  • 监狱看守:微小的植入片阻止囚犯从事犯罪活动。
    Prison guard: Microscopic implants will restrain convicts from engaging in criminal activity.
  • 从事一种职业或之作为职业和谋生手段而从事。
    engaged in a profession or engaging in as a profession or means of livelihood.
  • 1984年,经过长时间的艰苦谈判,那不勒斯足球队在支付了130亿里拉的高价后,终于马拉多纳纳入巴赛罗纳队。
    In 1984 after a long, difficult negotiation Naples Football Team succeeded in engaging Maradona, paying 13 billion liras to Barcellona.
  • "这家公司提供发动机,用以换取人造橡胶。"
    This firm will supply engines in exchange for artificial rubber.
  • 他的梦想是来成为一名工程师。
    His dream is to become an engineer.
  • 新时代农民种植和饲养经过基因工程改造的作物和家畜,生产出具有疗效的蛋白质。
    New- age Old MacDonalds will raise crops and livestock that have been genetically engineered to produce therapeutic proteins.
  • 奥林匹克官员即召开紧急会议,他们越来越担心体育竞赛可能会由于基因工程制造出的“超级运动员”的出现而变质。
    Olympic offcials are too hold emergency meetings over mounting fears that sport is about to be transformed by the creation of a breed of genetically?engineered ‘super?athletes.
  • 遗传工程对人类产生深远的影响.
    Genetic engineering will have revolutionaryconsequences for mankind.
  • 他将学习英语
    He will learn English.
  • 假使他赢了--是否能赢还是一大疑问--他是二十年来第一个获胜的英国人。
    If he wins and it's a big if he'll be the first Englishman to win for twenty years.
  • 最令英国人苦恼的事莫过于无法给他人"定位"--而如果他人的位定错了那就更加难受了。
    Nothing upsets an Englishman so much as not being able to " place" another --or worse,making a mistake about another' s social position.
  • 珠宝匠在戒指的内表面上刻上她的名字。
    The jeweller will engrave the inside of the ring with her name.
  • 调味料会增强肉的味道。
    This sauce will enhance the flavor of the meat.
  • 等到中国发展起来了,制约战争的和平力量会大大增强。
    When China is fully developed, that ability will be greatly enhanced.
  • 166.在政务司司长领导之下,政府部门实行一个「资源增值计划」。
    166. Driven by the Chief Secretary for Administration, the public sector will undertake an Enhanced Productivity Programme.
  • 现在,美国国会又有人炮制所谓《加强台湾安全法》,还企图台湾纳入战区导弹防御系统。
    Recently, some people in the U.S. Congress have cooked up the so-called Taiwan Security Enhancement Act and are attempting to include Taiwan in the TMD.
  • 美国不断向台湾出售先进的武器装备,其国内有人企图推动国会通过所谓《加强台湾安全法》,还有人企图台湾纳入战区导弹防御系统;
    The United States has never stopped selling advanced weapons to Taiwan. Some people in the United States have been trying hard to get the Congress to pass the so-called Taiwan Security Enhancement Act. And some are even attempting to incorporate Taiwan into the US TMD system.
  • 如果你能进一步详述你的计划,我们非常感谢。
    We should be grateful if you could enlarge a little on your plan.
  • 此次增扩使北约成员从19个增至26个。
    The enlargement will increase NATO’s members from 19 to 26.
  • 此外,中国纺织工业进一步开拓国内市场,积极扩大出口。
    Moreover, China's textile industry will further tap the domestic market while positively enlarging exports.
  • 此项研究的公开发表不仅会扭转公众对这个问题的认识,它还促使那些力劝近亲夫妻不要生育的医生摆脱偏见。
    Publication of the study will do more than tweak public awareness; it will enlighten doctors who have urged cousin couples not to have children.
  • 新兵动员方式的改善,与部队政治工作的加强,配合着战略战术的进步,锻炼出最大数量的有优良技术的有最高战斗力量的国防军队,最后战胜日本帝国主义。
    Improved enlistment procedures and political work in the army and advanced strategy and tactics will enable us to turn out a huge armed force for national defence, possessing great skill and the best fighting capabilities, which will finally defeat the Japanese imperialists.
  • 巨大的人口增长产生很多问题。
    The enormous increase of population will create many problems.
  • 下一世纪即到来,中国的经济发展无可限量。
    As the new century unfolds, China's economic potential is enormous.
  • 我告诉那个警察隔壁空房间的噪音使我烦恼,他说他调查一下。
    I told the policeman that I was worried by the noises from the empty house next door, and he said he would enquire into it.
  • 你的询价呈交给经理
    Please address your enquiry to the manager.
  • 贵方询价立即得到处理。
    Your enquiry will be deal with immediately.
  • 我们将尽快进行调查
    We will carry out the enquiry as expeditiously as possible
  • 如收到贵司对机械产品的询价,我们甚表谢意。
    We shall be pleased to receive your enquiry for the machinery.
  • 为了找出这一起事故发生的原因,即进行一次调查。
    An enquiry will be set on foot to find the cause of the accident.
  • 请放心,我们以后尽快再谈你方询盘。
    Please be assured that we shall revert to your enquiry as soon as possible.
  • 请放心,我们以后尽快再谈你方询盘。
    Please is assured that we shall revert to your enquiry as soon as possible.