  • 联合公债国的一种政府公债,最初发行于1751年,支付永不还本的利息且没有到期日,常用作复数形式
    A government bond in Great Britain, originally issued in1751, that pays perpetual interest and has no date of maturity. Often used in the plural.
  • 使徒传统的继承十二使徒神圣权威的或与之有关的,国圣公会、罗马天主教、东正教及其他一些教派,认为对十二使徒神圣权威的继承已因承继的主教圣职授受仪式而成为永恒,并且对有效的神职等级划分和圣礼的执行极为必要的
    Of or relating to a succession of spiritual authority from the12 Apostles, regarded by Anglicans, Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and some others to have been perpetuated by successive ordinations of bishops and to be requisite for valid orders and administration of sacraments.
  • 国的政治以往是有产阶级的特权.
    Politics in Britain used to be the perquisite of the property-owning classes.
  • 大陵五,仙座β星,恶魔星仙座的双星,几乎与北极星一样明亮
    A double, eclipsing variable star in the constellation Perseus, almost as bright as Polaris.
  • 仙女座北半球的一个星座,在蝎虎座和仙座之间,仙后座以南,包括肉眼可见的大片旋涡星云,其旋涡星云距地球为1。84?05光年
    A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere between Lacerta and Perseus and south of Cassiopeia. It contains a large spiral galaxy visible to the naked eye. The spiral is1.84?05 light-years from Earth.
  • 全民族的力量团结起来,坚持抗战,坚持统一战线,同敌人作勇的战争,快一年了。
    Rallying in unity, persevering in resistance and persevering in the united front, the forces of the whole nation have been valiantly fighting the enemy for almost a year.
  • 巴拉尚古波斯的一种长度单位,通常等于3。5里(5。6公里)
    An ancient Persian unit of distance, usually estimated at3.5 miles(5.6 kilometers).
  • 坚持学习英语
    persist in the study of English
  • 我是一位经验丰富,教学成效良好的文教师,并有一套训练其他老师和办公事职员的独特方法。
    I am a seasoned and honorable English teacher with a unique way to train both fellow teachers and office personnel.
  • 那个年轻人坐在帕思市西澳大利亚大学的一台电脑前,小心翼翼地敲了一个电子邮件,发出求愿说:“寻求帮助救救我的儿子,”邓勇新写道,同时解释说他是特网的一名新成员,正在寻求“世界上所有善良的人”提供“帮助或者信息。”
    Carefully the young man typed an e-mail plea on a computer at the University of Western Australia in Perth. "Seeking Help to Save My Son," Yongxin Deng wrote, explaining that he was an Internet newcomer searching for "kind people all over the world" to offer "any help or information."
  • 语和它所带来的影响,使人们更容易被西方文化吸引,而忽略了自己的根,这是可以理解的。
    The pervasive soft power of the English language is such that many Singaporeans, understandably, are more attracted to the Western culture and influences than to their own ethnic roots.
  • 在第二次世界大战之后,国的国势日落西山,崛起为世界老大的是美国,美国并把国语文这股软体力量在世界各地继承并发扬光大。
    With Britain's decline after World War II, the world leadership passed to the Americans who inherited from the British, and built upon, the all-pervasive soft power of the English language.
  • 学习语言必须从小做起,今日的中国大陆和台湾是纯粹的中文世界,学生从初中起学习语,起步太晚其水准就难以和新、港相比。
    Language learning has to begin from a very young age. In China and Taiwan, the use of Chinese is pervasive. Their students begin to learn English only from the lower secondary levels. This late start means that their English standards are far lower than those of Singapore or Hong Kong students.
  • 彼得愿仅以500镑的价钱把他的车买给我,因此我欣然承应。
    Peter offered to sell me his car for only five hundred pounds so I jumped at it.
  • 镑就足够支付我们旅行的汽油费。
    10 will cover our petrol for the journey.
  • 国的宠物将拥有自己的“权利法案”。
    Britain's pets are set to get their own" bill of rights".
  • “是呀,还有她的衬裙──可惜你没看到她的衬裙。我绝对不是瞎说,那上面糊上了有足足六寸泥,她把外面的裙子放低了些,想把来遮盖,可是遮盖不住。”
    "Yes, and her petticoat; I hope you saw her petticoat, six inches deep in mud, I am absolutely certain; and the gown which had been let down to hide it not doing its office."
