  • 他赠她一些鲜花,以此对自己言不逊表示歉意
    He makes amend for his rude remarks by give her some flower.
  • 因此,请速修改来证金额,即增加为我方口成品的总金额。
    We therefore have to request you to amend your L/C immediately by making up the deficient amount.
  • 废除伪教皇贝内迪克的训谕是从一道小门宣布的,他的那班传谕使者给人丑化,身披袈裟,头戴法冠,也是从这道小门去游街,走遍巴黎大街小巷,向民众赔礼认罪,如今这道小门又在哪里?
    the wicket where the bulls of the anti-Pope Benedict were torn up, and through which the bearers of them marched out, mitred and coped in mock state, to publicly make the amende honorable through the streets of Paris?
  • 年内,当局已修订法例,规定所有的士司机由一九九八年六月起,必须在乘客提要求时,发车费收据。
    During the year, the law was amended to require all taxi drivers to issue fare receipts to passengers on demand by June 1998.
  • 1996年4月,中国政府郑重宣布暂停口不符合《特定常规武器公约》新修订的“地雷议定书”所规定的杀伤人员地雷。
    In April 1996, the Chinese government solemnly declared its suspension of export of APLs that are not compatible with those APLs provided for in the Amended Landmine Protocol to the CCW.
  • 应该指的是,中国的环境法制建设还需要进一步完善,如某些方面存在着立法空白、有些法律的内容需要补充和修改、有法不依、执法不严的现象等。
    But it should be pointed out that China's environmental legislative work needs to be further improved. For instance, some areas still remain uncovered, some contents are yet to be amended or revised and there are still the phenomena of not fully observing or enforcing laws.
  • 那位代表提了一项对新闻法的修正案。
    That representative brought forth an amendment to the press law.
  • 更改信用证的建议
    To suggest an amendment to an l/c
  • 一位新市长;投票选他们的代表;投票来否决修正案
    Vote in a new mayor; voted out their representative; vote down the amendment.
  • 此外,《2002年公司(修订)条例草案》会对《公司条例》作重要修订。
    In addition, the Companies (Amendment) Bill 2002 will make significant changes to the Companies Ordinance.
  • 赔偿;支付赔偿金。
    make amends for; pay compensation for.
  •  申请人在收到国务院专利行政部门发的审查意见通知书后对专利申请文件进行修改的,应当按照通知书的要求进行修改。
    Where the applicant amends the application after receiving the notification of opinions of the examination as to substance of the Patent Administration Department under the State Council, he or it shall make the amendment as required by the notification.
  • 假妊娠通常为一种身心状态,在没有怀孕的情况下,现妊娠症状,比如体重增加和停经等
    A usually psychosomatic condition in which physical symptoms of pregnancy, such as weight gain and amenorrhea, are manifested without conception.
  • 那幅画拍卖时以5000英镑售(给一个美国商人).
    The painting was knocked down (to an American dealer) for 5000.
  • 使在性格上表现美国的特征。
    make American in character.
  • 展览展了关于美国(或美洲)的资料
    Americana are featured in the exhibit.
  • 美国文化反映了许多移民的影响
    Americana reflects the influence of many immigrations.
  • 显然,美国运通在罗宾逊离开以后将成为较小的公司。可能售它的希尔森・里曼兄弟公司,放弃成为“财务超级市场”的梦想。公司的作风也可能改变-从一个贵族和官僚作风的帝国变成一个较为实事求是的公司。
    Clearly, AmEx will be a smaller company in the post-Robinson era. It is likely to sell its Shearson Lehman Brothers division, giving up dreams of becoming a"financial supermarket." Company culture, too, may change, from an aristocratic and bureaucratic empire to a company that is more down to earth.
  • 同时,要积极开展人民外交活动,加强同国际朋友的友好往来,为发展国际反侵略扩张的统一战线作自己的努力。
    At the same time, it should actively expand people-to-people diplomacy, promote amicable exchanges with foreign friends and make its contribution to the growth of the international united front against aggression and expansionism.
  • 我们这个党就是在威胁中诞生的,在威胁中奋斗来的,奋斗了二十八年才真正建立了人民共和国。
    Our Party was born amid threats and matured amid threats. It struggled for 28 years before it founded the People's Republic.
  • 一位下院议员提一个问题,另一位下议员则在“对啊!对啊!”的喊声中竭力回避这个问题。
    One MP asking a question, and another MP endeavoring to dodge it amid cries of hear! hear!
  • 十月中,由于本地股票市场现调整,引致部分资金外流。
    There was some outflow from the Hong Kong dollar in October amid the local stock market correction.
  • 现这个情况,部分原因是存款利率持续下调,持有狭义货币的机会成本较低。
    This was in part associated with the lower opportunity cost of holding narrow money amid continued decreases in deposit rates.
  • 从一本英文畅销书的作者巴克曼上述形象的比喻中,我们可以找新加坡政府为什么能够在经济危机中获得国人信任这个问题的正确答案。
    From the metaphor one can see why the Singapore government has succeeded in winning the people's trust amid the economic crisis.
  • 纵观投资者2000年初以来经历的各种冲击,9月恐怖袭击后现的股市暴跌堪称冲击之最。
    Amid all the hammerings investors have endured since early 2000, the market plunge after September's terrorist attacks would seem to qualify as a bottom.
  • 然而,人们仍担心,在向欧元转换的过程中现的混乱局面会使某些商家乘机提价。
    However, there are fears that businesses will seize the opportunity to raise their prices amid the confusion arising from the changeover to euros.
  • 茶氨酸是谷氨酸的乙酰胺,它是鲜茶叶中的主要氨基酸,占干茶叶重量的1~2%,其它氨基酸则是在加工早期现的。
    Theanine, the ethyl amide of glutamic acid, is the main amino acid in the fresh leaf and contributes 1 to 2 percent of the dried weight, but other amino acids arise during the early part of the processing.
  • 在喜迎佳节,万家欢乐的日子,尤当我看见两个孙女儿和三个刚刚世的外孙时,便想到有两件事是我们必须做的。
    "Amidst the joy of this festive occasion and the warmth of family gatherings, especially when I am looking at my grandchildren, I know there are two things that we must do.
  • 他已经把氨基酸分解来。
    He has isolated an amino acid.
  • 假如我指你的错,请别见怪。
    Please don't take it amiss, if I point out your errors.
  • 好象出了什么事儿。
    It seems something is amiss.
  • 出差错,出故障
    To go amiss; turn out badly.