  • 这位管风琴手演奏了一首著的曲子。
    The organist played a famous melody.
  • 他是大学教师联合会的一成员。
    He is a member of the Association of University Teachers.
  • 参议院的一百位议员(每个州两)任期六年。
    The one hundred members (two from each state) of the Senate serve for six years.
  • 隶属于家庭的姓(以不同于家庭成员的)。
    the name used to identify the members of a family (as distinguished from each member's given name).
  • 该委员会是一个法定机构,由9非官方委员及文康广播局局长(当然委员)组成。
    The board comprises nine non-official members and the Secretary for Broadcasting, Culture and Sport as an ex officio member.
  • 督导委员会由教统会一非官方成员担任主席,并有两政府人员提供支援,其他九非官方成员包括学界、教育专业及商界的代表。
    It is chaired by a non-official member of the EC and supported by two government officials and nine non-official members representing the school sector, education professionals and the business community.
  • 会员增加到两百名。
    The membership swelled to 200.
  • 请您填一下这份兑换水单并签好吗?
    Will you please fill in the exchange memo and sign your name to it?
  • 如果没有记录在备忘录或信函上,并忘了署,那就根本无此事。
    If it is not enshrined on memo or letter and signed, then it did not happen.
  • 1998年,她的回忆录《个人历史》创下最畅销书榜上列第一的佳绩,并获得普利策奖。
    In 1998,her memoir,“Personal History,”was a No.1 best seller and won the Pulitzer Prize.
  •  (二)与重大历史事件、革命运动和著人物有关的,具有重要纪念意义、教育意义和史料价值的建筑物、遗址、纪念物;
    buildings, memorial sites and memorial objects related to major historical events, revolutionary movements or famous people that are highly memorable or are of great significance for education or for the preservation of historical data;
  • 请愿书起草或署名人
    A person who writes or signs a memorial.
  • 《历代名臣奏议》
    Memorials Submitted to the Throne by Important Officials for Successive Dynasties
  • 我们只是记住了历史事件发生的时间和称,却没有记住教训。”
    We only memorize historical dates and names, not the lesson."
  • 120士兵投诚到我们这边来了。
    120 men came over to us.
  • 德国著作曲家门德尔松的祖父摩西·门德尔松长得其貌不扬。
    Moses Mendelssohn, the grandfather of the well-known German composer, was far from being handsome.
  • 我希望你没有向她提到我的字。
    I hope you didn't mention my name to her.
  • 他说出一本有用的书的字。
    He mentioned a useful book.
  • 助手单中提到了他。
    He was given a mention in the list of helpers.
  • 汞溴红用于汞溴红溶液的品牌
    A trademark used for a solution of merbromin.
  • 在他们为彼得重获自由所进行的谈判破裂后,特里便孤注一掷,设计了一项大胆的计划,在另一谈判能手迪诺和三训练有素的雇佣兵的协助下,开始了一场勇敢的营救行动。
    When they reach a breakdown in the negotiations for her husband's freedom,Terry devises a daring yet desperate plan with the help of a fellow negotiator Dino and a trio of highly trained mercenaries,to mount a bold rescue operation.
  • mercer公司的高级研究员斯莱金·帕拉卡特迪尔说:"尽管世界各个城市的生活水平较去年稍有提高,但是列前茅的城市和排最后的那些城市之间的差距还是很大。"
    "Though the world's living standards have risen slightly since last year, the gap between cities at the top and the bottom of the table is still large," said Slagin Parakatil, senior researcher at Mercer.
  • 没有烙印的牲畜;没有商标的货物
    Unbranded cattle; unbranded merchandise.
  • 品牌商品是具有标准商标称的商品。
    branded merchandise is that bearing a standard brand name.
  • 当然,要注意用户也必须键入所有这些长字,而且不能输错。
    Of course, you should remember that the user must also type all these long names, and so be merciful.
  • 这位法官对罪成立的谋杀犯概不留情。
    This judge is merciless towards anyone find guilty of murder.
  • 这位法官对罪成立的谋杀犯概不留情。
    This judge is merciless towards anyone found guilty of murder.
  • 我们自远东公司得知贵公司的称,远东公司为贵公司之顾客已有数年之久。
    Your name was given us by Messrs. Far East& Co., Ltd.,who have been regular customers of yours for some years.
  • 教育情况:毕业于法国著商学院——ecole理工学院,此后,又进入该院专门培养公务员的国立行政学院学习。
    Education: After graduating from France's top business school, the Ecole Polytechnique, Messier attended the Ecole Nationale d'Administration, which trains civil servants
  • 米歇尔先生在大学主修法国政治,毕业后曾经营过一家投资银行。后来,他将总部在巴黎的一家公司与北美一家著的娱乐公司合二为一,创办了vivendi公司。
    Mr Messier, a former investment banker schooled in the ways of French politics, has knitted together a company rooted in the Paris establishment with one of North America's best-known stable of entertainment assets.
  • 1913年,一位叫哈里·布里尔利的冶金家试图发现一种适合做枪管的金属。
    In 1913 Harry Brearley, a metallurgist, was trying to find a metal suitable for making gun barrels.
  • 设拉子伊朗中西南部一城市,在德黑兰西南偏南。该城长期以来一直是商业中心,以其出产的地毯和金属制品闻。古代波斯波利斯城的遗址就在附近。人口800,000
    A city of southwest-central Iran south-southeast of Tehran. It has long been an important commercial center noted for its carpets and metalwork. The ruins of ancient Persepolis are nearby. Population,800, 000.