  • 彼得比保罗高2英寸。
    Peter is two inches tall than Paul.
  • 她开给他们一张50镑的支票。
    She drew a cheque for £ 50 payable to them.
  • 值勤时睡着了的卫兵被说成是“不值他的盐”,于是他在下次发工资时得到的盐会少些(今天语中仍用“不值他的盐”这一表达指在工作中不称职的人)。
    And guard who fell asleep while on duty was said to be "not worth his salt," and as a result he would get a little less salt on his next payday! (The expression, "not worth his salt," is still used today in English to refer to a person felt to be incapable of doing a job).
  • 他为买这本书付给这人3镑。
    He gave the man £3 in payment for the book.
  • 美国怀俄明州西北部特顿岭的一座山峰;海拔尺,为特顿岭的最高峰。
    a mountain peak in northwestern Wyoming; the highest peak in the Teton Range (13,766 feet high).
  • 她是女中的英杰。
    She is a pearl among women.
  • ??1996年夏奥会,美国用了60棵山核桃树制作了一万多个火炬手柄,用于一万五千多里的火炬接力。
    To produce handles for the 10,000-plus Olympic torches carried in the 15,000-mile United States of America relay for the 1996 Summer Olympics, 60 pecan trees were used.
  • 一种国或它的人民所特有的一种习惯。
    a custom that is peculiar to England or its citizens.
  • 猎狐是国特有的运动.
    Hunting foxes is a peculiarly English sport.
  • 40多年来,几乎所有用于提高语学习效果的努力都集中在教学方法上。
    In the last forty years or so, practically all the efforts to improve the learning of English have gone into pedagogy.
  • 首先、我认为我们应该重新检讨新加坡的华文教学法。如果我没记错的话,来自语家庭背景和华语家庭背景的学生都上同一堂课,教师们也以同样的方式教导他们。
    First of all, I think that the pedagogy of Chinese language teaching in Singapore should be re-examined, if it is as I remember, students from English- and Chinese-speaking backgrounds are mixed together in the same classes and taught in exactly the same way.
  • 国)必须用踏板的自行车。
    (British) a bicycle that must be pedaled.
  • 她给了一英镑。
    She peeled off one pound.
  • 死后头衔不复存在的国贵族。
    a British peer whose title lapses at death.
  • 除了公爵之外对国贵族主教或法官的称谓。
    a title used to address any British peer except a duke and extended to a bishop or a judge.
  • 国贵族中一个组织皇室队列和其他仪式的政府官员。
    an officer of the English peerage who organizes royal processions and other ceremonies.
  • 语言反映了文化,在美国语中大量的具有贬义的与种族有关的词汇表明美国仍然存在着民族、种族间的紧张关系。
    Culture is reflected in language, and the large number of pejorative ethnic terms in American English shows that the United States still suffers from ethnic and racial tensions.
  • 1840年5月6日,全国的邮局开始发售邮票-一便士的黑色邮票和两便士的蓝色邮票。
    On may 6,1840, post office throughout england begin to sell stamp " one penny " black stamp and " two pence " blue stamp.
  • 多少便士是一英镑?
    How many pence go to the pound?
  • 义务捐款的增长从30便士到1镑不等。
    Increases in compulsory contributions range from 30 pence to one pound.
  • 我给了他一镑,他找了我20便士的零钱。
    I gave him a pound, and he gave me 20 pence change.
  • 国基本货币单位;等于便士。
    the basic unit of money in Great Britain; equal to 100 pence.
  • 卡明斯是一个建在农场上的大型监狱,它坐落在小石城东南70里处的荒凉农村,那里到处散落着棚屋和烧毁的教堂。
    Cummins is a vast farm-based penitentiary that sits in bleak countryside, strewn with shanties and burned-out churches, 70 miles south-east of Little Rock.
  • 指一般包括新格兰州和纽约州以及有时包括新泽西州和宾夕法尼亚州在内的美国地区。
    of a region of the United States generally including the New England states; New York; and sometimes New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
  • 不正当得来的辨士使正当得来的镑也受到沾污。
    The unrighteous penny corrupts the righteous pound.
  • 2.80镑一天,16镑一周。
    £2.80 per day, £16 per week.
  • 9镑一周,包括取暖。
    £9 per week including heating.
  • 他很快意识到他的语不够好。
    He soon perceive that his english is not good enough.
  • 此数字在美国为18.9%,国为9.64%,法国为13.6%。
    In the United States this figure stood at 18.9 percent, in Britain 9.64 percent and in France 13.6 percent.
  • 这是与美国为4.2%,国为3.6%,法国为3.18%相比的。
    This was compared with 4.2 percent in the United States, 3.6 percent in Britain and 3.18 percent in France.
  • 几乎所有最好的文散文起初都是在期刊上发表的。
    Practically all the best essays in the English language have first seen the light of day in the periodical press.
  • 1990年比萨官方关闭了斜塔,当时塔身偏离垂线13尺。
    Officials closed the tower in 1990, when it leaned by a dangerous 13 feet off the perpendicular.