  • 我们庞大的非本国出生人
    our large nonnative population.
  • 东京的人比伦敦的多。
    The population of Tokyo is larger than that of London.
  • 伦敦过去是英国最大的港城市。
    London used to be Britain's largest port.
  • 布鲁塞尔比利时首都和最大城市,位于比利时中部。官方使用双语制(法兰德斯语和法语)。1830年成为比利时的首都。人2,395,000
    The capital and largest city of Belgium, in the central part of the country. Officially bilingual(Flemish and French), it became capital of Belgium in1830. Metropolitan area population, 2,395,000.
  • 中国在世界上人最多。
    China has the largest population on earth.
  • 你和拉里谈话只能是白费舌。
    You might just as well whistle in the wind as talk to Larry.
  • 急性严重的中枢神经系统感染;由于伤的细菌感染所引起。
    an acute and serious infection of the central nervous system caused by bacterial infection of open wounds; spasms of the jaw and laryngeal muscles are a symptom.
  • 元音由通过咽喉和腔中相对自由的气息发出的声音,常形成音节最突出和中心的音
    A speech sound created by the relatively free passage of breath through the larynx and oral cavity, usually forming the most prominent and central sound of a syllable.
  • 温切斯特区美国内华达州东北部一个社区,是拉斯维加斯的近郊。人23,365
    A community of southeast Nevada, a suburb of Las Vegas. Population,23, 365.
  • 通过利用采纳i2o软件的标准硬件接,这些对等特性以及短的执行时间也方便了群集的实现。
    These peer-to-peer features and low latency also ease the implementation of clustering by utilizing standard hardware interfaces employing the I2O software.
  • 汽艇正以每小时十海里的速度顺风向港驶去。
    The launch is bearing down(the port) at ten knots.
  • 使(岩浆等)喷出使(熔岩)流出火山
    To cause(molten lava) to pour forth from a volcanic vent.
  • 看着熔岩在距自己住所不到3英里的地方汩汩地流动,镇上一位名叫杰奥瓦尼-瑟拉费那的居民说:"太可怕了,就连我爷爷也未曾见到过这么可怕的场面。"当地不少居民还把圣母玛利亚的塑像树立在家门以求庇护。
    "It is a terrible moment. Even our grandfathers can't even remember it being like this," said Giovanni Serafina as lava bubbled less than three miles from the town's houses, many of which were adorned with statues of the Madonna for protection.
  • 我送上礼物时,美国人会马上打开,然后赞不绝
    When I presented a gift, they opened it right away and gave it lavish compliments.
  • 汤姆斯通美国亚利桑那州东南一城市,位于比斯比市西北偏北。自从1877年这里发现了银矿以后,汤姆斯通成为西部最富有但违法事件最多的城镇之一。人1,220
    A city of southeast Arizona north-northwest of Bisbee. After silver was discovered here in1877, Tombstone became one of the richest and most lawless frontier mining towns. Population,1, 220.
  • 布罗克维尔加拿大安大略省东南部一城市,位于渥太华以南圣劳伦斯河。是一避暑胜地。人19,896
    A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, on the St. Lawrence River south of Ottawa. It is a summer resort. Population,19, 896.
  • 康沃尔市加拿大安大略省东南部城市,位于圣劳伦斯河上,渥太华东北部与纽约交界的地方。它是一个制造中心。人46,144
    A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, on the St. Lawrence River and the New York border southeast of Ottawa. It is a manufacturing center. Population,46, 144.
  • 陶斯美国新墨西哥州北部一城镇,位于圣大菲北东北部。在1898年后它逐渐发展成为一个艺术家们的聚居地,吸引了包括约翰·马林和d·h·劳伦斯在内的许多艺术家和作家。人4,065
    A town of northern New Mexico north-northeast of Santa Fe. It developed as an art colony after1898 and has attracted many artists and writers, including John Marin and D.H. Lawrence. Population,4, 065.
