  • 到周末纪律往往松弛下来。
    Discipline is often relaxed at weekends.
  • 他的表情在笑中变轻松了。
    His face relaxed in a smile.
  • 留下了个很随和的印象;场不拘束的非正式的讨论。
    gave the impression of being quite relaxed; a relaxed and informal discussion.
  • 你看(我)下步怎么办?
    Can you advise (me) what to do next?
  • 攀登者手松跌了下去。
    The climber relaxed her grip and fell.
  • 直到扶梯载着我们下行了段,她才略微放松下来。
    She relaxed slightly as the stairs moved us downward.
  • 种活跃的,现代的并且不拘束的风格活着。
    live in a lively, modern, and relaxed style.
  • 朋友们的非正式聚会;种放松的、随便的方式
    An informal gathering of friends; a relaxed, informal manner.
  • 深深地吸口气,那样你会觉得轻松的。
    Take a deep breath, and then you may feel relaxed.
  • 富田、东固两地因人民受ab团欺骗时不信任红军,并和红军对立,不宜选作战常
    It was not advisable to select Futien and Tungku as the battleground, as the inhabitants, misled by the A-B Group, were for a time mistrustful of and opposed to the Red Army.
  • 个好的空中小姐就是要让乘客们感到旅途轻松愉快。
    Being a good flight attendant means making your passengers feel relaxed.
  • 口气,放下心来尤指段时间的紧张后放松或解脱
    To be relaxed or relieved, especially after a period of tension.
  • 所以你在去美国之前,了解下美国有关个人私事的概念是十分必要的,因为中国人对这方面的观念可能完全两样。
    It is, therefore, advisable to get familiar with the American idea of personal privacy before going to the States, for people in China might have quite a different concept.
  • 纪律要直到学校课程的最后天后,才可放松。
    Discipline cannot be relaxed until the last day of school has passed.
  • 天工作下来,他喝杯啤酒轻松下。
    He take a glass of beer and relaxed after a day's work.
  • 所以她的女儿提起要她带她回家去,她听也不要听,况且那位差不多跟她同时来到的医生,也认为搬回去不是个好办法。
    She would not listen therefore to her daughter's proposal of being carried home; neither did the apothecary, who arrived about the same time, think it at all advisable.
  • 留一天休息
    A day set aside for relaxing.
  • 您可以按座位扶手上的按钮来让座椅变得更舒服些。
    You can push the seat-recliner button in the armrest for relaxing.
  • 我觉得集邮是种休息,因为它可以使我的注意力从工中移去。
    I find stamp collecting relaxing and it takes my mind off my work.
  • 我觉得玩计算机游戏是种休息,它可以使我的注意力从工作中移开。
    I find playing computer games relaxing and it takes my mind off my work.
  • 企业里面的技术干部不能随便下放,不能让工程师去当工人,个好的车间主任下去当普通工人也不好。
    However, this cannot be applied to technical cadres in enterprises; it is not advisable to transfer engineers or competent workshop directors to serve as workers.
  • 非常痛苦;质量上乘;专门用来放松的天。
    had a feeling of being set apart; quality sets it apart; a day set aside for relaxing.
  • 支气管扩张剂种可加宽肺里空气通道的药物,并通过放松支气管的平滑肌来使呼吸轻松
    A drug that widens the air passages of the lungs and eases breathing by relaxing bronchial smooth muscle.
  • 也许您不如自己去那里玩……您可以很逍遥地在那儿玩上整天。
    You might enjoy going there on your own... You could easily spend a whole day there relaxing.
  • 在学校天的学习结束之后,打场乒乓球又是何等快乐和轻松。
    How joyful and relaxing it is to have a game of table tennis after a day of study at school.
  • 项研究表明,香苹果有令人放松的效果。这是根据人们闻到香味后5分钟的脑电波测出来的。
    One study found that spiced apple had relaxing effects, as measured in brain waves, within five minutes of a subject's smelling the fragrance.
  • 这种散步还能提高体温,这与泡个热水澡样能起到对身体放松的效果。
    And this walk also increases core body temperature, which could have the same relaxing effect on the body as a good soak in a hot bath.
  • 个问题,你们根据自己的条件,可否考虑现在不要急于搞社会主义。
    There is a problem here: perhaps, given the conditions in your country, you should consider whether a headlong rush to socialism is advisable.
  • “你算是位兴致很好的老先生了!”哲吉尔放慢步伐说“既然咱们搭伴同行……我就得为你放慢速度。”
    "You are a gay old gentleman!" said Jekyl, relaxing his pace; "and if we must be fellow-travellers…I must even shorten sail for you."
  • 然而在出现了这种情形之时,不是日本进攻中国的放松,反而是它进攻中国的加紧,因为那时它只剩下了向弱者吞剥的条路。
    But in that case, so far from relaxing her aggression against China she will intensify it, because then the only way left to her will be to gobble up the weak.
  • 联邦证据规则的批评者担心法院可能因为放弃frye规则而轻信“垃圾科学”,但是最高法院在1993年的个具有里程碑意义的案件中否认了这种主张。
    Critics of the Federal Rules fear that the courts may be opening themselves to "junk science" by relaxing Frye, but a landmark case heard by the Supreme Court in 1993 rejected that claim.
  • 索赔时态度要坚决,但这只是在温和的办法无效,而必须正面提出时,这方法才是可行的。
    Redress should be requested firmly, but it is only when milder methods fail that a direct demand for compensation is advisable.