earmarking budget for the subsistence security in those provinces where no budgetary provisions have been made for this purpose. The local authorities are required by the State Council to include the families in their own regions with people working for enterprises directly under the Central Government in the subsistence security program. - 例如,在每个季度的最后几天,会计部门访问公司的财务数据可以授予最高的优先等级,而在其余的时间内,则降到较低一些的等级,主管可以获得高优先权使用所有的应用程序,包括web浏览,而对其他雇员而言,则一般定在较低的优先等级上。
Thus, for example, the accounting department's access to corporate financials could be given the highest priority on the last few days of the quarter, while being relegated to somewhat lesser status the rest of the time.Executives could get high priority for all their applications, including Web browsing, which might generally be set at a lower priority for other employees. - 雨小了一阵,刚好够我去买东西的时间。
The rain relent just long enough for me to go shopping. - 她身为政治家一生不断受到的压力
The relentless pressure of her life as a politician - 为什么不可以组织一次、二次、三次严厉打击刑事犯罪活动的战役?
Why not organize a relentless campaign against crime--or two or three campaigns? - 他是一个不留情面的活动家,几年来一直是政府的眼中钉肉中刺。
A relentless campaigner, he was a thorn in the government's side for a number of years. - 常规路由器中常见的瓶颈就是为不断送来的恒定的包流紧张地查找下一跳跃的路由表。
The usual bottleneck in a conventional router is the relentless next-hop route table lookup for the constant stream of incoming packets. - 这一点或许是我和姐妹们最难以忍受的,因为别的孩子总是无情地为此取笑我们。
This was probably the hardest thing my sisters and I had to go through. The other children were relentless in teasing us. - 为了更好地贯彻这一原则,中国在健全、完善法律制度,严肃执法、坚决打击侵权违法行为的同时,针对知识产权制度在中国建立的时间较短,公民的知识产权意识比较薄弱等情况,大力开展知识产权保护的法制宣传教育,并加速知识产权领域专业人员的培训。
Still, the intellectual property rights protection system has only comparatively recently been introduced in China, and some portion of the population has a rather incomplete understanding of intellectual property rights. In order to better implement this principle, while improving its legal system, enforcing the laws earnestly and striking relentless blows at infringements and other unlawful practices, China has spared no efforts in publicizing and providing education about the intellectual property protection legal system and in accelerating the training of professional personnel in this field. - 他狠狠地把那条狗打了一顿。
He beat the dog relentlessly. - 艾丽斯完全听不进道理,一意孤行……。
Alice was totally impervious to reasoning, relentlessly determined to get her own way…. - 是内心一股无法遏制的冲动让我不停地去画。
There was an undeniable urge within that pushed me relentlessly to do this. - 每一个主张和平的国家都必须提高警惕,更重要的是要捐弃成见,抛开私利,结合集体正义力量,毫不手软地将恐怖主义斩草除根。
Every country that advocates peace must be on the alert. More important, they should put aside their prejudices and selfish interests to root out terrorism collectively and relentlessly. - 一句忠言
a piece [bit or few words] of advice - 他们愿意站得近些,甚至摸摸交谈对象,因而就一个劲地逼着美国人满屋走,竭力缩短彼此之间的距离。
Finding themselves happier standing close to and even touching those they are in conversation with they will relentlessly pursue the Americans round the room trying to close the distance between them. - 几个法警形成一个残酷无情的包围圈,等待着初升的阳光,这残忍地使人想到往昔的献祭日,现在完全落在又一个牺牲品的身上,被所有的天神遗弃了的苔丝醒了。
In a grim, inexorable circle they waited until the sun's level rays, relentlessly reminiscent of a bygone sacrificial day, fell full upon another victim, and Tess, deserted by all the gods, awoke. - 小布什是有些木讷,但他坚持这四大问题不动摇,的确是一个讨人喜欢的好策略,事实上他愚钝又务实,我想没人会料到以后发生的事。
He was somewhat wooden, but he stuck to the four issues relentlessly and it proved to be a winning strategy. In fact he was so wooden and so programmed that I don't think anyone was prepared for what happened next. - 这是一个惊人的故事——这个1962年始创于阿肯色州乡村地区的沃尔玛百货公司在今年一跃登上了《财富》500强的榜首。公司创始人萨姆·沃尔顿一面千方百计提高销售额,一面以先进的信息技术降低成本。他以严格的“10英尺规则”(向在这距离之内的顾客致意)鼓励员工提高销售质量。换句话说,他是当今经济戒律——服务规则——的第一位传道者。事实上,沃尔玛百货公司是第一个跃居《财富》500强榜首的服务业公司。1955年,当《财富》杂志第一次公布美国最大公司的排名时,沃尔玛甚至尚未问世。那一年,通用汽车公司是美国最大的公司,此后不是通用汽车公司就是另一个大公司——埃克森公司独占鳌头。
It’s a stunning tale -- one that propelled Wal-Mart from rural Arkansas,where it was founded in 1962,to the top of the Fortune 500 this year.Sam Walton,Wal-Mart’s founder,pushed sales growth relentlessly while squeezing costs with sophisticated information technology.He exhorted employees to sell better with the“ten-foot rule”(greet customers if they are that close).He was,in other words,an early evangelist for the first commandment of today’s economy:Service rules.Wal-Mart,in fact,is the first service company to rise to the top of the Fortune 500.When Fortune first published its list of the largest companies in America in 1995,Wal-Mart didn’t even exist.That year General Motors was America’s biggest company,and in every year that followed,either GM or another mighty industrial,Exxon,was NO.1. - 他向我提了一些很好的意见。
He gave me some good advice.