  • 我这些缸子是超级市场的赠品.
    I got these mugs as freebies at the supermarket.
  • 杰姆了我们一些免费电影票。
    Jim give us some freebie to the movie.
  • 他慷慨捐钱慈善机关。
    He gives freely to charity.
  • 我重新再你沏一壶茶吧。
    Let me make you a fresh pot of tea.
  • 我再给你添些酒好吗?
    Can I freshen your drink?
  • "她家具涂上一层油漆,使它们焕然一新。"
    She's freshened up the furniture with a coat of paint. (喻)
  • 我来给你添酒。
    Let me freshen your drink.
  • 你的威士忌快喝光了,我再你一杯好吗?
    Your highball is almost gone. May I freshen your drink?
  • 房子刷了层油漆,使它焕然一新。
    He's freshen up the house with a new coat of paint.
  • 这个小孩以焦急的口气要求再他一块蛋糕。
    The child asked for another cake in a fretful voice.
  • 我5块钱,到星期五还怎么样?
    How about five dollars until Friday?
  • 请把这本杂志传你的朋友们看。
    Please hand on the magazine to your friends.
  • 是送朋友的礼物吗?
    Are they gifts for friends?
  • 他恐吓那位老人把所有的钱都了他。
    He frightened the old man into giving him all the money.
  • 窗户冻上了, 我打不开.
    The window has frozen up and I can't open it.
  • 留些水果给我。
    Save me some fruit.
  • 给果树剪顶
    Topped the fruit trees.
  • 我印象最深的是伏明霞精彩、完美的入水运作。
    Fu Mingxia impressed me most with her wonderful and perfect entry.
  • 琴:谢谢,比利,我很感激,你打电话扶医师之后,替我喂鸽子好吗?
    Jean: Thanks,Billy. I'm very grateful. After you call Doctor Fu, could you feed the pigeons for me?
  • 琴:谢谢,比利,我很感激,你打电话扶医师之后,替我喂鸽子好吗?
    Jean: Thanks, Billy. I'm very grateful. After you call Doctor Fu, could you feed the pigeons for me?
  • 房子作隔热处理以节省燃料
    Save fuel by insulating one's house
  • 生火维持或火加燃料
    To maintain or fuel a fire in.
  • 一个支点能够省力的简单机械。
    a simple machine that gives a mechanical advantage when given a fulcrum.
  • 这任务现在就交你们去完成。
    That task is left for you to fulfil now.
  • 他完成了我他的命令。
    He has fulfilled the orders that I gave him.
  • 至于供情报,应该是次要的,只能在不妨碍其基本任务与秘密条件下才可以去做,或只供带紧急性的特殊重要性的情报。
    Except for the most urgent and exceptionally important information, supplying information is of secondary importance; it should only be done secretly and only if it does not affect fulfilment of the basic tasks.
  • 如果你不机器好好加油的话,它就不会正常运转。
    The machine won't function properly if you don't oil it well.
  • 然而,能出这些功能的java小应用程序尚未问世。
    However, the Java applets that will deliver the functionality don't exist yet.
  • 该养老基金在几家主要出售股份公众的公司中均有股份.
    The pension fund owns shares in several major public companies.
  • 对我们的财政要求予否定的回答
    Gave a negative answer to our request for funding.
  • 我愿供你所需要的一切。
    I will furnish all you need.
  • 木头、木料或由木头、木料制成。
    furnished with or made of wood or timbers.