| - 没有人说话,但她能够察觉室内的敌意气氛。
Not a word was spoken , but she could feel the hostility in the room. - 网站托管中心的核心内容包括服务器硬件、操作系统和网站服务器应用程序。
The core elements of a Web-hosting center include the server hardware, operating system and Web-server application. - 但有些业务,如web和内容托管、电子商务服务,都依赖于快速、可靠和无错误的web性能。
But businesses such as Web and content hosting, and electronic commerce services, depend on fast, reliable, error-free Web performance. - 进入以筹办奥运会为主要内容和特色的发展机遇期,未来六年中北京体育要做好五个"结合":
After entering the period of opportunity for sports development with the preparations for and hosting of the Olympic Games as the main content and characteristic, Beijing sports will achieve “six combinations” in the six years to come: - 继北京之后,全国各大中小城市纷纷开展禁娼运动,在很短的时间内,就使这种在中国延续三千多年、严重摧残妇女身心健康和尊严的罪恶渊薮绝迹。
Following Beijing, all other large, middle-sized and small cities nationwide successively prohibited prostitution.In a short period of time, this hotbed of crimes, which had seriously ruined women's physical and mental health and their dignity for more than 3,000 years in China, was stamped out. - 目前这场关於私有化的争论在未来几周内可能愈演愈烈
The current debate about privatization is likely to grow hotter in the coming weeks - 在1小时以内
Inside of an hour. - 整套水力模型包括电脑数学模型,以及设于屯门海港水力试验室内的大型实体潮汐模型。
The models comprise computer-based mathematical models and a large physical model housed in the Harbour Hydraulics Laboratory at Tuen Mun. - 上民俗文物馆位于风景优美的西贡区,设于一条在十九世纪末期兴建的设防客家围村内。
This museum is housed in a fortified Hakka village built in the late 19thcentury at a scenic spot in Sai Kung. - 另外,信用卡持有人的敏感信息一般保存在金融机构内,由于金融环境通常提供最高等级的安全性,因而这又是一种额外的安全措施。
Furthermore, the cardholder's sensitive data is typically housed at a financial institution, so there's an extra sense of security because financial environments generally provide the highest degree of security. - 类似的实验以前也曾经搞过----“早安美国”电视栏目去年曾经让两个纽约人在“电子商务屋”内住了一个星期,屋内有一个冰箱,每天有500美元的生活费和上网设备----然而到目前为止.com先生却发誓要在互联网上生活比任何人都长的时间。
Similar experiments have been undertaken before - the TV program Good Morning America housed two New Yorkers in an ''e-cave'' for a week last year with a refrigerator, a $500 daily stipend, and Web access - but DotComGuy has vowed to live off the Internet longer than anyone else so far. - 野营挂车一种带有空间和装备动力交通工具,装在后部的空室或是装在相连的拖挂车内,提供睡眠和做简单的家务,用于野营和消闲的旅行
A motor vehicle with space and equipment, either in a rear compartment or in an attached trailer, for sleeping and simple housekeeping, used for camping and recreational travel. - 一切生活起居都在这个单间内进行,这就是细胞。
All the housekeeping went on in one room. - 四、表演场所内,旨在让大众更好地欣赏演出的其他规定,也应以适当方式在一定时间内布告周知。
4、Other good housekeeping rules that will enhance audience enjoyment should be communicated to them through appropriate means for a specified period. - 一种无茎植物,具有窄的坚硬的叶子,通常被作为室内盆栽植物来种植。
stemless plant having narrow rigid leaves often cultivated as a houseplant. - 一种灌木或小树,作室内盆栽植物,叶与桑寄生相似。
shrub or small tree often grown as a houseplant having mistletoelike foliage. - 亚洲热带一种高大的树,经常截矮成室内盆栽植物,;是阿萨姆邦橡胶的来源。
large tropical Asian tree frequently dwarfed as a houseplant; source of Assam rubber. - 常年载植,特别作为一种室内植物,有芳香的蓝到深紫色的花。
perennial cultivated especially as a houseplant for its fragrant bluish to dark lavender flowers. - 作为一种室内盆栽植物,主要为欣赏其杂色的、多肉的剑形叶子;也是一种纤维的来源。
grown as a houseplant for its mottled fleshy sword-shaped leaves or as a source of fiber. - 变叶木一种产于东半球的热带常绿灌木(变叶木属变叶木),因其有光泽的、色彩多样的叶子而被作为室内盆栽植物广泛培植
An Old World tropical evergreen shrub(Codiaeum variegatum) widely cultivated as a houseplant for its glossy, multicolored foliage. - 大岩桐一种南美热带的大岩桐属植物,尤指蓝紫大岩桐,种植来作室内观赏用,具有不同种颜色的花
Any of several tropical South American plants of the genus Sinningia, especially S. speciosa, cultivated as a houseplant for its showy, variously colored flowers. - 珊瑚莓果任一种紫金牛属的常绿灌木中,如菱叶番樱桃,原产于亚洲东部,因其结有一簇簇红色浆果状果实并且持续很长时间不掉落而被作为室内盆栽植物栽培
Any of certain eastern Asian evergreen shrubs of the genus Ardisia, such as spiceberry, cultivated as a houseplant for its clusters of long-lasting, red, berrylike fruits. - 蜘蛛抱蛋一种亚洲东部百合科蜘蛛抱蛋属植物,尤指蜘蛛抱蛋,有大的常绿基生叶和小的钟铃式黄色花,被广泛地作为室内盆栽植物养植
Any of several eastern Asian plants of the genus Aspidistra in the lily family, especially A. elatior, which has large evergreen basal leaves and small, brownish bell-shaped flowers and is widely cultivated as a houseplant. - 灰尘使家庭主妇一星期内不知增加了多少小时的家务劳动。
Dust causes housewife hours and hours of housework week. - 她们把垃圾分类,湿的,乾的,空瓶罐等分放在塑胶袋里,然后放入屋底层的大垃圾桶内。
The housewives separate their garbage into wet refuse, dry refuse, bottles and cans and so on. They put them into separate plastic bags and dispose of them in the large garbage bin at the bottom of the apartment blocks. - 1965年女性一周做家务达27至29小时,而1995年一周内只做15.6小时。
Women performed 27 to 29 hours of housework a week in 1965 compared with 15.6 hours of housework a week in 1995. - 然而,17个主要的公营机构则在专员的职权范围内。
However, 17 other major public organisations do; - 尽管中国内地的港口设施有所改进,在下一世纪,香港仍会是亚太区的枢纽港口。
Despite the upgrading of mainland China port facilities, Hong Kong is likely to remain the hub port for the region well into the next century. - 冈山日本本州岛西部的一个城市,位于神户西面,濑户内海的港湾。它是一个工业中心和铁路枢纽。人口572,423
A city of western Honshu, Japan, on an inlet of the Inland Sea west of Kobe. It is an industrial center and a railroad hub. Population,572, 423. - 船身靠内侧最低的部分
The lowest inner part of a ship's hull. - 船内的在舱内的或朝着船中部的
Within the hull or toward the center of a vessel. - 舱内的马达安装在船体内侧的马达
A motor attached to the inside of the hull of a boat.