  • 但是,虽说政府或国家有权决定应该有什么样的制度,可它们却不任意确定这些制度起作用的方式。
    But though governments or nations have the power of deciding what institutions shall exist, they cannot arbitrarily determine how those institutions shall work.
  • 人类凭自己的意思以某些事物暗示另一些事物的方法不妨称作象征法。
    The process by means of which human beings can arbitrarily make certain things stand for other things may be called things stand for other things may be called the symbolic process.
  • 你们不宜人为地规定工人待遇比旧职员高,尤不可在目前条件下,去提高工人待遇,因为这是不可的,而且是带有危险性的办法。
    It is not proper for you to arbitrarily decide that workers should receive more material benefits than former employees. Particularly under the present circumstances, you should not try to increase such benefits of workers, because it is impossible at this time and besides, it would be dangerous.
  • 第四十二条 违反本法的规定,擅自降低消防技术标准施工、使用防火性不符合国家标准或者行业标准的建筑构件和建筑材料或者不合格的装修、装饰材料施工的,责令限期改正;
    Article 42 Those who, in violation of this law, arbitrarily lower technical standards on fire control in construction, us construction parts and materials not conforming the state standards or industrial standards or disqualified fitting and decoration materials during construction, shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit;
  • 要解决这“少数不良分子”的问题,也只在农会整顿纪律的口号之下,对群众做宣传,对他们本人进行训练,把农会的纪律整好,决不随便派兵捉人,损害贫农阶级的威信,助长土豪劣绅的气势。
    This problem of the "unhealthy minority" can be tackled only under the peasant associations' own slogan of "strengthen discipline", by carrying on propaganda among the masses, by educating the "unhealthy minority", and by tightening the associations' discipline;in no circumstances should soldiers be arbitrarily sent to make such arrests as would damage the prestige of the poor peasants and feed the arrogance of the local tyrants and evil gentry.
  • 科学的,即反对武断、迷信、愚昧、无知,拥护科学真理,把真理当作自己实践的指南,提倡真把握真理的科学与科学的思想,养成科学的生活与科学的工作方法的文化;
    It is scientific in that it opposes arbitrariness, superstition and ignorance, supports scientific truth, taking truth as the guide for practice, and urges people to genuinely master scientific truth, acquire a scientific ideology and learn to live and work in a scientific way.
  • 你对这件事不这么武断。
    You can't be so arbitrary about this.
  • 统一体一个连续不断的范围、顺序或整体,除非用硬性分割不将其中一部分当作邻近部分区分开来
    A continuous extent, succession, or whole, no part of which can be distinguished from neighboring parts except by arbitrary division.
  • 比利:你对这件事不这么武断,如果耶稣不是上帝,也不可造那么多奇迹。
    Billy: You can't be so arbitrary about this. If Jesus were not God, he couldn't have performed so many miracles.
  • 他们的业务务很强,够受理由于医疗器材品质检验而引起的纠纷。
    They are professionally competent, and in a position to arbitrate that kind of problems arising from the quality inspection of the medical equipment.
  • 如果这样还是不解决问题,那我们只好请一个国际仲裁机械进行仲裁。
    If we fail to reach a settlement, we will then submit the case in dispute for arbitration to an international arbitration organization.
  • 美洲热带食虫性树栖小蜥蜴,皮肤变色。
    small arboreal tropical American insectivorous lizards with the ability to change skin color.
  • 有冠状鳍的小型树栖蜥蜴,用后足奔跑;产于美洲热带。
    small crested arboreal lizard able to run on its hind legs; of tropical America.
  • 夜间树栖有袋动物,有盘卷住东西的无毛的尾巴,见于从北美洲南部到南美洲北部的地区。
    nocturnal arboreal marsupial having a naked prehensile tail found from southern North America to northern South America.
  • 已绝迹,树干高大,乔木状,与苏铁类相仿或更为进化;首先发现于宾夕法尼亚纪;可自中生代起灭绝。
    extinct plants having tall arborescent trunks comparable to or more advanced than cycads; known from the Pennsylvanian; probably extinct since the Mesozoic.
  • 尽管失败和挫折等待着人们,一次次地夺走青春的容颜,但却给人生的前景增添了一份尊严,这是任何顺利的成功都不做到的。--梭罗
    The failures and reverses which await men- and one after another sadden the brow of youth- add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do.-- Henry David Thoreau
  • 尽管失败和挫折等待着人们,一次次地夺走青春的容颜,但却给人生的前景增添了一份尊严,这是任何顺利的成功都不做到的。--梭罗
    The failures and reverses which await men - and one after another sadden the brow of youth - add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do. -- Henry David Thoreau
  • 近日,在以色列出土的一件陪葬品上的墓志铭有可成为迄今年代最久远的够证实耶酥基督存在的考古证据。专家鉴定,该陪葬品的年代应该是在耶酥殉难后的三十年。
    An inscription on a burial artifact that was recently discovered in Israel appears to provide the oldest archaeological evidence of Jesus Christ, according to an expert who dates it to three decades after the rucifixion.
  • (改组印度考古学部)要说明得失二者之间的关系并不难。你不不打破鸡蛋而有炒鸡蛋。我敢肯定最后端出来的炒鸡蛋足以证明把许多鸡蛋打破是有道理的。
    (reorganizing the Indian Archaeological Department) It is not difficult to count both the losses and the gains. You can't have omelettes without breaking eggs, and I have no doubt that the omelette which eventually emerged justified the breaking of a good many eggs.
  • 这位考古学家要得到特别许可才打开坟墓。
    The archaeologist has to get special permission to open up the grave.
  • 考古学对先民的种族和语言关系,未提供证据。
    Archaeology is silent on such questions as the ethnic and linguistic affinities of the ancient peoples.
  • 将来可会有那么一天,只允许艺术家、历史学家和考古学家去接近那些过去遗留下来的宝藏。
    There may come a time when only specialists in art, history, or archaeology will be allowed near the treasures of the past.
  • 始祖鸟已灭绝的侏罗纪时期原始鸟类(始祖鸟目属),具有类似麻雀的特征,如牙齿及长而多骨的尾巴。它可代表了爬行动物与鸟类间的转变形式
    An extinct primitive bird(genus Archaeopteryx) of the Jurassic period, having lizardlike characteristics, such as teeth and a long, bony tail. It may represent a transitional form between reptiles and birds.
  • 科学家们常常不精确地鉴定考古或史前期发现的日期。
    Scientists often cannot date precisely archeological or prehistorical findings.
  • 那个英国射手需要用他最后一支箭命中一个9环或10环才获胜,但他只射了个8环。
    The British archer needed a 9 or 10 on his last arrow to clinch a victory, but shot an eight.
  • 在箭术方面没有人够和他相比。
    No one can match him in archery.
  • 我以后可还会问你些有关射箭运动的问题。
    I may ask you more questions about archery later.
  • 我们不成为中国、印度、西方国家或者马来群岛的伸延部分。
    We cannot be an extension of China, India, the West, or the Malay archipelago.
  • 但是,哪一位当代建筑师够取得同样的成就?
    But for all his manifold difficulties, which other contemporary architect can claim an equivalent achievement?
  • 一位著名的中国建筑师曾经说过:“人民共同建造的东西够存在一千年。
    A famous Chinese architect once said: "The things which people make together can last a thousand years.
  • 确实,有很多材料都够用在建筑结构上。
    True , a large variety of materials are able to be used in architectural structures.
  • mom在体系结构上与普通消息十分相似,不同处在于功和提供服务的质量。
    MOM is architecturally quite similar to ordinary messaging;the differences lie in functionality and the quality of service delivered.