  • 学校不供学生午饭。
    The school doesn't furnish students with lunch.
  • 我们得我们的新房子买些家具。
    We will buy some furniture for our new house.
  • 我不借她钱,她顿时勃然大怒.
    She flew into a fury when I wouldn't lend her any money.
  • "大众媒体已经封住了口,因此大家都不知道那里的事实真相。"
    The mass media have been gagged so nobody knows what really happened there. (喻)
  • 彩旗这次盛会增添了欢乐的气氛。
    The colourful flag add to the gaiety of the occasion.
  • 以高傲的姿态行走,经常是为了别人留下深刻印象。
    to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others.
  • 她把自己收藏的画借了美术馆。
    She loaned her collection of paintings to the gallery.
  • 请卖我两张顶楼的戏票。
    Two tickets for the gallery, please.
  • 空中小姐会从厨房你拿些水来。
    The stewardess will get you some water from the galley.
  • 他把钱滑动其他的赌徒。
    He slid the money over to the other gambler.
  • 给(斗鸡)装距铁
    To arm(a gamecock) with gaffs.
  • 上述已获美国政府出口许可证的19台设备中,有4台性能最先进的5a3p(五座标三主轴)机床,未运回中国,在美国就地租了莫尼托工厂。
    Four of the most advanced 5A3P (5-axis and 3-spindle) gantry profilers among the 19 items that had acquired US Government export license were not shipped back to China and were leased to the Monitor Corp. on site.
  • 卡特先生,我想您介绍一下陈小姐。
    Mr. Garter, I'd like you to meet Miss Chen.
  • 我表示愿意将我的车卖加里,他马上答应买下。
    I offered to sell Gary my car and he snapped at it.
  • 我拔牙时用了一氧化二氮。
    I was given gas when they pulled my tooth out.
  • 当女侍者她们拿来水时,安?玛丽突然听到身后有急促的喘息声。
    As the waitress set down their water,Ann-Marie heard a gasping sound behind her.
  • 小汽车加油;在出发之前把油加好
    Gas up a car; gassed up before the trip.
  • 反过来,有关的地址信息通过信令网关传送mgc。
    In turn, the relevant address information is passed from a signaling gateway to an MGC.
  • 这种消息作为建立的消息由信令网关发回mgc。
    This information is sent as a setup message by the signaling gateway back to the MGC.
  • 他最近去世家庭聚会蒙上了阴影。
    His recent death overshadowed the family gathering.
  • 店主我们的分量不足: 应该10公斤我们只得到7.5公斤.
    The shopkeeper gave us short weight: we got 7.5 kilos instead of 10 kilos.
  • 我们正在厨房漆上鲜艳的颜色。
    We're painting the kitchen in gay colours.
  • 我由衷地祈望,我能用一条精美的丝带绕在一个用鲜艳的礼品纸包装的礼盒上送您点"什么",以表达我的感激和爱戴,但是我再没有什么能比得过数月前我已送您的、您也欣然接受的最为宝贵的礼物--那礼物您已将其紧贴心头,并与之一起欢笑,也可能一起哭泣,称赞过也训斥过,鼓励着和塑造着的--我的孩子!。
    I wish with all my heart I could put a delicate ribbon on a gayly wrapped package and give you a“something”to express my appreciation and affection,but I have nothing to give you that would surpass the most precious gift I have ever had to offer and which you already so graciously accepted months ago the one you have held close to your heart,laughed with and probably cried with,applauded and scolded,encouraged and molded my child!
  • 我认为,这个环境通用电气公司带来了极好的机会。
    I look at this environment as a tremendous chance to play offense at GE.
  • 韦尔奇通用电气公司一个新的任务:成为世界上最值钱的公司。
    Welch gave GE a new mission: to be the world's most valuable company.
  • 给马套上挽具
    Gear up a horse
  • 把这新项目的资料我.
    Give me the gen on this new project.
  • 他们宣布,这项技术已经可以按设想进行:改变了精子基因的老鼠将新基因传了下一代。
    They announced that the technology worked as intended: Nice equipped with gene-altered sperm passed the gene to their descendants.
  • 1629年成书的《萨迦世系史》记载着当时萨迦班智达写西藏各地僧俗首领的信中关于必须归顺和接受所规定的地方行政制度的内容。
    The Tibetan work Sagya Genealogy written in 1629 includes Sagya Pandit's letter to the religious and secular leaders in the various parts of Tibet that they must pledge allegiance to the Mongols and accept the regional administrative system prescribed for Tibet.
  • 答:还是在七月间,我们党的代表周恩来同志,已经写信蒋委员长。
    Answer: Our Party representative, Comrade Chou En-lai, wrote a letter to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek as early as July.
  • 有许多铁的证据,如像张荫梧其部下进攻八路军的命令等,我们已送蒋委员长了。
    We have already sent Generalissimo Chiang a mass of indisputable evidence, such as Chang Yin-wu's orders to his subordinates to attack the Eighth Route Army.
  • javadoc将html命令传递最终生成的html文档。
    Javadoc passes HTML commands through to the generated HTML document.