  • 有些船抵达了港,但是许多其它的船则停泊在港外。
    Some ships reached the port but many others were laying off.
  • 在符合下文第三十七条第1款前提下,成员应将未经权利持有人〖zw(9〗本节中“权利持有人”一语,应理解为含义与“集成电路知识产权条约”之“权利的持有者”相同。〖zw)〗许可而从事的下列活动视为非法:为商业目的进、销售或以其他方式发行受保护的布图设计;为商业目的进、销售或以其他方式发行含有受保护布图设计的集成电路;或为商业目的进、销售或以其他方式发行含有上述集成电路的物品(仅以其持续包含非法复制的布图设计为限)。
    Subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 37, Members shall consider unlawful the following acts if performed without the authorization of the right holder:[9] importing, selling, or otherwise distributing for commercial purposes a protected layout-design, an integrated circuit in which a protected layout-design is incorporated, or an article incorporating such an integrated circuit only in so far as it continues to contain an unlawfully reproduced layout-design.
  • 渗出从小的出处慢慢流出或溢出
    To flow or leak out slowly, as through small openings.
  • 学会宽容;学会吹
    Learn tolerance; learned how to whistle.
  • 如果他真地要你当众收回海,那你也是活该;你本不该那样自吹自擂。
    It serves you right if he did make you eat the leek in public; you should not be so boastful.
  • 几年来,外国轿车在英国的销量一直比英国的大;英国公司正在要求其政府对外国(进)轿车的销售加以限制,以便给它们一个迎头赶上的机会。
    For several years more foreign cars have been sold in Britain than British ones; the government is now being asked to limit the sales of foreign cars to give British companies a chance to make up leeway.
  • 下一个路口向左拐。
    Take the next left.
  • 的用来盛放公馆和人员之间的信件的邮包。
    a mail pouch that is sealed shut and that is used to carry communications between a legation and its home office.
  • 民间故事形成头传说部分的故事或传说
    A story or legend forming part of an oral tradition.
  • 哈雷德国中部一城市,位于萨尔河畔,莱比锡西北偏北处的一座城市。9世纪时第一次被提及,中世纪时是汉萨同盟的一个重要成员。人236,139
    A city of central Germany on the Saale River west-northwest of Leipzig. First mentioned in the ninth century, it was an important member of the Hanseatic League in the Middle Ages. Population,236, 139.
  • 德累斯顿德国中东部城市,位于莱比锡东南偏东河畔。是工业与文化中心,二战期间被空袭轰炸严重毁损。其瓷器工业于18世纪初迁至梅森。人522,532
    A city of east-central Germany on the Elbe River east-southeast of Leipzig. An industrial and cultural center, it was severely damaged in bombing raids during World War II. Its china industry was moved to Meissen in the early18th century. Population,522, 532.
  • 他有没有向你开借点钱?
    Did he approach you about lending him some money?
  • 世界著名的《格萨尔王传》是藏族人民在漫长历史长河中创造出来的一部珍贵的长篇英雄史诗,是中国乃至世界文学宝库中少有的珍品,但一直是通过民间说唱艺人头流传。
    The world-famous Life of King Gesar, a lengthy and valuable heroic epic created by the Tibetan people over a considerable length of time, is a rare literary treasure of China and the whole of mankind. However, it has all along been passed down by folk artists orally.
  • 为提高少数民族人素质,加快民族自治地方的经济社会发展,中国各民族自治地方的人民代表大会,根据国家有关少数民族也要实行计划生育的精神,制定了本地区少数民族的计划生育政策。
    To improve the quality of the ethnic minority population and accelerate the economic and social development of the ethnic minority autonomous areas, the people's congresses of these areas have formulated their own family planning policies toward the ethnic minorities in light of the spirit of the state's regulations concerning the need also for minority peoples to practice family planning. These policies are more lenient than those with the Han people.