  • 荷叶边装饰一种通常把材料收拢或折叠在一条边上的装饰性边,如在一件衣服或一张窗帘上
    A strip of decorative, usually gathered or pleated material attached by one edge, as on a garment or curtain.
  • 任何石墨属白丹科的植物。
    any plumbaginaceous plant of the genus Plumbago.
  • 丹属植物一种白丹属植物;欧洲蓝茉莉
    Any of various plants of the genus Plumbago; leadwort.
  • 欧洲蓝茉莉任一种生长于热带的白丹属植物,开成串的色彩各异的
    Any of various chiefly tropical plants of the genus Plumbago, having clusters of variously colored flowers.
  • (通常复数)预算外或非指定的费。
    (frequently plural) an expense not budgeted or not specified.
  • 我买了个新打火机,可是已经坏了;我白了五镑。
    I bought a new cigarette lighter and it broke; now I'm £5 out of pocket.
  • 我经常看戏了不少钱。
    Frequent theatre going into my pocket.
  • 这花费了他许多钱。
    It cost him pocketfuls of money.
  • 把像生或豆子的荚壳除去。
    take something out of its shell or pod, such as peas or beans.
  • 他一首又一首地写诗赞美她的容月貌。
    He wrote poem after poem to her beauty.
  • 他那美其名曰夏季别墅的园棚
    His garden shed which, with a certain amount of poetic licence, he calls his summer-house
  • 朱兰,朱兰一种朱兰属陆生小兰,生长在北温带,开粉色或微白的
    Any of various small terrestrial orchids of the genus Pogonia, of the North Temperate Zone, having pink or whitish flowers.
  • 生长于热带的一种开灌木,其呈明亮的桔红或红色。
    a tropical flowering shrub having bright orange or red flowers; sometimes placed in genus Poinciana.
  • 一种热带灌木或小乔木,美丽,黄色至鲜橙色;有时归属于黄蝴蝶属。
    tropical shrub or small tree having showy yellow to orange-red flowers; sometimes placed in genus Poinciana.
  • 具有单一雄蕊的,如一品红
    Having flowers bearing a single stamen, as in the poinsettia.
  • 五张同色的扑克牌。
    a poker hand with all 5 cards in the same suit.
  • 不久,他就把赌扑克牌赢来的钱光了。
    He soon ran through the money he had won at poker.
  • *世界卫生组织在全世界减少或消灭了若干疾病的发病率,包括天和小儿麻痹症,而该组织每年的预算为4.21亿美元,约为在得克萨斯州的达拉斯建造一座新的美航中心、篮球/曲棍球设施所需的费用。
    * The World Health Organization (WHO), which has reduced or eliminated the incidence of a number of diseases worldwide, including smallpox and polio, has an annual budget of $421 million – about what it cost to build the new American Airlines Center, a basketball/hockey facility in Dallas, Texas.
  • 他们会有礼貌地说:"谢谢你时间跟我们谈话。
    They politely say,“ Thank you very much for your time.
  • 那名政客在耍诡计招。
    The politician was playing a deep game.
  • 那个候选人得过火了:他已经领先他人却又了一百万元在宣传费上
    The candidate used overkilling : he was way ahead in the poll but spent another million dollars on campaign ads
  • 空气中有很高的粉计数。
    There is a high pollen count in the air.
  • 雄蕊长在的中央,能产生粉。
    Stamen is in the middle of a flower and may produce pollen.
  • 药雄蕊中有粉的部分
    The pollen-bearing part of the stamen.
  • 孢粉学关于孢子和粉的科学研究
    The scientific study of spores and pollen.
  • 受粉把粉从一棵植物传到另一棵里;异受粉
    Transfer of pollen from one plant to another; cross-pollination.
  • 从一朵到另一朵传授粉的昆虫。
    an insect that carries pollen from one flower to another.
  • 通过同一植物上的其他粉来授粉。
    fertilized by pollen from another flower of the same plant.
  • 一人的心爱作家或“文学情人”,就是其灵魂之粉。
    One's favorite author or literary lover is pollen for his soul.
  • 授粉或种子播种时爆裂或裂开。
    burst or split open, as of flowers and seeds when releasing pollen or seeds.
  • 粉和植物或精子与卵子相结合的行为或过程。
    creation by the union of sperm or pollen with an animal or plant or egg cell.
  • 蜜蜂的粉食料蜜蜂用作食物的粉与蜂蜜所混合的棕色物质
    A brownish substance consisting of a mixture of pollen and honey and used by bees as food.