  • 奥维德罗马诗人,以其对爱的研究,尤其是爱的艺术(公元前1年)和变形记(公元8年)而闻
    Roman poet known for his explorations of love, especially the Art of Love(c.1 b.c.) and Metamorphoses(c. a.d.8).
  • 我一直想不起来的字;他们理解不了的隐喻
    A name that has always eluded me; a metaphor that eluded them.
  • 博格斯,若热·路易斯1899-1986阿根廷作家,以其深奥和富于想象力的短篇小说而尤为著
    Argentinian writer particularly known for his short stories, which have a metaphysical, fantastic quality.
  • 这些巨大的天体成功着陆后便被重新命为陨石。
    After successful landings upon the earth, these huge bodies are renamed meteorites.
  • 梅太德林甲基苯丙胺的一个商标
    A trademark used for methamphetamine.
  • 义上是卫理教教徒,可只去教堂参加婚礼和葬礼。
    Dad, nominally a methodist, enter church only for wedding and funeral.
  • 他获得百米第三名。
    He came in third in the 100--metre race.
  • 两年前sunmicrosystems公司的首席执行官斯科特·麦克尼利发表了他著的警告:"总之,(在互联网上)你没有隐私。
    It's been two years since Sun Microsystems CEO Scott McNealy delivered his famous warning: " You have zero privacy [on the Internet] anyway.
  • 年中时,该会约有450会员。
    In mid-1999, it had around 450 members.
  • 他是出名的守财奴。
    His middle name's scrooge.
  • 西米德兰的警察对我们说:“我们进行一天24小时的巡逻。到现在已经逮捕了6贩毒分子。
    West Midlands police told us: " We have 24 hour uniformed patrols, and so far have resulted in the arrest of six drug offenders.
  • 他们精心挑选了20所英国小学(分别位于泰恩·威尔、诺森伯兰、兰开夏、格罗斯特、西米德兰等地),将其中4岁至9岁的几百小学生作为研究对象。
    They worked with hundreds of primary school pupils aged four to nine at 20 carefully selected schools in Tyne and Wear, Northumberland, Lancashire, Gloucestershire and the West Midlands.
  • 我们发现我们在副其实的仙境中
    We find ourselves in the midst of a veritable fairyland
  • 我们发现我们在副其实的仙境中。
    We found ourselves in the midst of a veritable fairyland.
  • 因为无论在哪里,有两三个以我的义聚会,那里就有我在人们中间。
    "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
  • 领队担心他们对手的攻势,因此他在紧要关头改变了策略,换上两替补队员并指示他们打一场防御赛。
    The manager was worried about the strength of their opponent's attack, so he swapped horses in midstream, brought on two substitutes and instructed them to play a defensive game.
  • 他把她的字忘了, 她(有点)生气了.
    She was (a bit) miffed that he'd forgotten her name.
  • 那其他35名学生呢?
    Mike:What about other 35 kids?.
  • 麦克填表后签名.
    Mike fills out the form and signs it.
  • 林诺·阿芭吉尔于1998年11月赢得最负盛的世界选美竞赛,在这之前七个星期,她去米兰参加时装表演,就在那儿她被人强奸了。凶手用刀子威逼她,用塑料袋套住她的头,还用绳子勒她的脖子,差点没有把她窒息死。
    Just seven weeks before she won the world's most famous beauty contest in November 1998, Linor Abargil had been on a modelling assignment in Milan. There she was raped at knifepoint, half? suffocated with a plastic bag and throttled with a rope.
  • 他说,在1997至2000年间,一个叫阿卜杜拉的民兵被数次派往伊拉克,以寻求获得毒药和毒气。
    He says that a militant known as Abu Abdula Al-Iraqi (ph) had been sent to Iraq several times between 1997 and 2000 for help in acquiring poisons and gases.
  • 也许他还应该加上一句:“千秋万代功永在”。
    " All time, he might have added, is the millennium of their glory.
  • 这是美国著话剧作家米勒创作的,对不对?
    Li It's by the famous American play-wright, Miller, isn't it?
  • 那位妇女时装铺老板娘的芳叫普律当丝·迪韦尔诺瓦,是一个四十来岁的胖女人,要从她们这样的人那里打听些什么事是用不到多费周折的,何况我要向她打听的事又是那么平常。
    Prudence Duvernoy ?such was the apt name of the milliner ?was one of those ample women of forty with whom no great diplomatic subtleties are required to get them to say what you wish to know, especially when what you wish to know is as simple as what I had to ask.
  • 200万夸特谷物不能养活400万夸特谷物所能养活的人口,但200万英镑却能与400万英镑做同样规模的生意,买卖同样多的商品,虽然义价格要低一些。
    Two million quarters of corn will not feed so many persons as four millions;but two millions of pounds sterling will carry on as much traffic, will buy and sell as many commodities, as four millions,though at lower nominal prices.
  • 已征集到一百万人的签
    A million signatures have been secured.
  • 溥仪居宫内,一直与亡清残余势力勾结,图谋复辟,且以赏赐、典当、修补等目,从宫中盗窃大量文物,引起了社会各界的严重关注。
    While confined to the Inner Court, Puyi continuously used such vestiges of influence as still remained to plot his own restoration. He also systematically stole or pawned a huge number of cultural relics under the pretext of granting them as rewards to his courtiers and minions or taking them out for repair.
  • 在底特律一明尼阿波利斯一芝加哥三地游走的推销商;巡回讲演的著演说家
    A salesperson on the Detroit-Minneapolis-Chicago circuit; a popular speaker on the lecture circuit.
  • 她向敏妮要墨水和信纸,那些东西就在吃饭间的壁炉架上。等她姐姐10点上床,她就掏出杜洛埃的片开始写信。
    She asked Minnie for ink and paper, which were upon the mantel in the dining-room, and when the latter had gone to bed at ten, got out Drouet's card and wrote him.
  • 小玩意儿小的或不可状的物品
    A minor or unspecified object or article.
  • 吟游诗人在全国游历,吟唱他自己写的诗歌。
    The minstrel travelled about the country singing songs and poems written by him.
  • (运动员姓)行为不端。
    (name of player) fault for misconduct'