  • 奥:很显,只有在毛主席逝世以后才能逮捕“四人帮”,到底是谁组织的,是谁提出把“四人帮”抓起来的?
    Question: The Gang of Four could only have been arrested after the death of Chairman Mao. Who engineered their arrest? Who initiated the idea?
  • 5月末这个迷人的前景已经初见端倪,当对于把转基因动物释放到大自中去的结果人们还是颇感不安的。
    The end of May brought a vivid illustration of that promise -- and a surge of unease at the prospect of releasing genetically engineered animals into the wild.
  • 那个英国人突讲起流利而纯正的意大利语来。
    The Englishman broke into voluble and perfect Italian.
  • 我们现在既颓废到这么糟的田地,三个法国人就可能打垮一个英国人了吧。
    We is now so badly degenerate that three frenchmen can evidently beat one englishman.
  • 他的英语说得那么好,我们想当地认为他是一个英国人。
    He spoke English so well that I took it for granted that he was an Englishman.
  • 汤姆显很喜欢自己的家,喜欢有自己的秘密,他说:“英国人的家就是他的城堡这句老话对我再恰当不过了。”
    Tom clearly enjoys his home and his privacy. He says, “The old bit about an Englishman’s home being his castle fits me to a T.”
  • 英国人不可能非常相信气象预报员。
    Certainly Englishmen cannot have much faith in the weathermen.
  • ,实际上他们应该感谢美国印刷局里心灵手巧的人们为他们塑造了英俊的相貌。
    In reality, of course, they have the clever men and women at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to thank for their handsome features.
  • 他的视力仍然很强。
    His eyesight is still good.
  • 对他们来说,尼古丁仍是他们所称的无害的提味剂。
    For them, nicotine remains what they call a harmless flavor enhancement.
  • 的脸具有空洞、僵硬、谜样表情的面孔
    A face having a blank, fixed, or enigmatic expression.
  • 由大自原因造成,如河流改道造成的一块土地变大
    Enlargement of a piece of land by natural cause( as when the course of a river change).
  • 而我们以不足四个团的兵力,和敌人斗争了四个月之久,使割据地区一天一天扩大,土地革命一天一天深入,民众政权一天一天推广,红军和赤卫队一天一天扩大,原因就在于边界党(地方的党和军队的党)的政策是正确的。
    Yet with a force of less than four regiments we fought the enemy for four long months, daily enlarging the territory under our independent regime, deepening the agrarian revolution, extending the people's political power and expanding the Red Army and the Red Guards.This was possible because the policies of the Party organizations (local and army) in the border area were correct.
  • 而我们以不足四个团的兵力和敌人斗争四个月之久,使割据地区一天一天扩大,土地革命一天一天深入,民众政权的组织一天一天推广,红军和赤卫队一天一天壮大,原因就在于湘赣边界的共产党(地方的党和军队的党)的政策是正确的。
    Yet with a force of less than four regiments we fought the enemy for four long months, daily enlarging the territory under our independent regime, deepening the agrarian revolution, extending the organizations of the people's political power, and expanding the Red Army and the Red Guards. This was possible because the policies of the Communist Party organizations (local and army) in the Hunan-Kiangsi border area were correct.
  • 在充满友爱的地方唤醒憎恨或者漠
    arouse enmity or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness.
  • 异族婚姻在非洲裔美国人中仍很少见。虽如此,通婚比率还是从60年代的约1.5%大幅上升到今天的8%至10%。
    Exogamy remains much less prevalent among African Americans, but it has increased enormously, from about 1.5 percent in the 1960s to eight to 10 percent today.
  • 他们当懂得我们的意思。
    They know well enough what we mean.
  • 他说要来,果来了。
    He said he would come, and sure enough he come.
  • 对某人勃然大怒
    be enraged with sb.
  • 小麦收割完成后,农夫们把剩余物烧掉,后用犁把灰埋入地里,使土地更肥沃。
    After the wheat crop has been gathered, many farmers burn the remains and plough the ash into the soil, so as to enrich it.
  • 这时是军事原则的新发展阶段,内容大大丰富起来,形式也有了许多改变,主要地是超越了从前的朴素性,而基本的原则,仍是那个十六字诀。
    This marked a new stage in the development of our military principles, which were greatly enriched in content and underwent many changes in form, mainly in the sense that although they basically remained the same as in the sixteen-character formula, they transcended their originally simple nature.
  • 他说,接踵而至的投机风潮必导致经济泡沫的破裂,从而使恐慌心理占据主导,那么即使运用货币政策手段也难以奏效。
    The ensuing speculative boom inevitable leads to a break, th e economist said, in which panic psychology can take over and monetary policy ha s limited impact.
  • 韦斯顿太太仍认为奈特利先生爱慕简·费尔法克斯,这就使纷繁不清的鸳鸯谱更加错综复杂。
    The matrimonial entanglement was further complicated because Mrs. Weston continued to believe that Mr. Knightley was becoming attached to Jane Fairfax.
  • 在一个条件/事件系统中,一种隐含着冲突的可能性但冲突并非必出现的情况。冲突最终发生取决于一些并发事件的结果,这种情况是由于并发性和冲突纠缠在一起而引起的。
    In a condition/event system, the situation in which a conflict is possiblyimplied but does not necessarily occur. The final occurrence of the conflict depends on the result of some concurrentevents. This situation is caused by the entanglement of concurrency and conflicts.
  • 他父亲是一个演员,虽不是什么大人物,但也表现不俗。
    Her father was an entertainer and although not one of the big names, he was doing very well.
  • 人们当会认为如此有趣的话题应该被列入很好的授课计划,可以引发热烈的讨论。
    Of course,one would think that a subject as interesting and entertaining as such would make for an excellent lesson plan,a rich source of discussions.
  • 我可以拥抱你吗?"我笑了起来,热情地答道:"当可以啦!"她紧紧地拥抱了我。
    Can I give you a hug?” I laughed and enthusiastically responded,“ Of course you may!” and she gave me a giant squeeze.
  • 作为这个家庭的一个朋友,他自没有继承遗产的权利。
    His position as a friend of the family doesn't entitle him automatically to a share of the inheritance.
  • 滇池、太湖和巢湖富营养化问题依突出;
    The eutrophication in Dian Lake, Tai Lake and Chao Lake remained fairly serious.
  • 而,如果这项“翻新工程”成功,新加坡就不仅可以保住“经济建设模范生”的地位,还可以争取到“人文精神建设优等生”的荣誉。
    But if the overhaul was successful, in addition to our enviable reputation as an “economic model”, we would also stand to bag the honour of being an “excellent example for developing humanity”.
  • 我们拥有令人羡慕的种族和睦关系,可惜,除了在工作地点以外,不同族群的人,较少在公共场所自交往。
    While we enjoy an enviable reputation for good racial relations, there is, unfortunately, not much spontaneous social interaction among the races outside of the work environment, despite that more public avenues now exist for them to do so.
  • 啦,完好地保留这个令人羡慕的“肩膀”自有用处。
    Of course, still having enviably well preserved "shoulders" also helps.