  • 剪去…的枝除去树的(枝干或枝
    To remove(a limb or branch) from a tree.
  • 在数学上;接近界限点关于件数字没有界限的增加。
    in mathematics: approach a limit as the number of terms increases without limit.
  • 安妮:有什么件限制或具体要求吗?
    Annie: Is there any requirement or limitation?
  • 为遵守在排水量和武器的约限制建造的小的战舰。
    a small warship built to conform with treaty limitation on tonnage and armament (1925-30).
  • 第四十二因环境污染损害赔偿提起诉讼的时效期间为三年,从当事人知道或者应当知道受到污染损害时起计算。
    Article 42. The limitation period for prosecution with respect to compensation for environmental pollution losses shall be three years, counted from the time when the party becomes aware of or should become aware of the pollution losses.
  • 中国将进一步放宽外商在华设立合资外贸公司的限制件。
    China will further relax limitations on joint venture trading companies with foreign investment.
  • 军事家不能超过物质件许可的范围外企图战争的胜利,然而军事家可以而且必须在物质件许可的范围内争取战争的胜利。
    In his endeavour to win a war, a military man cannot overstep the limitations imposed by the material conditions; within these limitations, however, he can and must strive for victory.
  • (六二)指导战争的人们不能超越客观件许可的限度期求战争的胜利,然而可以而且必须在客观件的限度之内,能动地争取战争的胜利。
    62. In seeking victory, those who direct a war cannot overstep the limitations imposed by the objective conditions; Within these limitations, however, they can and must play a dynamic role in striving for victory.
  • 在这种件下,人口的增长自然而然受到食品供应的限制。
    Under these conditions the growth of human population was also automatically limited by the limitations of food supplies.
  • 路的车速限制是每小时70英里.
    The speed limit on this road is 70 mph.
  • 他正在那街上一瘸一拐的走着。
    He is walking with a limp at that street.
  • 顺着纸上的线书写。
    Write on the lines of the paper.
  • 连到主干线上的铁路线。
    a railway line connected to a trunk line.
  • 包含所有可打印符号的一种形打印构件。
    A linear type element containing all printable symbols.
  • 有或似乎有状或线状污点。
    marked with or as if with stripes or linear discolorations.
  • 在浓雾中,客轮撞翻了一渔船。
    The liner run down a fishing-boat during the dense fog.
  • 铁路线和那道路平行。
    The railway lines run parallel to the road.
  • 一组线线条的排列
    An arrangement of lines.
  • 虫迹形的;有弯曲线的具有波状、蠕虫般线
    Bearing wavy, wormlike lines.
  • 线路在这儿相遇。
    the two lines meet here.
  • 一种线粗重的字体。
    a typeface with thick heavy lines.
  • 行间不用铅条隔开的
    Having no leads between the lines.
  • 交配以后,两鲸肩并肩地缠绵着,用鳍互相爱抚,最后好像是相互拥抱着,开始上下翻腾。
    After mating, the two cetaceans linger side by side, stroking one another with their flippers and finally rolling together in what looks like an embrace.
  • 许多链环连在一起组成链
    A lot of links fitted together form a chain.
  • 这两个城镇由一铁路连接起来。
    The two towns are linked by a railway.
  • 公路在这里衔接起来。
    The two highways link up here.
  • 这些河流由一新运河连接起来。
    These rivers were linked by a new canal.
  • 他们开始修建两公路把这个地区和四川省的主要公路网连接起来。
    They have started building two roads linking this area with the main highway network in Sichuan.
  • 恒温线;等温线气象地图或图表上所画的一连结同温或恒温各点的线
    A line drawn on a weather map or chart linking all points of equal or constant temperature.
  • 阿尔特斯塔特也是昆兹阿西赛艺术一街的起始点--这街把城中所有大型博物馆联系在一起。
    Altstadt is also the starting point of the Kunts-Achse--arts axis--a walk linking all the great museums in town.
  • 路连接了那些新城镇。
    The road links the new towns.
  • 铁路把这两个城镇连接起来。
    The railway line links the two towns together.