  • 欧亚草本植物,伞房序末端开白色或淡紫色
    Eurasian herb with white or pinkish flowers in a terminal corymb.
  • 产于旧大陆的热带,开大的粉红到红的
    commonly cultivated Old World woody herb having large pinkish to red flowers.
  • 齿草一种寄生的欧洲植物,(石芥赤鳞草属),有鳞状奶脂色或粉红色的茎和微红色的
    A parasitic European plant(Lathraea squamaria) having scaly cream-colored or pink stems and pinkish flowers.
  • 北美的一种杂草,具有带紫色或带紫斑色的轮生叶,顶端有头状序。
    North American herb having whorled leaves and terminal clusters of small pinkish or purple flower heads.
  • 溲疏属各种溲疏属灌木的任一种,因其白色的枝条和粉红的朵而被人们种植
    Any of various shrubs of the genus Deutzia, cultivated for their clusters of white or pinkish flowers.
  • 遍布美国东部沼泽地的灌木,有小的白到略带桃色的
    shrub growing in swamps throughout the eastern United States and having small white to pinkish honeysucklelike flowers.
  • 荞麦一年生的亚洲植物(荞麦荞麦属),有成串的白色或粉色小,象种子似的三角形小果实
    An annual Asian plant(Fagopyrum esculentum) having clusters of small whitish or pinkish flowers and small, seedlike, triangular fruits.
  • 柳兰尤指柳兰等多种柳木菜属植物中的任意一种,有长的、尖钉状且顶生的粉紫色的
    Any of various plants of the genus Epilobium, especially E. angustifolium, having long, terminal, spikelike clusters of pinkish-purple flowers.
  • 北美的一种多年生植物,具有粉红色的,聚伞序疏散;有于民间医药治疗关节疼痛或关节炎。
    North American perennial having pinkish flowers in loose cymes; used in folk medicine for pain or inflammation in joints.
  • 岩梅一种匍匐生长四季常青的灌木(沙盖属)长有白色或粉红色的小,生长于美国东部长有松林的沙地
    A creeping evergreen shrub(Pyxidanthera barbulata) having small white or pinkish flowers, native to pine barrens of the eastern United States.
  • 长有大的下垂的总状序,带兰色或紫色或带桃红色的白的和柔软的豆荚的每年落叶的亚洲木质藤属;普遍的作为观赏植物。
    Asiatic deciduous woody vine having large drooping racemes of white or bluish or purple or pinkish flowers and velvety pods; widely grown as an ornamental.
  • 石南属植物一种长于欧亚的低矮的密集聚生(帚石南帚石南属)灌木,长有小且常绿的叶子和小簇生、铃状的粉紫色
    A low-growing Eurasian shrub(Calluna vulgaris) growing in dense masses and having small evergreen leaves and clusters of small, bell-shaped pinkish-purple flowers.
  • 越橘一种低生的匍匐常青灌木(越橘属越桔),生长于北美洲的北部地区和欧亚大陆,开有低垂的白色或粉红色小
    A low, creeping, evergreen shrub(Vaccinium vitis-idaea), native to northern parts of North America and Eurasia and having drooping clusters of small white or pinkish flowers.
  • 梅笠草一种鹿蹄草科梅笠草属的长青植物,特别指欧亚种类的伞形梅笠草,有白色或粉白色的簇生伞状
    Any of several evergreen plants of the genus Chimaphila, especially the Eurasian species C. umbellata, having white or pinkish flowers grouped in a terminal corymb.
  • 岩高兰一种原产于北极寒冷地区且生长缓慢的常绿灌木(岩高兰属岩高兰),生有细小的叶子,开粉红色或紫色的小,结黑色的浆果状果实
    A low-growing evergreen shrub(Empetrum nigrum) native to cool regions of the Northern Hemisphere and having tiny leaves, small pinkish or purplish flowers, and black, berrylike fruits.
  • 长有羽状叶子和白的美国热带的属。
    a genus of tropical American trees having pinnate leaves and white flowers.
  • 紫穗槐属的任何一种植物,具有奇数羽状叶和紫色穗状
    any plant of the genus Amorpha having odd-pinnate leaves and purplish spicate flowers.
  • 长有感光的羽状叶子和小白的澳大利亚草本的属。
    genus of American herbs or shrubs with sensitive pinnate leaves and small whitish flowers.
  • 南美洲一种半常绿的树,有奇数羽状的叶片,开金黄色的,是一种观赏植物。
    semi-evergreen South American tree with odd-pinnate leaves and golden yellow flowers cultivated as an ornamental.
  • 长有羽状叶子和红白的主要在美国热带的灌木和乔木的属。
    genus of chiefly tropical American shrubs and trees having pinnate leaves and red or white flowers.
  • 长有奇怪的羽状叶子和长有长的总状序或穗的马刺的热带草本和灌木的属。
    genus of tropical herbs and shrubs having odd-pinnate leaves and spurred flowers in long racemes or spikes.
  • 灰叶属的一种植物,有羽状叶、白色或淡紫色和多毛的扁荚果。
    a plant of the genus Tephrosia having pinnate leaves and white or purplish flowers and flat hairy pods.
  • 长有奇怪的羽状叶子和华丽的树和灌木的到处可见的属。
    cosmopolitan genus of trees and shrubs having odd-pinnate leaves and showy flowers; some species placed in genus Podalyria.
  • 因加属的任何一种灌木或乔木,羽状复叶,白色;因其观赏性而种植。
    any tree or shrub of the genus Inga having pinnate leaves and showy usually white flowers; cultivated as ornamentals.
  • 原产欧亚的常见多年生芳香草本植物,纽扣状黄色冠和苦味羽叶,可以入药。
    common perennial aromatic herb native to Eurasia having buttonlike yellow flower heads and bitter-tasting pinnate leaves sometimes used medicinally.
  • 锦鸡儿属的任何一种植物,具有偶数羽状叶,多为黄色,种子长在线形荚果中。
    any plant of the genus Caragana having even-pinnate leaves and mostly yellow flowers followed by seeds in a linear pod.
  • 美国西南部的一种多年生草本植物,有革质的、蓝绿色羽状叶和浓密的、羽毛状黄色穗。
    perennial of southwestern United States having leathery blue-green pinnatifid leaves and thick plumelike spikes of yellow flowers; sometimes placed in genus Cleome.
  • 北美和亚洲一个多年生草本属,羽状全裂叶,下垂微黄至紫色,小头状序。
    genus of North American and Asiatic perennial herbs having pinnatisect leaves small heads of drooping yellowish to purple flowers; sometimes includes species often placed in genus Nabalus.
  • 箱子里装满了针、棉和别针之类的东西。
    The box was full of needles, cottons, pins and the like.
  • 监狱管理人员想要保持这个项目,而囚犯们也愿意用每品脱血液7美元的价格卖血以挣点零钱来买些肥皂和香烟。
    Prison administrators wanted to keep the programme, and prisoners liked it for the pocket money it provided: $7 a pint, with which they could buy soap and cigarettes.
  • 少先队员代表将一束鲜献在人民英雄纪念碑前。
    The representative of the young pioneer placed a bunch of flowers at the foot of the Monument to the People's Heros.
  • 她的裙摆镶有花边
    The edge of her skirt was piped with small lace.