  • 地兰丁苯妥用的商标
    A trademark used for phenytoin.
  • 哈佛山位于美国科罗拉多州中部落矶山脉撒瓦其山脉上的一座海拔4,398。1米(14,420尺)的山峰
    American cleric and philanthropist who left his library and half his estate to the college in Cambridge, Massachusetts, that now bears his name.
  • 菲立浦手写的文件记录表明他在国有一批权势很大的朋友可助一臂之力。
    Records in Philip's own handwriting show a list of powerful friends in England who would help.
  • 弗尼瓦尔,弗雷德里克·詹姆斯1825-1910国语言学家,建立了许多文学社团,是语言学会的一员。于1857年提议编纂了牛津语词典
    British philologist who founded numerous literary societies and as a member of the Philological Society proposed the Oxford English Dictionary in1857.
  • 德国到那时看来对国世界没有什么别的可以贡献,只有一些儿童玩具、木制的钟、哲学书籍等类,或者还可以有一支补充队伍,他们为了替国人服务,扩大国的工商业优势,传布国的文学和语言,牺牲自己,长途跋涉到亚洲或非洲沙漠地带,就在那里沦落一生。
    Germany would scarcely have more to supply this English world with than children's toys, wooden clocks, and philological writings, and sometimes also an auxiliary corps, who might sacrifice themselves to pine away in the deserts of Asia or Africa, for the sake of extending the manufacturing and commercial supremacy, the literature and language of England.
  • 特伦奇,理查德·切尼维克斯1807-1886国诗人和语言学家,著作包括词语研究和国的过去和现在(1855年)
    British poet and philologist whose works include On the Study of Words(1851) and English Past and Present(1855).
  • 奥卡姆,威廉1285?-1349?国经院派哲学家,反对宇宙概念的真实性
    English scholastic philosopher who rejected the reality of universal concepts.
  • 贝赞特,安妮·伍德1847-1933国理论诡辩家、哲学家和政治人物,在印度鼓吹本土统治和教育改革
    English theosophist, philosopher, and political figure who advocated home rule and educational reforms in India.
  • 弗赖依,伊丽莎白·格尼1780-1845国慈善家。曾提出监狱改革,尤其针对女囚监狱
    British playwright who revitalized modern verse drama with his comic and religious works, such as A Phoenix Too Frequent(1946) and Curtmantle(1962).
  • 有人作出假设:不同的学生有不同的学习方式。有些学生倾向以语音学习语文,因此他们能够很好地掌握以音节为主的语文如文和德文,而面对华文时却如临大敌。
    It has been hypothesised that students learn in different ways : some students learn best phonetically, and would be excellent at phonetic languages like English and German but miserable with Chinese.
  • (语音学)关于讲话的声音(尤其是元音)持续较长时间的(例如语'bate','beat','bite','boat','boot'中的元音)。
    (phonetics) of speech sounds (especially vowels) of relatively long duration (as e.g. the English vowel sounds in `bate', `beat', `bite', `boat', `boot').
  • (语音学)关于讲话的声音(尤其是元音)持续较短时间的(例如语'pat','pet','pit','pot','putt'中的元音)。
    (phonetics) of speech sounds (especially vowels) of relatively short duration (as e.g. the English vowel sounds in `pat', `pet', `pit', `pot', putt').
  • yuki每周四还有一次家庭语音课。我在晚餐时训练她的语口语。
    Yuki is working up an in-home phonics program slated for Thursdays, and I'm drilling her on English conversation at dinnertime.
  • 光化层地球表面以上30至190公里(20至120里)的大气层,由于太阳光照射所产生的光化反应在这里发生
    The region of the atmosphere from30 to190 kilometers(20 to120 miles) above Earth's surface, in which photochemical reactions initiated by solar radiation occur.
  • 作为一名摄影师,他曾包租一架飞机拍摄了格兰北部一次矿井事故的照片,由此崭露头角。
    His first big success as a photographer came when he hired a plane to obtain pictures of a mine disaster in northern England.