  • 浏览着这本书,里根的生活以及我们婚后生活中的点点滴滴又浮现在眼前:他卑微的出身、他的运动和演艺生涯、为政府事务操劳的岁月、和家人朋友起欢度的时光……最令我记忆深刻的是:里根不仅具有天生的领袖才能,更是个温情的丈夫和慈爱的父亲。他是个有深度、充满激情同时又不乏幽默的男人,是个热爱自己的祖国和人民,拥抱生活的人。
    And as I flip through the pages of this book, I am overwhelmed by memories of his life and our life together: his humble midwest beginnings; his sportscasting and acting careers; our years in public service as well as our time spent among friends and family, saddled on horses at Rancho del Cielo, and relaxing at home. But mostly, I see Ronnie: the gifted world leader, the loving husband and father, a man of depth, humor, compassion, and love for his country, its people, and life itself.
  • 有些情况下,个人控制住自己的脾气并保持沉默是明智的。
    There are situations in which it's highly advisable for a person to control his/her temper and keep his/her mouth shut.
  • 接力比赛中的段赛程
    One stretch of a relay race.
  • 在回信中最好表示下希望没有给对方造成过多的不便。
    It will then be advisable to express the hope that the complaint has not been unduly inconvenienced.
  • 接力赛跑中从个奔跑者传向另个奔跑者。
    passed from runner to runner in a relay race.
  • 接力队中的主力跑最後棒。
    The anchor man in a relay team runs last.
  • 味埋头干下去不做及时的经验总结是不可取的。
    It is not advisable just to work away without making a timely summing-up of experience.
  • 与atm样,帧中继也是面向连接的服务。
    Like ATM, frame relay is a connection-oriented service.
  • 买书前最好是先看看目录。
    "It is advisable to look at the contents page of a book, before buying it."
  • 开关种用来控制电路中电流量的电流器件
    An electrical relay used to control the flow of power in a circuit.
  • 让全班讨论部小说中的各种人物,或许是可取的。
    It might be advisable to start the class discussing the different characters in a novel.
  • 个接力队的运动员必须密切合作。
    The players in a relay race team must align themselves with each other.
  • 最好储备点食物,以应急需。
    It is advisable to keep a little food in reserve, in case of emergency.
  • 采取“饱和转播”的方式,天24小时转播全国大学篮球联赛,同时与其他比赛及时进行切换;
    It uses the form of "saturation relay" to relay national University Basketball League Matches 24 hours and at the same time, switches to other competitions in time.
  • 鉴于近来的事态发展,我们认为这步骤是不可取的。
    In view of recent development, we do not think this step advisable.
  • 转播站半以上的广播时间都用来播送文艺节目。
    More than half the relay station's time on the air is devoted to cultural programmes.
  • 帧中继是项网络技术,在过去的几年中有了长足的发展。
    Frame relay is a network technology that has seen considerable expansion within the past few years.
  • 个赛跑项目是女子接力赛,看来将是场激动人心的比赛。
    The next race was the women's relay race , and it promised to be an exciting one.
  • “当你突然被抛入能摧毁你的另个世界,切都得以从头学起时,你照样能过健康幸福的生活。”她说。
    “You can be living your life quite happily and healthily, when all of a sudden you are flung into a different world which can de stroy a person because you haveto relearn the rules of living,” she says.
  • 磅铀所含的释放能量要比千五百吨的煤还多。
    One pound of uranium carries more releasable energy than 1, 500 tons of coal.
  • 再等会儿你看好不好?
    Do you think it advisable to wait a little longer?
  • 最好让每个人都有张地图。
    It is advisable that everyone should have a map.
  • 在影片发行前的几周里,没有电视广告,也没有宣传节目来吸引观众,但影片票房却持续攀升。《我盛大的希腊婚礼》成了有史以来最成功的独立影片之
    With no television advertising to speak of and no billboards to build an audience in the weeks before its release, My Big Fat Greek Wedding continued to build box office momentum to become one of the most successful independent features ever released.
  • 行动方针对我来说似乎是很可取的。
    This line of conduct seems advisable to me.
  • 根据有条件释放计划,无限期刑罚的犯人,可在长期监禁刑罚覆核委员会就这些犯人的无限期刑罚是否应转为确定限期刑罚作出建议前,获有条件释放,但须接受段指定的监管期,以测试他们奉公守法的能力及决心。
    Under the 'Conditional Release Scheme', prisoners with indeterminate sentences may, before the Long-term Prison Sentences Review Board makes recommendations as to whether their indeterminate sentences should be converted to a determinate ones, be conditionally released under supervision for a specific period to test their determination and ability to lead a law-abiding life.
  • 第九、释放全国切被捕的爱国政治犯;
    Release all patriotic political prisoners.
  • 第五十条海关当局中止放行
    Article 51 Suspension of Release by Customs Authorities
  • 上级要来听取汇报,你准备下。
    The released hostages were debriefed.
  • 他是在没伤个手指的情况下被释放的。
    He was released without a scratch.
  • 7。3月7日发表了项联合公报。
    A joint communique was released on March
  • 全国政协委员们积极谏言献策,提案逐年递增,从八届次会议的1900件增加到八届五次会议的2426件,五年共提出万多件。
    Members of the CPPCC National Committee have actively aired views and offered advices, and increased the number of their proposals year by year, from 1,900 during the First Session of the Eighth CPPCC National Committee to 2,426 during the Committee's Fifth Session. More than 10,000 proposals were totally put forth in five years.
  • 共发行了200多部关于农业的影片。
    More than 200 films on agriculture have been released.