  • 钱瑟勒斯维尔弗吉尼亚州东北部的一个旧城镇,位于弗雷德里克斯堡以西。战时的一次重大战役在此展开(1863年5月2-4日)。罗伯特·李率领的南部盟军击败了约瑟夫·胡克指挥的联邦军队。斯通沃尔·杰克逊在战斗中受了致命伤
    A former town of northeast Virginia west of Fredericksburg. It was the site of a major Civil War battle(May2-4,1863) in which the Confederates under Robert E. Lee defeated the Union forces commanded by Joseph Hooker. Stonewall Jackson was mortally wounded in the battle.
  • 6月20日英国一家杂志公布了一项调查结果,表明三分之二的英国年轻人为自己身为英国人而感到惭愧,其中的部分原因是如今国横行的暴力和流氓犯罪活动。
    Two out of every three young Britons feel ashamed of their nationality, in part because of violence and hooliganism, according to a magazine survey published on Thursday.
  • 是否能在十几年超越英文或许还言之过早,不过,要达到并驾齐驱、平起平坐的程度,也应该是指日可待了吧!
    While it may be premature to predict victory for Chinese in less than 20 years, it is hopeful that, before long, it will rise onto a par with English in the world of Internet!
  • 我们这样做,不单只希望能够在短期提供更多的就业机会,长远来说,更希望提高香港的竞争力,因为我们在基建、道路、铁路、学校、教育、资讯科技各方面所作的投资,会使迈向二十一世纪的香港更具竞争力。
    This we do not only, hopefully, in the short term to provide employment opportunities but also in the longer term to make us more competitive. Because our investment in infrastructure, in roads and railways, in schools and in education and in information technology is going to make us a lot more competitive as we move forward into the 21st century.
  • 尽管技术管理人员可能在若干年仍然供不应求,人们还是在议论,从长远看,跳槽会损害求职者的事业。
    While demand for skilled executives is likely to outpace supply for years, word is spreading that job-hopping, in the long run, can hurt a career.
  • 印刷中为使字母定位在一行而进行的水平找齐。
    In printing, pertaining to the position of letters within a line which has an even appearance when looked at horizontally.
  • 只有不到1/10的慢性精神分裂症患者能像纳什一样,"随着年龄增长后体自然激素的变化,最终从非理性的思维中解脱出来,完全没有借助药物治疗,"他后来这么说。
    Like fewer than one in 10 individuals who suffer from chronic schizophrenia, Nash " emerged from irrational thinking ultimately without medicine other than the natural hormonal changes of aging," as he later put it.
  • 内分泌物;荷尔蒙
    The product of this process; a hormone.
  • 小肠产生的助消化的荷尔蒙;刺激胰腺和肝脏。
    a peptic hormone produced in the small intestine; activates the pancreas and liver.
  • 较低的睾酮水平会使男性愿意与家人呆在一起,而与家人相处又可能降低男性体的激素水平。
    Lower levels encourage men to spend time with their family and being in a family may lower the hormone levels.
  • 分泌学研究身体腺体和激素以及他们之间相关的失调的科学
    The study of the glands and hormones of the body and their related disorders.
  • 据加州大学欧文分校的一个研究小组研究,仅仅是期待一件快乐、有趣的事件也能提高大脑啡素(一种令人情绪愉快的物质)的产生,并减少压力荷尔蒙的分泌。
    Just anticipating a happy, funny event can raise levels of endorphins and other pleasure and relaxation-inducing hormones and lower production of stress hormones, a team at the University of California Irvine said.
  • 甲状腺所分泌的激素调节体大量的代谢活动,也包括头发的生长。
    The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate a wide range of metabolic processes in the body including hair growth.
  • 甲状腺球蛋白一种部贮有含碘激素的甲状腺蛋白质,主要存在于甲状腺小囊的胶质里
    A thyroid protein that stores iodine-containing hormones and is typically present in the colloid of thyroid gland follicles.
  • 校长修改了校规,引起了校一片愤。
    The principal stirred up a hornet's nest by changing the rules at school.
  • 角雉亚洲产角雉属雉鸡,雄雉头部有色彩艳丽的垂以及两蓝色的角状附属物
    Any of several Asian pheasants of the genus Tragopan, the male of which has a brightly colored wattle and two blue hornlike appendages on the head.
  • 的封闭在椭圆形角质壳的。用于一虫蛹
    Enclosed in an oval, horny case. Used of an insect pupa.
  • 封闭状态封闭在椭圆形角质壳的状态。用于一虫蛹
    The state of being enclosed in an oval, horny case. Used of an insect pupa.
  • 五月以来,印尼华人向一切有关机构和人士的电邮地址反复发送了身着印尼军服的暴徒蹂躏妇女的照片,并号召所有收件人接力传送,对世界范围千百万网上读者产生了强烈的震撼,并引起新闻媒体的关注。
    Since May, they have sent the photos that showed uniformed men tormenting and raping women to all the e-mail addresses and websites that they knew. They also asked the recipients to forward the photos. The alleged evidence horrified millions of web users and attracted the attention of the news media.
  • 从前在国周游的唯一方法是骑马。
    In days of old, the only way of getting about the country was on horseback.
  • 用马毛光纤制成;用于室装潢。
    made from horsehair fibers; used for upholstery.
  • 由马毛或骆驼毛制成的衣服纤维;用于室装潢或衣服变硬。
    cloth woven from horsehair or camelhair; used for upholstery or stiffening in garments.
  • 功的单位等于马力小时做的功。
    a unit of work equal to the work done by one horsepower in one hour.
  • 功率做功的速率,用每单位时间所做的功的量来表示,通常用瓦特和马力为单位
    The rate at which work is done, expressed as the amount of work per unit time and commonly measured in units such as the watt and horsepower.
  • 其加拿大部分是马蹄瀑布;其美国境部分是美国瀑布。
    waterfall in Canada is the Horseshoe Falls; in the United States it is the American Falls.
  • 久负盛名的吐鲁番葡萄、库尔勒香梨、哈密瓜等远销国外市场,特色园艺业、种植业近年来迅速发展。
    Turpan grapes, Korla pears and Hami melons, which have long been famous Xinjiang products, sell well on both foreign and domestic markets.Specialty horticulture and crop planting have leapfrogged in the past few years.
  • 展示各地园林园艺文化、历史文化、民族文化和民间艺术,促进环保产品、绿色食品生产、销售。各盛市、区除展示园林园艺、历史文化外,还有一项主要容,就是展示、表演有地方特色的文化艺术。
    By showcasing the essence of gardening and horticulture of each province and its peculiar historic, ethnic and folk art, these activities will be held in a bid to promote the production and marketing of environment-protecting products and green foods. In addition, the culture and art earmarked by local features will also be showed and performed.
  • 里耳线织物用这种线织成的织物,尤指袜类及
    Fabric knitted of this thread, used especially for hosiery and underwear.
  • 短袜和长袜(英国把衣裤当作袜类)。
    socks and stockings (the British include underwear as hosiery).
  • 麦利诺精纺线一种优质毛线或棉线,尤指用来纺织衣裤及袜子之类的物品
    A fine wool and cotton yarn used especially for knitting underwear and hosiery.
  • 医院范围禁止停放车辆。
    No parking within the hospital precincts.
  • 特警队是警方对付恐怖活动的单位,年曾多次奉派协助其他单位处理持械匪帮和胁持人质事件。
    The Special Duties Unit, the Force's counter-terrorist response unit, was deployed several times during the year to help other units tackle armed gangs and hostage-takers.