  • 在定义了访问之后,下一步就是在局域网和internet网之设置一道防火墙。
    After defining access, the next step is to place a firewall between the LAN and the Internet.
  • 一种规格说明。它决定系统如何构成,确定功能模块以及允许模块进行通信和协同的协议与接口。
    A specification which determines how something is constructed, defining functional modularity as well as the protocols and interfaces which allow communication and cooperation among modules.
  • 时间不确定。
    There is no definite playing time.
  • 有明确的空形式和位置。
    having a definite spatial form and location.
  • 下面有必要花些时对上述定义作些解释。
    It's worth a moment to examine the definition more closely.
  • 分区的实现(甚至它的定义)在计算机硬件供应商之差别颇大。
    Implementations of partitioning -- and even its definitions -- vary widely among computer hardware vendors.
  • 要确定两者之的差异常是件难事,因为爱情和迷恋的界定并无一定之规。
    This is often difficult to determine, for there are no set nlles surrou?nding the definitions of love or infatuation.
  • 这些日子以来,关于外来人才的问题,我的感觉是政府和民总是各说各话,大家对于“外来人才”的定义并不尽相同,这也就造成了大家的讨论似乎都无法骚到痒处。
    My feeling is that these days, the government is saying one thing and the people are saying another on the issue of foreign talent. We have different definitions of what "foreign talent" is, and this has resulted in the discussions missing the point all along.
  • 我认为由定义开始是必要的,因此我对信息战提出如下定义:“信息战是军事冲突的一种特征,以对信息系统的直接或接进攻或防御为手段,达成对数据、知识、信念或战斗潜力的控制、削弱、破坏、保护、或贮存。”。
    I find definitions useful to begin, so I offer the following:“Information Warfare is a feature of military conflict where information systems are attacked or defended, directly or indirectly as a means to dominate, degrade or destroy, or protect or preserve data, knowledge, beliefs or combat power potential.
  • 第一例克隆动物试验在英国完成,克隆出的是一只名叫多利的羊。后来证明这项工作声名狼藉,极不可靠,期克隆出来许多残疾的动物。
    Work on cloning animals,pioneered in Britain with Dolly the sheep,has proved notoriously unreliable and resulted in many cases of deformity.
  •  (三)“有毒污染物”是指那些直接或者接为生物摄入体内后,导致该生物或者其后代发病、行为反常、遗传异变、生理机能失常、机体变形或者死亡的污染物。
    "Toxic pollutant" means a pollutant that, when ingested by organisms directly or indirectly, leads to diseases, abnormal behaviour, genetic mutation, physiological functional disturbance, organism deformity or death of the organisms themselves or their offsprings.
  • 故意伤害;蓄意欺骗;故意浪费时
    intentional damage; a knowing attempt to defraud; a willful waste of time.
  • 动物权力保护者说,每年的蛇节期都会有数百条蛇死去,很多是因为食用了牛奶而导致严重脱水和过敏反应造成死亡的。
    Animal rights activists say hundreds of snakes die during the festival every year, many as a result of drinking milk which causes severe dehydration and allergic reactions.
  • 南蒂科克族在切萨皮克湾与大西洋海岸,原先居住在特拉华州和马里兰州东部的美洲土著人
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting Delaware and eastern Maryland between the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic coast.
  • 两个事件之在时上的延迟。
    The delay between two events.
  • 时间已晚,别拖了。
    It is getting late; don's delay.
  • 好吧,但是时不要拖得太长了。
    OK, but don't delay too long.
  • 我那趟班机误点了, 我只好看书消磨时[打发了两小时].
    My flight was delayed, so I killed time/killed two hours reading a book.
  • 我被耽误了一段时
    I was temporarily delayed.
  • 晚于预期或通常时的;迟来的。
    after the expected or usual time; delayed.
  • 在华期代表团一律集体行动。
    During their visits to China, delegation members should move collectively.
  • 在文本编辑期从程序中删除若干行或若干字符。
    To delete lines or characters from a program during text editing.
  • (一)"海洋环境污染损害"是指直接或接地把物质或能量引入海洋环境,产生损害海洋生物资源、危害人体健康、妨碍渔业和海上其他合法活动、损坏海水使用素质和减损环境质量等有害影响。
    "Pollution damage to the marine environment" means any direct or indirect introduction of substances or energy into the marine environment which results in deleterious effects such as harm to marine living resources, hazards to human health, hindrance to fishing and other legitimate activities at sea, impairment of the useful quality of sea water and degradation of environmental quality.
  • 程序设计语言的一种存储空,借助某种机制可将数据置于其中,并可存取删除这些数据。
    In programming languages, a space together with a mechanism for inserting data objects into it, and for accessing and for deleting data objects from it.
  • 代尔夫特精陶上釉陶器的一种类型,通常蓝白相,最初是在荷兰的代尔夫特制造
    A style of glazed earthenware, usually blue and white, originally made in Delft, Netherlands.
  • 我们於当地时14时到达德里.
    We reach Delhi at 1400 hours local time.
  • 印度同学:第1后定于1950年在我国新德里举行,因从欧洲运的运动器材到迟了,以至1951年3月才举行,比预定时晚了一年。
    Indian student: The first Game was planned to be held in New Delhi in 1950. It did not start until March 1951 because the facilities from Europe did not arrived on time. It was one year late than its tar-get date.
  • 一名独行持枪匪徒,将12名熟食店的工作人员赶进两冷冻室,抢走了9000美元。这些人一辈子也没如此受冻(受惊)过。
    A long gunman gave a dozen deli employees the chill of their life when he herded them into two walk-in freezers and make off with $9,000.
  • 故意浪费时而不工作的行为。
    the deliberate act of wasting time instead of working.
  • 他从容不迫地站起身来从房里走了出去。
    He stood up in a deliberate way and left the room.
  • 他们商量了很长时后决定不买这栋房子了。
    After long deliberation, they decided not to buy the house.
  • 2000年,全国政协积极参政议政、建言献策,就“十五”期(2001年至2005年)经济和社会发展中的若干重大问题组织政协委员开展专题调研和视察,召开专题座谈会、研讨会,先后向中共中央提交了《关于“十五”期推进经济结构调整的几点意见》、《关于“十五”计划必须体现体制创新的建议》等10多份报告,为国家制定《国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划纲要》提供了重要参考。
    In 2000, the CPPCC National Committee actively participated in the deliberation and administration of state affairs, offered advice and suggestions, organized CPPCC National Committee members to make special investigations and inspections of a number of important issues concerning economic and social development during the 10th Five-Year Plan period (2001-2005), held special forums and symposiums, and submitted to the CPC Central Committee more than 10 reports, such as Opinions on Promoting the Readjustment of the Economic Structure During the 10th Five-Year Plan Period, and the Proposal on the Need for the 10th Five-Year Plan to Embody Systems Innovation, thus providing important reference material for the state's formulation of the Outline of the 10th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development.