  • 他们在腋窝(他们婉称为“腋下”处使用除臭剂,在房里喷洒清新剂,把喷了清新剂的绒毛饰物挂在汽车里,把香味手纸挂在卫生里。
    They use deodorant in their armpits (which they delicately call 'underarms'), spray their homes with room freshener, put fuzzy dice with air freshener in their cars, and drape their bathrooms with scented toilet tissue.
  • 这个插曲使观众大为开心。在序诗朗诵中,突如其来插上这个即兴的二重唱:一边是约翰的尖叫声,另一边是乞丐不露声色的单调吟唱。以罗班·普斯潘和神学生为首的许多观众,都报以欢畅的掌声。
    This episode had distracted the audience not a little, and a good many of the spectators, Robin Poussepain and the rest of the students at the head, delightedly applauded this absurd duet improvised in the middle of the prologue between the scholar with his shrill, piping voice, and the beggar with his imperturbable whine.
  • 麦考莱时或有刹那的沉默,这使他的谈话更加动听。
    Macaulay has occasional flashes of silence that make his conversation perfectly delightful.
  • 我们会把您点的菜送到房去的。
    We'll deliver your order to your room.
  • 预先安排的在指定时里的射击。
    prearranged fire delivered at a predetermined time.
  • 下一次邮递时是四点钟。
    The next postal delivery is at 4 o'clock.
  • 送货时间呢?
    What about delivery time?
  • 大客车驾驶员打破沉默,开口说话,让大家看山壮丽的瀑布。
    The bus driver broke the silence, by calling attention to a waterfall of great beauty, in the rocky dell.
  • 虽然戴尔总是集中注意力于大公司,但过了一段时后康柏和ibm才开始注意戴尔。
    While Dell was always focused on the bigger companies, it took a while for Compaq and IBM to notice Dell.
  • 在迈克尔.戴尔的在任期发生过很多事情。
    And a lot has happened on Michael Dell's watch.
  • 我第一次遇见迈克尔·戴尔是在他蜜月期的一次商业会议上。
    The first time I met Michael Dell was at a business meeting held during his honeymoon.
  • 总之,在高振幅、低频率的δ脑电波到低振幅、高频率的β脑电波,共存在着四种脑电波。
    In summary, there are four brainwave states that range from the high amplitude, low frequency delta to the low amplitude, high frequency beta.
  • 湄公河东南亚一河流,流程约为4,183公里(即2,600英里),源自中国东南部,经越南南部一大三角洲注入中国南海。湄公河三角洲是一主要的产稻区,越战期此处战斗十分激烈
    A river of southeast Asia flowing about4, 183 km(2, 600 mi) from southeast China to the South China Sea through a vast delta in southern Vietnam. The delta, a major rice-growing area, was the scene of heavy fighting during the Vietnam War.
  • 鉴于往来珠江三角洲与香港之的内河船只数目不断增加,首个专为内河货运而设的内河货运码头已在新界西北的屯门动工。
    In view of the increasing number of river trade vessels operating between the Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong, the first dedicated River Trade Terminal (RTT) is being built at Tuen Mun in the north-west New Territories.
  • 雪融化时, 山溪流变成山洪暴发.
    When the snow melts, the mountain stream becomes a deluge.
  • 雪融化时,山溪流变成山洪暴发。
    When the snow melt, the mountain stream become a deluge.
  • 比尔花了很长时干这项工作,因为他误解了,认为每部分必须刷3遍,而实际上只需刷一遍。
    Bill took ages to do the job because he was labouring under the delusion that every part had to be painted three times, not just the once that was required.
  • 数码港是重要的资讯基建计划,包括为超过100家资讯科技及相关的公司提供一流的办公地点,兴建特别设计的数码中心租给超过50家各行业商户,以及兴建设有176个房的国际级豪华酒店。
    The Cyberport is an important information infrastructural project that will provide first-class office accommodation for over 100 information technology and IT-related companies, a specially designed Cybercentre for over 50 commercial tenants of different trades and a deluxe international hotel that will have 176 rooms.
  • 他还说,由于参观的时太短,一些问题还没有谈清楚,因此希望新中有关部门今后继续进行切磋和交流。
    As time was short, Mr Zhu was not able to delve deeper into some of the issues. However, he hoped that both sides would continue in their exchanges and discussions.
  • 他还说,由于参观的时太短,一些问题还没有谈清楚,因此希望新中有关部门今后继续进行切磋和交流。
    As time was limited, Mr Zhu was not able to delve deeper into some of the issues. However, he hoped that both sides would continue in their exchanges and discussions, he added.
  • 字符串中各字符的分界。
    The demarcation among characters in a string.
  • 两个岩层间的分界线
    A line of demarcation between two rock strata.
  • 我们必须划清两者之的界线。
    We must draw a clear line of demarcation between the two.
  • 朴实的乡教堂;她安静朴实的举止。
    an unpretentious country church; her quiet unpretentious demeanor.
  • 那时她在哥哥的乐队演唱,并在她朋友工作的一录音棚中录制了自己的第一张试样唱片。
    During this time, she sang for her brother's band and recorded her first demo in a studio her friend worked for.
  • 地缘政治学研究政治、地理、人口和经济之关系的学科,尤其着眼于一个国家的外交政策
    The study of the relationship among politics and geography, demography, and economics, especially with respect to the foreign policy of a nation.
  • 在拆除旧建筑物工程进行期,整个地区将一直用栅栏围住。
    The whole area will remain cordoned off while the demolition work is going on.
  • 即使是一个本来想吃得好些就能吃得好些、尚有盈余可供某些别的开支的家庭,倘若嗜上酒来,则在不到一个月的时里,就可以穷落下来,以致只能吃面包及必须掏尽家底,不难明白这种现象究竟是怎么回事。
    It is easy to see how even a family which had had as good food as it wished and a few extras could be down to bread and scrape the barrel inside a month if the “demon drink” took hold.
  • 游行期有100多名警察值勤.
    There were over 100 police on duty at the demonstration.
  • 派出纠察员在罢工或示威期设置一个或几个纠察队
    To post a picket or pickets during a strike or demonstration.
  • 希尔倍受鼓舞,开始花更多的时试唱,录样带和写歌。
    Encouraged,Hill began devoting more of her time to auditioning,cutting demos,and writing.
  • 因特网提供的软件下载、演示和更新均配有包装器以打开程序,软件演示配有与程序装在一起的包装器,经过一定次数的使用或者在指定的时之后就会关闭它的功能。
    The software downloads, demos and updates offered via the Internet come with wrappers to unlock the programs.Software demos come with wrappers that install with the program, turning off its functions after a certain number of uses or after a designated time period.