  • 刻也不可放松控制。
    You must not relax your control for a moment.
  • 会儿也不要松劲。
    You must not relax your efforts for a moment.
  • 学会放松你能学会的最宝贵的技能之是如何放松。
    Learn to Relax One of the most valuable skills you can learn is how to relax.
  • 好的,放轻松点,我会处理的。
    Alright. Just relax. I'll take care of it.
  • 坐下来放松一下好。
    It's nice to just sit down and relax.
  • 躺到床上去放松下,告诉我你的忧虑。
    Relax on this bed, and tell me your worries.
  • 重氮异胺种精神安定剂,c16h13cin2o,用于缓解焦虑和紧张,并用作肌肉松弛药
    A tranquilizer, C16H13CIN2O, used in the treatment of anxiety and tension and as a sedative, a muscle relaxant, and an anticonvulsant.
  • 热带南美洲树木中的种有毒生物碱,对肌肉有强力的松弛作用,被南美洲印第安人用作箭毒。
    a toxic alkaloid found in certain tropical South American trees that is a powerful relaxant for striated muscles; used by South American indians as an arrow poison.
  • 种不可燃的吸入能产生全身麻醉的气体;用在止痛和肌肉放松等外科手术上。
    a nonflammable inhalation anaesthetic that produces general anesthesia; used along with analgesics and muscle relaxants for many types of surgical procedures.
  • 苯化重氮具有共同分子结构和相似药理效果的组化合物,用作抗忧虑剂、肌肉放松剂、镇静剂和催眠剂
    Any of a group of chemical compounds with a common molecular structure and similar pharmacological effects, used as antianxiety agents, muscle relaxants, sedatives, and hypnotics.
  • 做白日梦是我的种轻松方式
    daydreaming is a relaxation to me
  • 书斋个用于学习或放松的僻静房间
    A secluded room for study or relaxation.
  • 白日做梦是种很好的休息方式。
    It is a good means of relaxation.
  • 他去公园慢跑来放松下。
    For relaxation he go jogging in the park.
  • 他去公园慢跑来放松下。
    For relaxation he goes jogging in the park.
  • 他去公园慢跑来放松下。
    For relaxation he went jogging in the park.
  • 你能建议我买哪样吗?
    Can you advise me which to buy?
  • 他们想在这几天里好好休息下。
    They incline to rest and relaxation these days.
  • 说到休息没有什麽比得上在海边度过天。
    For relaxation nothing compares with a day on the beach.
  • 每周应该拨出天时间休闲
    One day of the week shall be set apart for relaxation
  • 每周应该拨出天时间休闲。
    One day of the week shall is set apart for relaxation.
  • 为何不从事某种户外活动来轻松轻松,摆脱下公务呢?
    Why not take up some outdoor sport as a relaxation from office work?
  • 金管局将于二零零年检讨有关情况,并考虑进步放宽政策。
    The HKMA will review the situation and consider further relaxation of this policy in 2001.
  • 我可以冒昧向你进言吗?
    May I presume to advise you?
  • 教自己种放松技巧:如沉思,逐步放松肌肉(从脚趾到头部依次收缩放松身体的每部位)或自我催眠术。
    Teach yourself a relaxation technique such as meditation, progressive muscle relaxation (tensing and releasing each part of the body from your toes to your head) or self-hypnosis.
  • 你可以买些让人放松的磁带或自己制作两盘,需要的时候听听让自己轻松下。
    You can buy relaxation tapes or make your own, selecting whatever sounds you find soothing.
  • 定期练习放松的技巧,能使你在压力大的时候达到种宁静状态。
    Practicing relaxation techniques regularly will enable you to reach a state of peace during stressful times.
  • 两位中国人在完成此次出访的主要任务后,决定看些文娱节目轻松下。
    The Chinese, having accomplished the major task of their trip, decide to have some entertainment for relaxation.
  • 不表示确切的时间长短,而是指在活动之後需要松驰的段时间
    ABrestbdoes not indicate a definite length of time, but suggests a necessary period of relaxation after an activity
  • 不要过分严格看待英国小说,他们只是班失了业的知识分子(作出来)的聊以解闷的东西罢了。
    One shall not be too severe on English novels; they are the only relaxation of the intellectually unemployed.
  • 种放松的舒适的感觉。
    a relaxed comfortable feeling.
  • 她的表情下子变得轻松了.
    Her features suddenly relaxed.