  • 20世纪20年代早期,魏格纳的一位朋友把一篇说明魏格纳观点的文章拿一位著名的地质学家,看他是否同意这种推想。
    In the early 1920's a friend of Wegner gave a copy of an article describing Wegner's idea to a famous geologist to see whether he agreed with it.
  • 那教师把几何的复杂的原理教授他年轻的学生。
    The teacher introduced his young pupils to the intricacies of geometry.
  • 玛莉要嫁给乔治。
    Mary is going to marry George.
  • 杰拉尔德鼠目寸光;人人都知道她妻子只是为了钱而嫁他的。
    Gerald could't see beyond the end of his nose; everyone else know that his wife only married him for his money.
  • 芭芭拉·阿特伍德的丈夫是位消防员,她说,"这个场面令人难以置信,这么多的人在过去的一年中经历了相同的悲痛,今天,我们大家予彼此的是安慰和力量。"
    "It's incredible to take in, that so many people are going through the same thing," said Barbara Atwood, whose husband Gerald was a firefighter. "There's some comfort, unfortunately, in that - and there's strength in it."
  • 种质遗传遗传特征通过胚原基原生质由亲本传后代的理论
    The theory that inherited characteristics are transmitted from parent to offspring by germ plasm.
  • 他将花送她以求好感。
    He sent her flowers as a propitiatory gesture.
  • 我去你拿那本你想要的书。
    I'll get the book you want.
  • 我得给他写封信。
    I've got to write a letter to him.
  • 请给我接上海。
    Please get me Shanghai.
  • 这种对“急欲取悦别人”的否定心态将来找工作可就难了,它不可能老板留下好印象,因为他要的是富有事业心的人。
    This sort of eager-to-please passivity is not likely to impress a future boss looking for a go-getter.
  • 这消息她带来的不快无法用语言来形容。
    The news brings to her the ghastliness that can not be described in word.
  • 这消息她带来的不快无法用语言来形容
    The news brought to her the ghastliness that could not be described in words
  • 当她回到我们在代顿大学的"贫民窟"时,她我们讲了关于洪水的事,以及她在洪水中毁坏的粉蓝色贝里塔车。
    When she returned to our house in"The Ghetto"of the University of Dayton, she told us of the floods and how her powder blue Beretta had been destroyed.
  • 到现在为止你多少书代笔。
    How many books have you ghostwritten so far?
  • 巨人队败给燕子队。
    The Giants were defeated by the Swallows.
  • 这是我的生日礼物。
    This was given me as a birthday gift [present].
  • 每个孩子母亲带来一件小礼物。
    Each child brought a little present to the mother.
  • 赠送的作为礼物予的;赠送的
    Bestowed as a gift; presented.
  • 自己买礼物了吗?
    Did you buy yourself a gift?
  • 我是打算把那件礼物送你的。
    I intended that gift for you.
  • 这是我们全家你的礼物。
    This gift if from my family.
  • 这件礼物是送你的。
    This gift is meant for you.
  • 他的想像插上了翅膀,巨大而光辉的画幅在他眼前展开,画幅上出现了爱情、浪漫故事和为妇女而创造的英雄业迹的模糊的、巨大的形象——为一个苍白的妇女,一朵黄金的娇花。
    She lent wings to his imagination, and great, luminous canvases spread themselves before him whereon loomed vague, gigantic figures of love and romance, and of heroic deeds for woman's sake - for a pale woman, a flower of gold.
  • 你们的婚姻关系早在吉尔伯特离开前就结束了;你原来不应该嫁他的。
    You marriage was washed up long before Gilbert left; you should never have married him.
  • 她买了一枚镀金胸针。
    He bought her a gilt brooch.
  • 含铜量高的黄铜,用于物品镀金。
    a brass that is rich in copper; used to make articles that were to be gilded.
  • 一个以(东西)涂上黄金或镀金覆盖层为业的人。
    someone whose occupation is apply an overlay of gold or gilt.
  • 不要擦那些徽章,否则光泽会磨掉的。
    Don't polish those badges; the gilt will wear off if you do.
  • 你假日到达旅馆,却发现自己定的房间分了别人,那才令人扫兴呢。
    It takes the gilt off the gingerbread when you arrive on holiday only to find that the room you've booked has been allocated to someone else.
  • 让我再你来点儿杜松子酒吧。
    Let me get you some move gin.
  • 我来一杯橙汁杜松子酒。
    I would like a gin and orange please.