  • 在丹麦和瑞典之乘船渡海有时会遇到风浪。
    The sea cross between Denmark and Sweden can be quite rough.
  • 在第一次世界大战(1916)过程中的一次非决定性的海军战斗;在丹麦的西北海岸英国和德国舰队之展开。
    an indecisive naval battle in World War I (1916); fought between the British and German fleets off the NW coast of Denmark.
  • 1987年,瑞恩在拍摄科幻片《内层空》时首遇奎德。
    Her own private romantic life solidified when she married Dennis Quaid,whom she had first met during filming of the 1987 scifi flick Innerspace;
  • 经过在国际空站上8天的遨游,世界首位太空游客丹尼斯·蒂托和两名俄国宇航员于5月7日安全地返回地球。
    After an eight day visit to the International Space Station(ISS),the world's first space tourist Dennis Tito and two Russian cosmonauts on board safely returned to earth on May 7.
  • 亚洲小额货币一种小额的亚洲钱币,尤指中有一个方孔的铜币和铅币
    Any of various Asian coins of small denomination, especially a copper and lead coin with a square hole in its center.
  • 各教派之的其他差异与教会领导机构有关。
    Other denominational differences have to do with church government.
  • 用于组合词中表示中的事物。
    used in combination to denote the middle.
  • 无空隙的;浓缩的;挤紧的
    With little or no space between; dense; compact
  • 你汽车的挡泥板上的凹痕可以在汽车修理车里敲平。
    The dent in the fender of your car can be beaten out at the garage.
  • 牙,齿脊椎动物上下颚的槽臼中扎根的一排坚硬,骨状物体,典型的结构是中为一软体,后面包围着一层坚硬的牙本质,牙本质外为一由钙质或采釉质组成的牙冠,牙齿可用来撕咬或咀嚼食物,还可用作进攻或防御的工具
    One of a set of hard, bonelike structures rooted in sockets in the jaws of vertebrates, typically composed of a core of soft pulp surrounded by a layer of hard dentin that is coated with cement or enamel at the crown and used for biting or chewing food or as a means of attack or defense.
  • 香港大学是香港历史最悠久的高等教育院校,于一九一一年创立,前身为建于一八八七年的香港西医书院。港大设有九学院,分别为建筑、文、理、医、牙医、教育、工程、法律及社会科学学院。此外,还有一商学院。
    HKU is Hong Kong's oldest tertiary institution. It was founded in 1911, continuing the work of a College of Medicine established in 1887, and has nine faculties: Architecture, Arts, Dentistry, Education, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Science, and Social Sciences, and the School of Business.
  • 该航班于格林威治时晚上8点40分起飞。
    The flight depart at 20:40.
  • 李:什么时间起飞?
    What time does it depart?
  • 议会开会期,从部门主任到议会服务员人人都得搬家,从卢森堡搬到斯特拉斯堡。
    Everybody from departmental director to Parliamentary usher has to up-sticks and move from Luxembourg to Strasbourg when Parliament is in session.
  • 1982年到1994年的十三年,西藏自治区人民代表大会常务委员会、西藏自治区人民政府及政府各部门颁布实施的生态建设和环境保护类地方性法规、政府规范性文件、部门规章等共计30余件,形成了比较系统的地方性环境保护法规体系。
    In the 13 years from 1982 to 1994, the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of the Tibet Autonomous Region, and the People’s Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region and its various departments enacted and implemented more than 30 relevant local regulations, governmental standardization documents, and departmental rules and regulations, which formed a relatively systematic local legal regime concerning environmental protection.
  • 火车开出的时推迟了。
    The departure of the train was delayed.
  • 发车时是九点十五分。
    The departure time is 15.
  • 亨利将他动身的时安排在九月。
    Henry scheduled his departure for September.
  • 开车时间是7点钟。
    The departure time is 7 o'clock.
  • 可以问一下那飞机起飞的时吗?
    May I inquire about the departure time?
  • 父子的关系是随着岁月的流逝而变化的,它会在彼此成熟的过程中成长兴盛,也会在令人不快的依赖或独立的关系中产生不和。
    The relationship between a son and his father changes over time.It may grow and flourish in mutual maturity.It may sour in resented dependence or independence.
  • 在很长一段依赖海洛因的时之后,她已经戒掉毒瘾4年了。
    after a long dependency on heroin she has been clean for 4 years.
  • 接的通过一中媒介进行活动的,牵涉到中媒介的,依赖于中媒介的
    Acting through, involving, or dependent on an intervening agency.
  • 位于层次分明的两层岩石之的矿脉
    A vein of mineral ore deposited between clearly demarcated layers of rock.
  • 不整合面位于不同地质年代的岩石层之显示沉积作用非连续性的侵蚀面
    A surface of erosion between rock layers of different ages indicating that deposition was not continuous.
  • 我们要求租一面向海港景观的客房,但饭店给我们安排了一对着公共汽车站的房
    We ask for a room with a sea view and isgiven one look out over the bus depot.
  • 我们要求租一面向海港景观的客房,但饭店给我们安排了一对着公共汽车站的房
    We ask for a room with a sea view and are given one looking out over the bus depot.
  • 我们要求租一面向海港景观的客房,但饭店给我们安排了一对着公共汽车站的房
    We ask for a room with a sea view and is give one look out over the bus depot.
  • 我们要求租一面向海港景观的客房,但饭店给我们安排了一对着公共汽车站的房
    We asked for a room with a sea view and were given one look out over the bus depot.
  • 网站缓存服务器在此模型上进行了扩展,在用户的服务器与因特网之设置了一个经常访问的网站的储存点。
    Web caching servers expand on this model, putting a depot for frequently visited sites between an user's server and the Internet.
  • 房子从被买下的那一瞬起价值就开始下跌。
    The house begins to depreciate from the moment it is bought.
  • 那房的邋遢令人沮丧。
    The room was depressing from its slatternliness.