  • 我们医院有一位有的按摩师,我给他打个电话,让他帮您按摩一下。
    There's a well-know masseur in this hospital. I'll give him a call and ask him to take care of you.
  • 我们至少需要两壮汉来升起桅杆。
    We shall need at least two strong men to sway the mast up.
  • 她师从这位著的大师当学徒。
    She apprenticed with the great master.
  • 艺术家在艺术上造诣很深的人
    A person with masterly skill or technique in the arts.
  • 罗马著政治家、雄辨家、拉丁散文家(公元前106年-公元前43年)。
    a Roman statesman and orator remembered for his mastery of Latin prose (106-43 BC).
  • 人们已尝试了所有可能的替代性治疗方法,但迄今为止最见效的是一种叫乳香的古希腊药物。
    All kinds of alternative approaches have been tried,but by far the most successful is an ancient Greek remedy called mastic.
  • 她还提到一只叫乔治亚娜的大驯犬,由于爱上了咖喱口味的食物而象吹气球一般猛增了10.5英石(147磅),目前这只狗正在兰开斯特的达温进行减肥瘦身。
    She also mentioned how bull mastiff Georgina had ballooned to 10?st after developing a taste for curries as an example.The pet has been put on a diet in Darwen, Lancs.
  • 通过name参数进行的businessservice的匹配,将会命中具有匹配的的businessentity中的所有businessservice数据。
    Any businessService data contained in the specified businessEntity with a matching partial name value gets returned.
  • 从去年10月以来,已有4000人在一个为"基督徒纽带"的网站注册,其中至少有5对新人通过这个网站相互认识,并准备举行婚礼。
    Christian Connection, an online matchmaking service, said it has signed up nearly 4,000 members since last October and at least five weddings are now planned.
  • 大副召集船上全体人员点
    The mate mustered the ship's company.
  • 这些活动包括“口腔健康教育巴士”所提供的外展口腔健康教育服务,以及母婴健康院、幼稚园和学前服务中心每年为超过19万学前儿童提供的儿童口腔健康教育服务。
    These activities include outreaching programmes delivered through an Oral Health Education Bus and target-specific programmes delivered through maternal and child health centres, kindergartens and pre-school centres to more than 190 000 pre-schoolers every year.
  • 他的数学分数在班上是列前茅的。
    His mark in math is second to none in the class.
  • 昨天,那位著的数学家去世了。
    That famous mathematician passed away yesterday.
  • 他有希望成国一数学家。
    He promises well as mathematician.
  • 他是数学界知的数学家。
    He is known in the field as a fine mathematician.
  • 十年前,这位特立独行的科学家就已经扬天下了,当年他用一枚别人捐助的卵子使一位62岁的妇女受孕并顺利生产。但他拒绝为这次的克隆人项目透露更多的细节。
    The maverick doctor gained fame nearly a decade ago when he helped a 62-year-old women give birth following fertility treatment with a donated egg, but he has revealed few details about his latest project.
  • 1998年10月,斯皮尔斯的第一张单曲出版,这是一首与其专辑同的歌曲,由麦克斯·马汀创作而成。
    October l998 saw the release of Spears' first single, the title track from her album, written by Max Martin.
  • 他们提四个人为市长候选人。
    They nominated four people for Mayor.
  • 一件玷污了市长声的丑闻
    A scandal that blackened the mayor's name.
  • 他们以市长的中字命该纪念碑。
    They called the monument after their mayor.
  • 一个一年或多年生禾本属,包括装饰性和草坪用草品种和声狼藉的农业杂草。
    annual or perennial grasses including decorative and meadow species as well as notorious agricultural weeds.
  • 因为她小气得出了, 我决定不找她借钱.
    I decided not to ask her for a loan in view of her proverbial meanness.
  • 他每花一分钟都要考虑再三,这使他获得“吝啬”的声。
    He watches every penny he spends, which gives him a reputation for meanness.
  • 既然雇主们同工会领袖无法在直接谈判中达成协议,就指定了一位当地的律师进行调解。
    A well-known local lawyer has been appointed to mediate between the employers and the union leaders, since they can't reach an agreement in direct talks.
  • 华族调解人说道:
    Here is an excerpt from a Chinese mediator:
  • 例如,有一调解人声称,强调一己的权利以致伤害对方的家人和朋友关系,实际上可能是错误的,因此他时常要问一问当事人,为了行使权利而殃及无辜是否正当。
    For instance, one mediator argues that pressing on with one's rights may actually be wrong if it results in negative consequences on the other party's family and friendship ties.He often asks the disputants if it is righteous to inflict suffering on innocent parties in the process of exercising one's rights.
  • 该中心为香港和外地的调解纠纷及仲裁事宜提供资料,设有国际和本地仲裁员专门小组,并备有调停人单。
    The HKIAC provides information on dispute resolution and arbitration both in the HKSAR and overseas. It operates panels of international and local arbitrators, and maintains lists of mediators.
  • 这两律师初次见面就辩论起来。
    The two lawyers had an argument at their very first meeting.
  • "这一冒险在这位大牌明星获金球奖提时得到了回报,而且据说还有望问鼎奥斯卡金像。
    That risk has paid off[5] in a Golden Globe nomination for the mega-star[6] and talk of a shot at Oscar gold.
  • 以夜晚发出悦耳动听的鸣声而闻的欧洲歌鸟。
    European songbird noted for its melodious nocturnal song.
  • 美洲东部森林地区常见的大型画眉;以音调优美的叫声闻
    large thrush common in eastern American woodlands; noted for its melodious song.
  • 歌鸲一种欧洲的有赤褐色羽毛的鸣鸟(新疆歌鸲),以雄鸟在繁殖季节夜晚发出的悦耳动听的鸣声而著
    A European songbird(Luscinia megarhynchos) with reddish-brown plumage, noted for the melodious song of the male at night during the breeding season.